Erection of building structures of one-storey industrial building

- Added: 17.04.2021
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Course work on the subject of TSP on the topic Installation of building structures of an industrial building.
Source Data
Building type - one-story industrial building
The length of the building L, m - 48m;
The number of spans is 4;
Span width B, m - 12 m;
Column spacing: - 12m
Column weight: -4.2 t;
Truss height, m - 1.2 m;
Mass of truss - 5.5t;
The elevation of the bottom of the farms, m- 8.4 m;
The weight of the coating plate is 7.4t;
Column height: -9.3 m;
The pitch of the farms is 12 m;
Width of slab. - 3 m; slab thickness. - 0.45 m;
1 Initial data................................................................. 3
2. Calculation of technical parameters and selection of crane........................... 4
3. Specification of prefabricated elements..................................... 8
4. Statement of Composition and Scope of Work 9
5. Cost and Machine Time Count Sheet 11
6. Work Schedule.................................. 12
7. Description of technology of installation of designs........................... 17
8. Safety measures...................................... 20
9. Quality control and acceptance of work....................................... 21
List of literature............................................................... 23
Project's Content
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Additional information
1 Initial data
2. Calculation of technical parameters and selection of crane
3. Specification of prefabricated elements
4. List of Composition and Quantities
5. Cost Count and Machine Time Sheet
6. Work Schedule
7. Description of structural installation technology
8. Safety measures
9. Quality Control and Acceptance
List of literature
1. Initial data
Building type - one-story industrial building
The length of the building L, m - 48m;
The number of spans is 4;
Span width B, m - 12 m;
Column spacing: - 12m
Column weight: 4.2 tons;
Truss height, m - 1.2 m;
Weight of ferm5, 5 t;
The bottom elevation of the farms is hH, m- 8.4 m;
The weight of the coating plate is 7.4t;
Column height: hH+0,9=9,3 m;
The pitch of the farms is 12 m;
Width of item - 3 m; thickness of item - 0.45 m;
Description of structural installation technology
Job instructions - one of the main elements of the PPR, which has a set of instructions on rational technology and organization of construction production; their task is to help reduce labor intensity, improve quality and reduce the cost of construction and construction.
Task lists are developed in order to establish methods and methods of performing individual types of work, to clarify their sequence and duration, to determine the quantity of working, material and technical resources necessary for their execution.
Installation of precast reinforced concrete columns is performed in accordance with SNiP 3.03.0187 "Load-bearing and enclosing structures"
Columns are installed after they are equipped with stairs and clamps for suspension of scaffolding. To sling the columns, crossbeams T251.4 (extreme row) and T250.7 (middle row) are used, which are installed from the "flame" position. Alignment of columns consists in ensuring their alignment with foundations according to previously applied risks. If necessary, the column is displaced by special jacks fixed to the foundation shell. Column verticality is checked by means of two theodolites installed along mutually perpendicular axes. Columns with the help of crane RDK25 are installed in the foundation sleeves on the leveling layer of concrete mixture. Wedge inserts are used to ensure stability of columns. Before closing the joint between the column and the foundation with the concrete mixture, a fence is installed on the wedge insert, which is removed from the cup immediately after the start of setting. After the concrete sets 70% of the design strength of the wedge, the insert is taken out by the handle, having previously removed the brace by rotating the screw.
On the basis of the task, it was previously established to use concrete of class B20. But the need to participate in the first and second flows of one crane showed that 7 days, which is necessary to gain 70% of the strength of concrete at the junction of columns with the foundation, is unacceptable. Calculation data showed that the set time should be reduced to 2 days. This situation dictated the need to increase the concrete class to B30 (the calculation is given above), thereby ensuring the necessary strength of concrete before the installation of subsequent structures.
Rafter and tuning farms.
Trusses are mounted from vehicles. Trusses should be installed in the design position, combining axial hairlines on their ends with hairlines on support surfaces of underlying structures (columns, adjusting trusses). Then embedded parts of elements are connected by welding. Stability of trusses during installation at step 6m is ensured by means of inventory spacer. The point of attachment of the boom of the inventory spacer shall be at least 3 m from the truss support. Temporary attachment can be removed only after installation and final welding of embedded parts of one plate with a width of 1.5 m, starting from the second in a row from either end of the truss. The first farm from the end of the building is fixed with bricks. Braces are fixed for rearranged inventory anchors or for previously installed and frozen columns. Inventory spacers and braces are removed as the coating plates are laid and welded. At the same time, all permanent connections provided for by the project should be established with the farms. At the installation of trusses, five structural installers are occupied. Three installers install mounting staircases, check the dimensions of the truss, the presence, correctness of the embedded parts and axial hairlines, which, if necessary, restore and fix the braces. Two other installers prepare areas of trusses support, if necessary clean them, restore axial hairlines. Installation of rafters and substructures
farms are operated by the MKT40 crane. Prior to erection of structures it is necessary to equip: adjusting trusses - with safety rope, mounted cradle and braces; rafters - with safety rope and braces. Tailored and rafter trusses are rafted with a universal traverse.
Coating plates.
Installation of coating plates is performed together with installation of trusses. Before installation, the first two trusses must be installed. With a lamp-free roof, it is recommended to lay the coating slabs from one end of the truss to the other, starting from the side of the previously installed span. It is recommended to lay the paving slabs according to the markings on the upper belts of the trusses in order to ensure the design position in the plan on the rafter structure. Embedded parts of each plate in at least three support units must be welded to embedded parts of the upper girder belt. When laying in each cell of the first plate, one installer is on a plate laid in an adjacent cell, the second - on a ladder platform hung on a column. In the future, both installers switch to the newly laid plate for laying the next one. Transportation of plates is conducted by the OdAZ885V semi-trailer with the KrAZ257B_ tractor. Installation is performed by RDK25 crane using slings. The work is carried out in 2 shifts by a team of 8 installers. The number of welded joints is recorded by drawing up an act for hidden works.
Curtain panels.
The panels are mounted to the entire height sequentially. After installation of all elements of the building frame, the lower row of panels is installed on the mortar layer along the foundation beams, the panels of the following rows are laid one on one with laying of the sealing cord in the seam. During installation, the panels are oriented on the column axis. Panels are mounted on steel mounting tables, which are provided on columns and
are attached by electric welding of embedded parts. Installation is performed in accordance with SNiP 3.03.0187. Automotive crane is provided in cassettes for unloading and installation of wall panels. When installing the external walls of buildings, the accuracy of installation in connection with the performance of wall panels of enclosing functions and from an aesthetic point of view is of particular importance. Therefore, it is necessary: to observe the dimensions of the joints, the proper quality of their sealing, to maintain the integrity of the faces of the face surfaces.
8. Safety measures
In the area where installation works are carried out, it is not allowed to perform other works and find unauthorized persons;
Methods of slinging structural elements and equipment shall ensure their supply to the installation site in a position close to the design one;
It is prohibited to lift prefabricated reinforced concrete structures that do not have mounting loops or marks that ensure their correct slinging and installation;
Elements of mounted structures during movement shall be kept from swinging rotation by flexible braces;
People are not allowed to stay on structural elements during their lifting of movement lines;
During interruptions in operation it is not allowed to leave raised elements of structures on weight;
To switch the installers from one structure to another, use inventory stairs, transition bridges and ladders that have a fence;
Structural elements installed in the design position must be fixed so that their stability and geometric stability are ensured;
It is not allowed to find people under mounted elements of structures until they are installed in the design position and fixed;
Mounted mounting platforms, ladders and other devices necessary for the operation of the installers at height should be installed and fixed on the mounted structures before their lifting;
Painting and corrosion protection of structures in cases when they are carried out on the construction site should be carried out, as a rule, before their rise to the design elevation. After lifting, paint or corrosion protection should be performed only at the places of joints or joints of structures;
The angles of deviation from the vertical of load ropes and polyspasts of lifting means during installation shall not exceed the value specified in the certificate, approved design or technical specifications for this lifting means;
Construction and installation works shall be carried out using technological equipment, means of collective protection and construction manual tools, determined by the composition of the standard sets, and their operation - according to the operational documents of the manufacturers. The procedure for development and testing of technological equipment and protective equipment shall be observed taking into account the relevant regulatory documents;
Cargo hooks of load-gripping means (slings, crossbars) used during construction and installation works shall be equipped with safety closing devices preventing spontaneous fall-out of cargo.
Quality Control and Acceptance
Production and acceptance of works on installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiPa. During acceptance of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures, the presence of passports, compliance with the specified in the certificate and actual parameters shall be checked ,
no damage to embedded and slinging devices, compliance of quality of reinforced concrete structures with the requirements of standards and technical specifications or approved samples. When accepting reinforced concrete structures (columns, crane beams, tuning and rafter trusses, roof slabs, wall panels), they are checked piece by piece. Acceptance of mounted reinforced concrete structures is carried out after the completion of installation of all structures of the same type. Documents shall be presented during acceptance. Acceptance is executed by acts.
Quality control of works on installation of combined reinforced concrete subcrane beams should be carried out according to requirements of chapter of Construction Norms and Regulations ІІІ 1680. Deviations from geometric dimensions allowed during installation of crane beams:
displacement of the longitudinal axis of the crane beam from the design position on the supporting surface (platform) of the column - not more than 8 mm;
deviations from design elevations of upper shelves of crane beams on two adjacent columns along the row and on two columns in one cross-section of the span ± 16 mm;
deviations of distances between axes of crane rails of one span ± 10 mm;
displacement of the axis of the crane rail from the axis of the crane beam 20 mm;
deflection of crane rail axis in section with length of 40m - 15mm;
difference of elevations of crane rail head in one section of buildings span: on 15mm supports, in 20mm span;
difference of elevations of crane rails on adjacent columns of one row not more than 20 mm;
mutual displacement of the ends of adjacent crane rails in height and in plan 2 mm.

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