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Exchange rate project for housing and communal services

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Course project in discipline - Reinforced concrete and stone structures

Project's Content

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icon ПЗ1.doc
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icon сбор нагрузок1.xls

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, Contents

Input for Course Engineering

1 Cross Frame Layout and Load Definition

1.1 Cross Frame Layout

1.2 Definition of permanent and temporary loads

1.2.1 Permanent loads

1.2.2 Temporary loads

1.2.3 Crane loads

1.2.4 Wind load

2 Rafters Design

2.1 Design span, loads, forces

2.2 Calculation of truss lower belt elements

2.3 Calculation of fracture resistance of truss lower belt

2.4 Calculation of the strength of the inclined section of the lower belt

2.5 Calculation of upper belt elements

2.6 Calculation of truss struts by strength

2.7Compute and Design the Reference Node

3 Static calculation of transverse frame

3.1 Calculation of geometric characteristics of column sections

3.2 Determination of reactions of frame-block columns top against unit displacement

3.2.1 Loading of frame - unit with constant load

3.2.2 Loading of frame - unit with snow load

3.2.3 Loading of frame - crane load unit

3.2.4 Loading of frame - unit with wind load

4 Off-Center Compressed Column Design

4.1 Determination of calculated combinations of forces and longitudinal reinforcement -

line for the specified section

4.2. Calculation of the above crane part of the column

4.3. Calculation of the crane part of the column

4.4. Calculation of crane console

4.5. Check of crack resistance and column strength in lifting stages,

transportation and installation

5. Calculation and design of monolithic off-center loaded

foundation for column

5.1. Design Data

5.2. Sizing Foundation Floor and Edge Pressures

5.3. Define Foundation Configuration and Check Lower Stage

5.4. Selection of sole reinforcement

5.5. Calculation of the sub-column and its glass part

List of sources used

Input for Course Engineering

Column spacing in longitudinal direction, m - 12.00

Number of spans in longitudinal direction - 5

Number of spans in transverse direction - 2

Height to bottom of rafter structure, m - 10.80

Girdle types and span - FB - 24

Lifting capacity (tf) and crane operation mode - 32/5 N

Roof structure type - 2

Concrete class of monolithic structures and foundation - B15

Precast concrete class - B30

Concrete class of prestressed structures - B35

Type of concrete of rafters and slabs - light

Reinforcement class of monolithic structures and foundation - A-III

Class of reinforcement of prefabricated non-stressed structures - A-III

Pre-stressed reinforcement class - Bp - II

Type and thickness of wall panels - PSIA-200

Designed column along axis - A

Column design section number - 3 - 3

Foundation depth, m - 2.55

Conditional design soil resistance, MPa - 0.20

Construction area - Bratsk

Ambient humidity - 70%

Building Responsibility Class - I

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