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Engineering and planning organization of a residential microdistrict in the city of Penza

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Course project. Drawings, Explanatory Note

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Design Task


1 Historical reference

2 Analysis of natural conditions

3 Building a wind rose

4 Calculation of population and required residential area

projected residential neighbourhood

5 Calculation of residential building storeys

6 Calculation of service institutions and enterprises

7 Architectural and planning solution of the designed

residential district

Calculation of distances between buildings

-Positioning and distances between buildings according to conditions


-Positioning and distances between buildings according to conditions


-Positioning and distances between buildings according to conditions


-Positioning and distances between buildings according to

fire-fighting conditions

8 Transport and pedestrian routes

9 Landscaping and landscaping

10Assay the location of an object

11Development and planning solution of the multifunctional complex building

12 Structural solution of the bank building


List of literature


Microdistrict - (from Greek mikro - small and French. rayon - radius, district) - the primary unit of a modern residential district - the main structural unit of the settlement territory. It is designed as a complex isolated from the main urban traffic, with full everyday household services, where the most healthy and convenient living conditions are created for the population.

The territory is the main natural resource that ensures the life of the city and its population.

The territory for the construction of new and reconstruction of existing cities is chosen taking into account the possibility of rational placement within their limits of places of employment, residence and recreation of the population.

The main objectives of territorial development are defined as:

• Creation of comfortable habitat;

• Creation of favorable conditions for spatial organization of social life of the population;

• Creation of optimal spatial planning organization;

• Creation of potential opportunities to strengthen the role of the territory in the settlement system.

In accordance with the main objectives, the following objectives are identified:

• Assess natural and climatic conditions;

• Assess the degree of urbanization of territories;

• Identify ways to take advantage of the Territory's position in the federal settlement network's communications system.

2. Analysis of natural conditions

Penza is located in the center of the European part of Russia on the Volga Upland, 629 km (by the M5 Moscow-Chelyabinsk highway) southeast of Moscow. The city lies on seven hills, in the floodplains of the Sura River. Located on both banks of the river. In addition to Sura (the main water artery of the city), the Penza, Penzyatka, Ardym, Staraya Sura, Moika, Barkovka, Prokop [2] and Bezymyanny streams flow through the city. Some of them partially flow within the city in collectors.

The average height above sea level is 174 m. The highest point is located on a hill (the so-called Combat mountain), stretched from the South Caucasus to the SV like a ridge, 280 m high. The lowest is 134 m.

The climate of Penza is temperate continental. Winter in Penza is moderately cold and long, lasts from the beginning of November to the end of March, the coldest month is February with an average temperature of − 10.0 ° C. Summer is warm, lasts from the end of May to the beginning of September, the average July temperature is 19.2 ° C. Average annual temperature 4.7 ° C

Climatic parameters of the cold period of the year:

• Air temperature of coldest days, ° С - -33 [SNiP 23-01-99]

• Air temperature of the coldest five days, ° С - -34 [SNiP 23-01-99]

• Absolute minimum air temperature, ° С - -43 [SNiP 23-01-99]

• Average monthly relative humidity of the coldest month,% - 71 [SNiP 23-01-99]

• Rainfall per November, mm - 221 [SNiP 23-01-99]

• Prevailing wind direction for December-February - South. [SNiP 23-01-99]

Average annual climatic indicators of Penza:

• Average annual temperature - + 4.8 ° С,

• Average annual wind speed - 4.3 m/s,

• Average air humidity - 71%.

7. Architectural and planning solution of the designed microdistrict

Calculation of distances between buildings

Distances between residential, residential and public, as well as industrial buildings should be taken on the basis of solar and illumination calculations in accordance with insolation standards, lighting standards specified in SNiP 230595, aeration conditions, as well as in accordance with fire requirements.

Location and distances between buildings according to solar conditions

Accommodation and orientation of residential and public buildings (with the exception of preschool institutions, general education schools, boarding schools) ensure a continuous duration of insolation of residential premises and territories for the Penza city zone of at least 2.5 hours per day for the period from March 22 to September 22.

Placement and orientation of buildings of preschool institutions, comprehensive schools, shkolinternat, healthcare institutions and rest provide the continuous three-hour duration of insolation in the rooms provided by the sanitary standards and rules of providing with insolation of residential and public buildings and territories of the housing estate approved in accordance with the established procedure.

Solar insulation of buildings and territories is ensured by their appropriate orientation on the points of light, observance of the necessary distances between them.

Location and distances between buildings according to lighting conditions

According to SNiP 230595, in the main premises of residential buildings and preschool institutions, the standardized values ​ ​ of KEO are provided at the level of sex. In the first group of administrative districts for residential rooms and kitchens - 0.5, for group, playing, dining and bedrooms - 1.5. These requirements (in the section of placement, orientation and distances between buildings) are met when meeting the requirements according to the conditions of solar insulation.

Location and distances between buildings according to aeration conditions

Aeration - ensuring the optimal speed of air movement on the territory of a residential microdistrict. To improve the ventilation of the courtyards of the designed residential microdistrict, the longest buildings are oriented along the direction of the dominant wind according to the wind rose.

Transport and pedestrian routes

Inside the main territory, a system of pedestrian and transport communication of groups of residential buildings and public institutions of the microdistrict with main streets is organized. This system corresponds to the general compositional plan and spatial solution of residential development, and include residential streets and microdistrict driveways .

The system of driveways is associated with the placement of entrances to residential and public buildings; through passes through the territory of the microdistrict are not allowed.

Entrances to the territory are located at a distance of not more than 300 m from each other to provide operational access to emergency services (medical, emergency, in case of fire, etc.). Microdistrict driveways adjacent to the carriageways of residential and main streets have two lanes (the so-called main driveways 5.5 m wide).

Design parameters of streets and roads of cities are adopted as per Table 8 * [SNiP 2.07.0189 *]. As per item 6.25. [SNiP 2.07.0189 *] on main streets and regulated traffic roads within the built-up area, pedestrian crossings are provided at the same level with an interval of 200-300 m.

Rounding radii of streets and roads along the edge of sidewalks

Minimum radii of bead fillets of all types of driveways are 4 m.

Width of roads

When designing driveways in blocks to provide access to groups of residential buildings from 5 floors and above, large institutions, service enterprises and shopping centers, main driveways are provided, and for access to separate buildings and structures (sections of schools and kindergartens) - secondary, 3.5 m wide. Within the facades of buildings with entrances, driveways are arranged 5.5 m wide.

Sidewalks with a width of 1.0 and 0.75 m are arranged along the carriageways of the main and secondary driveways. Sidewalks are arranged raised above the level of driveways by 15 cm.

To ensure fire safety requirements, the driveways are designed based on the conditions of unhindered access of fire engines to buildings and hydrants and access of firefighters from car stairs or car lifts to any apartment or room.

Footpaths 0.75-2.25 m wide are provided in the microdistrict.

Public passenger transport network

According to item 6.29 [SNiP 2.07.0189 *], the range of pedestrian approaches to the nearest stop of public passenger transport is 400 m. In the citywide center, the range of pedestrian approaches to the nearest stop of public passenger transport is 250 m; in mass recreation and sports areas - 800 m from the main entrance.

According to item 6.30 [SNiP 2.07.0189 *], the distances between stopping points on public passenger transport lines within the settlements are accepted: for buses, trolleybuses and trams 400600 m.

Vehicle Storage and Maintenance Facilities

On the territory of the designed microdistrict, garages and open parking lots are provided for permanent storage of at least 90% (according to clause 6.33. [SNiP 2.07.0189 *]) of the estimated number of individual cars, with pedestrian accessibility of not more than 800 m.

The size of land plots of garages and parking lots of cars in is accepted at the rate of 30 m2 per car seat.

We define the required area for garages and parking lots of cars in the designed residential microdistrict by the formula:

Sgarage = k * 30 * 0.9 = 3885 * 0.9 * 30 = 104895 m2;

Where k = 3885 machines - the number of cars, taken from the calculation

1 parking space: 1 apartment.

The number of garages is taken from the calculation of 25 garages per 1000 inhabitants:

25 x 14,234 = 356 garages,

where 14234 is the population of the microdistrict.

9.Plastering and landscaping

In urban residential neighborhoods, it is necessary to provide for a continuous system of landscaped areas and other open spaces. The proportion of landscaped territories for various purposes within the development of cities (the level of landscaping of the development territory) is at least 40%, and within the boundaries of the territory of the residential district is at least 25% (including the total area of ​ ​ the landscaped territory of the microdistrict).

The area of ​ ​ landscaped public areas - parks, gardens, squares, boulevards located on the built-up territory is accepted according to Table 3 [SNiP 2.07.0189 *]. The norm is - 6 m2/person. We determine the necessary landscaping area for the designed residential microdistrict based on the population - 14,234 people according to the formula:

Greening = 14234 * 6 = 85,404 m2.

Landscaped public areas are landscaped and equipped with small architectural forms: fountains and pools, stairs, ramps, arbors, lamps, etc.

The pavements of the sites, road-tropical network within the landscape recreational areas are made of tiles, crushed stone and other durable mineral materials, allowing the use of asphalt pavement in exceptional cases.

Distances from buildings, structures, as well as objects of engineering improvement to trees and shrubs are taken according to Table 4 [SNiP 2.07.0189 *].

Children's, sports and domestic areas

In the microdistrict there are specialized - children's and sports, playgrounds.

All elements are as safe as possible and correspond to the age group from 3 to 6 years. The height of foresters, bridges, slides does not exceed 1.2 m. The main elements of such sites are houses, sandboxes ,

slides, spring rockers, kachalkibalancers, small swings, mini slides and game complexes designed just for children of this age.

Children of school age from 7 years old especially need movement and exercise. They have a maximum number of functional elements that assume risk, require good coordination and physical strength.

The use of high slides, lians for lasagna, handles, rings, bars, swinging bridges, ropes and nets in game and gymnastics complexes creates an excellent competitive effect among children. At the same time, there is necessarily a restriction on the access of young children to playgrounds that are not intended for their age. The lower step or crossbar must be at a height of not less than 40 cm.

Conditions of playground planning:

• features of the landscape (slopes on the ground, trees, paths, etc.);

• location of underground communications in the area of the planned site;

• direction of sunlight during the day;

• mandatory safety zones for each individual playground component (at least one and a half meters from one to the other, for swings - swing length + 2 meters);

• direction of movement of children during the game;

• age zones. It is known that young children lack a sense of danger, as well as poorly developed coordination of movements, this also needs to be taken into account ;

• fencing the area from close passing transport, footpaths, walking dogs.


The sustainable development of the city does not imply an increase in quantitative indicators, but mainly qualitative changes.

The ideology of spatial development should correspond to the new social ideology: human rights are higher than the rights of the city and the state. Along with existing concepts: human ecology and the ecology of the natural environment - the foundations of the ecology of the artificial habitat and the city as a phenomenon should be developed. The form of design documentation should meet the main purpose: to regulate what is possible, to recommend what is not manageable.

Within the framework of the territorial approach, human rights are transformed into its territorial interests.

The content of territorial interest consists in assessing the usefulness, profitability, safety of life processes for the population of a particular territory and in providing it with the necessary standards of lifestyle. The focus should be on studying the characteristics of the formation and development of the interests of the Territory, taking into account local conditions and external factors.

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