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Exchange rate for electric equipment of cars

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Course work was performed in the fifth year of BelGUT. Drawings are made in compass. You can view them using COMPASS-3D Viewer V13

Course work in the discipline "Electric equipment of cars" was completed in 2010.

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Additional information




1 General information about the electric equipment of the car

1.1 Electric Power Consumers

1.2 Electrical Power Sources

1.3 Arrangement of electrical equipment in the car

2 Calculation and selection of main electric equipment of the car

2.1 Calculation of electric lighting

2.2 Calculation of drive motors

2.3 Calculation of heaters

2.4 Power Source Power Calculation

2.5 Calculation and selection of wires

2.6 Selection of protection devices

3 Electrical diagram of wagon electrical equipment

3.1 Diagram of electric consumers activation

3.2 Protection and interlock diagram

3.2.1 Overvoltage protection

3.2.2 Thyristor protection

3.2.3 Phase skew protection

3.2.4 Protection against short circuits and overloads

3.2.5 Protection of the storage battery from reduced voltage

3.2.6 Locking systems

3.3 Signaling diagrams

3.3.1 Axle box heating monitoring system

3.3.2 Wire insulation condition monitoring alarm

3.3.3 Alarm for filling tanks with water

3.3.4 Ringing

3.3.5 Anti-union device


Calculation and selection of main electrical equipment





The explanatory note includes three sections:

- general information about the electric equipment of the car;

- calculation and selection of the main electrical equipment of the car;

- electric diagram of car power supply;

The first section describes the sources and consumers of electric energy of the car, their placement in the inter-region car without air conditioning (Figure 1).

The second section includes calculation of electric lighting, calculation of power and selection of electric motors, calculation of heaters, calculation of power source, calculation and selection of wires, selection of protection devices. Figure 2 shows the layout of the inter-regional car.

The third section describes the circuits for switching on electric consumers, control and automation circuits, protection and blocking circuits, alarm circuits. The diagrams are described in accordance with the graphic part.

General information about the electric equipment of the car

Electric Power Consumers

In an inter-region car without air conditioning with an autonomous power supply system, electric consumers are:

• luminescent lighting converter;

• filament lamp lighting network and signal lights;

• fan motor;

• circulation pump motor;

• drinking water cooler;

• electric kiln;

• heating of filling and drain pipes;

• household appliances;

• Alarm and control circuits.

Fluorescent lamps are located:

• in the passenger compartment (12 pcs.);

• in the wardrobe - one;

• in a large passage - one;

• one in a small passage;

• one in each toilet;

• one in the office room.

In a car with an autonomous power supply system, a special converter is installed to power fluorescent lighting lamps. Emergency lighting of the car is carried out by filament lamps located in the same lamps as the main lighting lamps. This lighting is automatically turned on when the main lighting lamps are energized.

Lighting fixtures with filament lamps are located:

• in tambours, two in each;

• one in the boiler room.

Signal lights are installed on the end walls of the car - three pieces on each side of the car.

The fan motor is located in the attic room of the car, above the working tambour. Ventilation unit is mounted at the beginning of ventilation channel.

Electrical Power Sources

Electric consumers are powered by their own energy source. The main source of electric energy in the car is a three-phase inductor-type alternator

2GV-003, connected to the wheel pair of the car using a special drive. When the train moves, rotation is transmitted from the wheel pair to the generator, which generates electric energy.

As a backup source of electric energy, a battery is used that powers the main consumers of the train when the generator is not operating, as well as at a low speed of the train when the generator does not develop the necessary power. Also, the battery perceives load peaks that occur when several high-power consumers are simultaneously switched on, electric engines are started, short-term overloads, etc. We accept battery 40VNZh400.

The generator has an automatic control system that provides the necessary quality of electrical energy.

The car is equipped with a basement electric line and inter-car connections, which allow, when the generator fails on a car, to supply part of the consumers located in it from the electric energy sources of neighboring cars.

Arrangement of electrical equipment in the car

At the location, the electric equipment of the cars is divided into in-car and sub-car. At the same time, the design of electrical equipment, determined by the method of protection against external climatic and mechanical impacts, is selected in accordance with the place of its installation.

The electric equipment of the car is controlled from the panel of the distribution cabinet located in the service compartment of the car. Electric power sources (generator, storage battery), electric heaters of drain pipes; part of the switching protection equipment, and others are located under the car.

The location of electrical equipment on the car without air conditioning is shown in Figure 1.

Ventilation plant 1 is located in attic space above tambour on working side of car.

The service room houses the distribution cabinet 2.

Under the frame of the car there is a three-phase alternator 7 of inductor type 2GB003, an electric machine converter 8 for fluorescent lighting, a box with a storage battery 9, a box with starting resistances of motors 10, a box with power rectifiers 14.

Inside the car there are fluorescent lamps 3, lamps with incandescent lamps 4, electric heaters of filling pipes 11, drinking water cooler 12, electric heater 13.

Signal lights 5 are installed on the end walls of the car.

Calculation and selection of main electric equipment of the car

Calculation of electric lighting

Lighting shall be calculated using the luminous flux factor.

The required luminous flux of the luminaire, lm, is determined by the formula

reflectance factors of walls, ceiling, floor or working surface and from the characteristic (index) of the room. The latter is determined by the formula

The value of reflection coefficients is taken to be equal: for pure white ceilings - 0.7, dark matte ceilings - 0.5, white walls with non-closed windows - 0.5, dark walls with non-closed windows - 0.3, light lower working surface - 0.3, dark lower working surface or floor - 0.1.

According to the selected coefficients, the value is selected. The required luminous flux of the lamps in the lamp is determined by the formula

We calculate the lighting for the passenger compartment.

In the passenger compartment we receive fluorescent lighting. Number of lamps, pcs.

Room index for passenger compartment:

Based on the selected coefficients,,, we take the value equal to 0.368 [1].

Based on the required luminous flux, we select 12 lamps with two LXB30 lamps with a luminous flux of 1720 lm, power of 30 W.

Let us determine the discrepancy between the required and actual luminous fluxes ,

Discrepancies between required light and actual flows do not exceed 5%. We finally accept 12 lamps with two lamps


Due to the analogous calculation of lighting for all car rooms, for the remaining rooms the results of the calculation are entered in table 1.

Based on the results of calculations given in Table 1, we determine the power, Pp, kW consumed by the converter for power supply of fluorescent lamps [1]

Total power of filament lamps

We receive an electric machine converter FV120 with a rated generator power of 1.2 kW and an engine power of 2 kW. [3].

Calculation of drive motors

Electric motors are installed on inter-area cars without air conditioning:

- for fan drive;

- for water heating circulation pump drive;

- converter for AC power supply of fluorescent lighting.

Power of fan motor, kW, is determined by formula

In accordance with the required power, select motor [1] P22 with rated power kW, efficiency at rpm.

Nominal current is determined by formula

The motor power of the heating pump, kW, is determined by the formula

According to the required power, select motor [1] P12 with rated power kW, efficiency at rpm.

Nominal current is determined by formula (7)

The results of calculation and selection of electric motors are entered in Table 2.

Calculation of heaters

Electric heaters are used in electric heaters and in heaters of drain and filling pipes.

Power of electric heating devices, kW, is determined by the formula:

- for boilers, E = 0.85...0.95;

- for heaters of bulk and drain pipes, E = 0.6...0.8.

Electric kiln power, kW

For the electric heater, select 3 TEN78 TENs for a voltage of U = 55 V with a power of 0.8 kW.

Then, actual power, kW

Capacity of filling and drain pipe heaters, kW

For heaters of filling and drain pipes, select TEH 10.30.33 for voltage of 60 V and power of 0.25 kW.

Therefore, actual power, kW

The results of calculation and selection of TENs are entered in Table 3.

Power Source Power Calculation

To calculate the required electric power of the passenger car, it is necessary to select the design mode of operation and determine the design and peak currents for this mode.

Design loads mean such constant loads (currents, powers) that cause the same effect on the electrical system (heating of wires, motors, etc.) as actual loads, which continuously vary in magnitude and time. Design loads are determined for the most electrically loaded periods of electrical equipment operation. Summer and winter periods of operation are considered for passenger cars. Since it will be difficult to establish the period in which electricity consumption will be maximum in most cases, the design loads for summer and winter operating modes are found and large ones are taken for subsequent calculations.

In Table 4 we enter the electric power consumers generated by the generator of this car.

The design maximum power of a group of consumers with different operating modes is determined by the formula

Group utilization factor is determined by formula [1]

Based on the effective number and group coefficient, we determine the maximum coefficient

Design power, kW

Further calculation is carried out on higher capacity, i.e. capacity

Peak load occurs when starting the motor with the highest power at the operating other consumers, therefore, further calculation is carried out for the DC motor of the air duct fan since it has the highest rated power at the maximum active power in winter conditions.

Based on the found values of the design and peak currents, we determine the power of the source, kW, of electricity by the formula

According to the conditions of power source load with peak current:

where is the short-term G-load factor of generators,.


Of the two powers, we choose a large P = 9.41 kW.

Based on the required power, we select generator 2GB003 (alternating three-phase, rated power 9.45 kW, operating speed range: 9504000 rpm, operating voltage 45/24 V, weight 260 kg).

Calculation and Selection of Wires

We calculate and select the wires that transmit electrical energy from the source to the switchgear. To do this, first of all, you need to determine the length of the wires based on the structural arrangement of the distribution board and the energy source, select the wire tag and how it is routed.

Electrical wiring selection is performed according to four conditions:

- permissible heating;

- permissible voltage loss;

- protection against short-circuit currents;

- mechanical strength.

Under the first condition, the permissible heating must not exceed the permissible value of 55C. The amount of current at which the steady state temperature value corresponds to the norm is called the permissible current load of the wire. [1]

If the temperature of the medium in which the wire operates differs from the design one (25C), then the permissible current load of the wire is determined taking into account the correction factor [1]

For wagon electrical equipment operating in the temperature range from + 40 to 50C, the correction factor is taken to be 0.71.

Based on the value of permissible current, we select a wire open laid by the cross section of the conductive core 70 mm2 and current load 270 A. [1]

Wire losses must not exceed the allowable value

For power circuits, the allowable voltage reduction relative to the nominal shall not exceed 2.5.

Compare the voltage loss in the wires with the allowable voltage reduction

The condition is met.

The electric power circuits of the car have protection against overheating and overcurrent, therefore, the permissible wire current must exceed the nominal current of the protective device by at least 25.

The condition is fulfilled, therefore, the safety and reliability of the wires is ensured.

Select Protection Sets

Fuses and circuit breakers are used as devices to protect electrical networks from short-circuit currents and significant overloads and duration.

When selecting fuses, the following conditions shall be observed:

• The rated fuse voltage shall be equal to or greater than the rated mains voltage:

All conditions are fulfilled, therefore, the safety and reliability of the protection devices are ensured.

Electrical diagram of wagon electrical equipment

Diagram of electric consumers activation

The power source of consumers in the car is an alternator 2GB003 with a power of 9.45 kW with one three-phase stator winding. Consumers of the car are fed from the generator through rectifier V1. Storage battery GB is connected to output of rectifier V2 via storage battery charge regulator. At non-operating generator and at train speed below 30 km/h, consumers are supplied from accumulator battery. Generator voltage is controlled automatically by thyristor voltage regulator of FGV, which is connected to generator and changes current in parallel excitation winding of generator. VGN regulator keeps generator voltage constant.

The car is illuminated by fluorescent lamps, which are powered by an electric machine current converter. The DC motor of the converter, connected through the converter control unit to the generator at a voltage of 50V, rotates the shaft of the alternator, which generates current to power fluorescent lamps. The lamps are divided into two groups: the first group of lamps with lamps EL1-EL24 (LXB30) is located in the passenger compartment; lamps of the second group are located:

- service room (lamp with lamps EL25, EL26) - LDTs30;

- toilet on the working side (lamp with lamp EL27) - LD30;

- toilet from the non-working side (lamp with lamps EL28, EL29) - LD15;

- large passage (lamp with lamps EL30, EL31) - LXB20;

- small passage (lamp with EL32 lamp) - LDTs30;

- wardrobe (lamp with lamp EL33) - LD20.

Switch Q2 switches on and off the supply of voltage to the luminescent lighting network. The network of lamps of the first group is switched on by switch Q3, the second - Q4 located on the control panel in the service room. Switch Q5 is designed for independent disconnection of lamps in the service room, and switch Q6 - in the wardrobe.

Rectifiers V3 and V4 are connected to the luminescent lighting circuit to power contactors K1 and K2, which, after switching on the luminescent lamps, open contacts K1.1 and K2.1, turning off filament lamps EL34-EL45 and EL46-EL51, respectively. Emergency lighting lamps EL34-EL51 are located inside fluorescent lighting lamps and are designed to illuminate the car at night and in emergency situations. Q8 and Q11 switches are used to control filament lamps. The lamps in the service room can also be turned on and off by the Q9 switch, in the wardrobe by the Q10 switch.

Lamps EL52-EL60 located in the tambours and boiler room are actuated by switch Q11. Boiler room lamp EL60 is switched off by switch Q12. The signal lamps HL1-HL6 located at the ends of the car are controlled by the switch Q13.

The fan system motor is actuated by switch Q14.1 simultaneously with the control circuit, which is actuated by switch Q14.2. The engine has three speed control stages for changing the air supply depending on the temperature inside the car. Engine speed changes by changing resistance of armature circuit or motor excitation winding circuit. Upon reaching the t=20˚C, contacts of temperature sensors (SK2, SK3, SK4) located on the edges and in the middle of the car cabin are closed, which leads to excitation of coil K4, at that contact K4.1 of coil K6 circuit is closed, which by contact K6.1 shunts resistance R3 of the engine armature circuit. Engine speed increases. When the temperature in the cabin t = 22 ° C is reached, the second chain of temperature sensors (SK5, SK6, SK7) closes, passing current through the coil K5, which closes the contact K5.1 in the coil circuit K7. Coil K7 opens contact K7.1 and the drive current passes through resistance R4. Magnetic flux decreases and rotor speed increases. When the air temperature in the car decreases, the coils of contactors K5 and K4 are successively de-energized, contacts K5.1 and K4.1 open, which leads to the return of contactors K7 and K6 to the initial position. The contact of K7.1 becomes isolated, and K6.1 is disconnected. The engine changes to a low speed. When the fan is switched on, the signal lamp HL7 comes ON.

The car is provided with cooling of drinking water. The cooler motor is connected to the network with switch Q15. In case of temperature increase, the temperature sensor SK1 operates and the circuit of the coil K3 is closed, which with contact K3.1 turns on the electric motor of the drinking water cooler.

Switch QF1 includes circulation pump of car heating system.

The heater of the reboiler EC1 is switched on using the toggle switch SA1. When it is activated, coil K8 is excited. Contact K8.1 and K8.2 are closed. The HL8 signal lamp lights up and the reboiler turns on.

In a bulk pipe the EK2 and EK3 heaters which are turning on the Q16 switch are located.

The car provides for the presence of process sockets, which are switched on using the SA7 toggle switch.

Protection and blocking diagram

The following protection systems are used in the car:

- overvoltage protection (maximum voltage relay);

- thyristor protection;

- protection against phase distortion;

- protection against short circuits and overloads;

- protection of the storage battery from reduced voltage.

3.2.1 Overvoltage protection

During normal operation, voltage regulator automatically maintains average value of generator excitation current corresponding to its frequency and load. This excitation current value corresponds to the average value of generator voltage and voltage at consumers.

In emergency operation modes associated with the failure of the voltage regulator, automatic control is stopped, and the voltage can increase sharply as a result of a large excitation current. To prevent unacceptable long-term increase in voltage on consumers, special protection is provided.

When the voltage exceeds the permissible voltage, the protection (RMN) breaks the supply circuit of the generator excitation winding, as a result of which the magnetic flux of the machine and the voltage drops.

The maximum voltage relay shall not operate in case of accidental voltage drops when consumers are disconnected. Restore the diagram by pressing the "Return protection" button.

3.2.2 Thyristor protection

This protection protects the system from switching voltage surges in emergency modes when large consumers are disconnected. Thyristor protection performs four actions:

- low-voltage resistances (0.315Om) are connected to the power rectifier clamps using a thyristor, sharply reducing the generator voltage;

- maximum voltage relay is actuated;

- accumulator battery is disconnected from the car network;

- emergency lighting network is switched on by separate wires for half voltage of the storage battery.

Thyristor protection can be artificially activated by pressing the "Emergency" button. The protection scheme is restored by pressing the "Return protection" button.

3.2.3 Phase skew protection

This protection, when one of the generator phases breaks, breaks the supply circuit of the generator excitation winding. Wagon consumers switch to battery power.

3.2.4 Protection against short circuits and overloads

Such protective equipment includes fuses with fuses and circuit breakers. Fuse fuse insert is connected in series to protected circuit. When the nominal current flows, the fusible insert is heated. If the current has increased more than a certain value, melting of the insert occurs and the protected circuit is broken, preventing the equipment from failing.

3.2.5 Protection of the storage battery from reduced voltage

The protection is designed to prevent unacceptable AB discharge. When the SB voltage is lower than permissible, the protection automatically disconnects the wagon consumers from the battery. Only the emergency lighting network remains on.

3.2.6 Locking systems

Interlocks are used to save power. For example, in this power supply system, the heater of the reboiler is disconnected in the parking lot and the fan engine is switched to a low speed, when the fluorescent lamps are turned on, the emergency lighting lamps located in the fluorescent lamps are turned off.

Alarm diagrams

The following alarm systems are used in the car:

- ringing;

- axle box heating monitoring system;

- alarm of tanks filling with water;

- wire insulation condition monitoring;

- anti-union device.

3.3.1 Axle box heating monitoring system

The car has a system for monitoring the heating of axle boxes with meltable sensors. If the temperature of one of the letters increases to 90110˚S, the fuse insert of the sensor VK1-VK8 melts, opening the electric circuit. The K9 coil is cut off power and closes contacts of K9.1 and K9.2 that leads to turning on of the HL9 signal lamp and a call of HA1.

The SA2 toggle switch is used to check the alarm serviceability. When it opens, the sensor circuit opens (simulation of melting of one of VK1-VK8 sensors).

3.3.2 Wire insulation condition monitoring alarm

The wire insulation condition monitoring system is designed to check the insulation condition between the wire and the car body. When SA3 and SA4 switches are switched on at the same time, the signal lamps HL10 and HL11 light up. When one of the wires is closed to the car body, one of the lamps goes off, and the second begins to burn with full heat.

3.3.3 Alarm for filling tanks with water

The system is switched on by SA5 switch. When filling begins, one of the sensors E1 or E2 closes. Coil K10 comes under voltage and closes contact K10.1. When the tank is filled to a certain level, the sensor E3 located in the tank closes and supplies voltage to contactor K11. Contactor K11 closes contact K11.1 and passes current to signal lamps HL12 and HL13 located on both ends of the car from the outside.

3.3.4 Ringing

Signaling is used to call the conductor to the vestibule. The alarm acts as follows.

To call the conductor to the vestibule, press the SB1 or SB2 button located from the working and non-working side of the car on the wall in the area of ​ ​ transition platforms. In this case, the circuit of the lamp HL14 or HL15 is closed, respectively, indicating on which side of the car the conductors are called. Simultaneously with the lamps, power, through diodes VD1 or VD2, receives a HA2 call. Diodes make it possible to prevent the illumination of both lamps at the same time. When the button is released, the circuit opens.

3.3.5 Anti-union device

Anti-jamming device is intended for detection and termination of wheel pair yoke caused by excessive pressing of brake shoes. With the start of braking, the contact of the pressure switch BD1 connected to the brake cylinder cavity is closed. In case of suze occurrence, one of the contacts of axial sensors E4E7 is closed for a short time and coil K12 is powered, which becomes a contact K12.1 for self-supply, and contact K12.2 supplies power to coil K13 of electric air distributor. Coil K13 discharges air from the brake cylinder. Yuz stops and opens BD1 pressure switch, de-energizing contactors K12 and K13. Air discharge from the brake cylinder stops. The braking process resumes, the contact of the pressure switch BD1 is closed and the circuit is ready for operation again.


1 E. A. Lisichkin. "Electric equipment of cars, its repair." Methodological guidelines for course design for students of the specialty "Wagons." Gomel: BIJT, 1992

2 A.E. Zorokhovich, A.Z. Libman "Electro and radio equipment of passenger cars." M.: "Transport," 1985

3 "Electric equipment of cars." Edited by Dr. Professor A.E.Zorokhovich. M.: "Transport," 1982

4 Tsyrlin M.I. "Basic requirements for the implementation of explanatory notes of course and diploma projects." - Gomel: BelGUT, 2001

5 Majorov V.N. Installation and repair of electric equipment of wagons. - M.: Transport, 1980

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