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Driveshaft GAZELLE - drawings and specification

  • Added: 29.07.2014
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Course project. Cardan shaft of the car GAZ-330273 (Gazelle Farmer) with intermediate support on an additional rear axle. In the course design, all calculations regarding the traction and speed characteristics of the car are given, the main details are calculated. 1 sheet - general view of the car, 2 sheet - assembly drawing (cardan shaft with prop.), 3 sheet - detailing. specification and note

Project's Content

icon 1 Расчет оценочных показателей тягово-cкоростных свойств.doc
icon 3.doc
icon Введение.doc
icon График топливно-экономическая характеристика автомобиля.jpg
icon График тягового баланса.jpg
icon Графк времен пут разгона.jpg
icon Графк пути времени ТОРМОЖЕНЯ.jpg
icon Дагностческий паспорт.jpg
icon вилка скользящая карданного вала (готов к печати).cdw
icon Крестовина (готов к печати).cdw
icon Наконечник шлицевой (готов к печати).cdw
icon Труба (готов к печати).cdw
icon Заключение.doc
icon карданный вал (готов к печати).cdw
icon кинематическая схема автомобиля Газель.cdw
icon Мощностной баланс.jpg
icon Общий вид (готов к печати).cdw
icon подвесной.cdw
icon Расчёт.xls
icon Расчёт2.xls
icon Расчёт3.xls
icon Реферат.doc
icon Спецификация.cdw
icon ускорение автомобиля.jpg

Additional information



1 Calculation of estimated values of traction-speed properties

1.1 Determination of vehicle weight parameters

1.2 Tyre Selection

1.3 Determination of maximum vehicle power

1.4 External speed characteristic of the engine

1.5 Defining the Main Transmission

1.6 Determination of gear ratios of gearbox

2 Calculation of car traction dynamics indicators

2.1 Traction balance

2.2 Power Balance

2.3 Dynamic Car Passport

2.4 Vehicle Acceleration

2.5 Vehicle Acceleration Time and Path

2.6 Brake dynamics of the car

3 Fuel efficiency of the car

4 Design calculation of the designed unit (cardan transmission)

4.1 Basic parameters of cardan transmission

4.2 Calculation of cardan joint parts


List of sources used

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix B

Appendix D

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix Zh


The universal cargo and passenger car GAZ330273 with a two-row cabin is delivered in two versions: onboard, with a body of 4.5 square meters. meters for transporting goods weighing up to 1150 kg. and a chassis with a wheelbase of 3.55 meters with the possibility of installing various vans and special equipment. The interior of the car seats 6 people including the driver and is well suited for transporting crews to the site of work. The car is a three-axle car with all-wheel drive, onboard board-shape. The car is designed to carry small goods over difficult terrain. Maximum speed 95.4 km/h. In addition, it has increased wheels with a radius of 0.61 m. A permanent drive for all wheels, a locked inter-axial differential, increased ground clearance, tires with an off-road tread pattern allow all-wheel drive versions of GAZelle GAZ330273 to overcome rather difficult terrain.

A 110 kW diesel engine is installed on the car.

The designed node in this course design is the gimbal transmission of the rear axle with an intermediate support. The drivetrain is pre-assigned to transmit torque between shafts whose axes of rotation are located at a continuously varying angle. On cars of classical or all-wheel drive layout, by means of a car-given transmission, torque is transmitted from the gearbox or transfer box to the main transmission of torque to the driving controlled wheels, when the rotation of the controlled wheel requires an additional degree of freedom in the kinematic scheme of the hinge.

In general, cardan transmission is subject to the following set of requirements:

- reliable transmission of torque in the whole range of frequency mode and fracture angles of input and output shafts axes;

- absence of pulsations and resonance phenomena during torque transmission;

- slight friction losses;

- high reliability with little maintenance.

Cardan transmission contains hinges, which are divided into hinges of unequal (asynchronous) and equal (synchronous) angular velocities. Operation of hinges of unequal angular velocities is accompanied by appearance of pulsations of angular velocity between driving and driven shafts. The elimination of this phenomenon is carried out in compliance with the following conditions:

- presence of at least two cardan joints;

- equality of shaft fracture angles at input and output;

-Locates the shaft forks of the same name in the same plane .

To compensate for the change in the length of the gearbox during the movement of the car, splined joints are used that add one degree of freedom to the kinematic circuit.

The initial data for the design of the cardan transmission are: the given speed mode of the car, the external characteristic of the engine, the kinematic scheme of the transmission, the layout scheme of the car indicating the place of installation of the cardan transmission.


During the development of the course project, the following results were obtained:

- on the basis of the task, a prototype car GAZ330273 was selected, with a maximum power engine Ne = 110 kW, at n = 3600min1;

- external speed characteristic of the engine is built;

- maximum speed V = 96.5 km/h is obtained;

- transmission gear ratios are obtained: main gear - U0 = 8.68; transmissions - u1 = 4.05; u2 = 2,54; U3 = 1,59; u4 = 1; u5 = 0,85.

In the course design, the weight parameters of the car, traction balance, power balance, dynamic characteristic of the car, acceleration of the car, time and path of acceleration of the car, braking dynamics of the car, fuel economy of the car were calculated.

In the structural part of the course design, in accordance with the task, the gimbal transmission was calculated:

- maximum speed 3600 min;

- critical RPM 6545 min;

- design torque 1285.5 Nm;

- maximum permissible distance between centers of hinges 1.248 m.

- based on the calculated values, the III type of cross was chosen.

They also calculated the parts of the cardan joint, which include the calculation of the spikes of the cross, the fork of the cardan joint, the calculation of the cardan shaft pipe and the calculation of the needle bearing.

The graphic part on the sheets of A1 format shows the general view of the car (2 views and kinematic diagram), the assembly drawing of the designed unit (cardan transmission), detailed drawings of the designed unit, the dimensions of which are determined in the calculations.

Drawings content

icon вилка скользящая карданного вала (готов к печати).cdw

вилка скользящая карданного вала (готов к печати).cdw

icon Крестовина (готов к печати).cdw

Крестовина (готов к печати).cdw

icon Наконечник шлицевой (готов к печати).cdw

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icon Труба (готов к печати).cdw

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icon карданный вал (готов к печати).cdw

карданный вал (готов к печати).cdw

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кинематическая схема автомобиля Газель.cdw

icon Общий вид (готов к печати).cdw

Общий вид (готов к печати).cdw

icon подвесной.cdw


icon Спецификация.cdw

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