• RU
  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 12

Coursework of housing and communal services of multi-storey building structure


In this course work, the main load-bearing structures of a multi-storey building have been developed. The spatial framework of the multi-storey building was calculated using the LIRA software complex taking into account the pulsation of the wind load. The walls of the building and the working drawings of the main structures of the frame were calculated.

Project's Content

icon Железобетонные конструкции многоэтажного здания.docx
icon Железобетонные конструкции многоэтажного здания.dwg
icon Железобетонные конструкции многоэтажного здания.lir

Additional information


Table of contents

1 Basic data.4

1.1 Characteristic of the building.4

1.2Plan layout and calculation diagramms.5

2Compiling the design model of the building 7

2.1 Final elements.7

2.2 Hinges.7

2.3 Of Rigidity of elements.7

2.5. Communication.9

2.6. Loading.10

2.7.Vertical loads on the design diagram.11

2.8.Gorizontal loads on the design diagram.12

2.8.Dynamic load of wind.17

2.8. Drawing up table RSU.17

3. Calculation results and analysis of the obtained data. 19

3.1. Protocol of calculation.19

3.2. Movements of knots.21

3.2. Epyura of tension.24

3.3.DCS table for basement columns and diaphragms .27

4. Reinforcing of designs.29

4.1.Armament initial data.29

4.2. Results of reinforcement. 33

4.3. Foundation slab construction.39

5. List of references. 44

Drawings content

icon Железобетонные конструкции многоэтажного здания.dwg

Железобетонные конструкции многоэтажного здания.dwg
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