District polyclinic design - architecture

- Added: 29.07.2014
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The emergence of architecture is associated with the emergence of the first residential buildings. In the modern sense, architecture is the art of designing and building buildings, structures and their complexes. The purpose of architecture is to create an artificial environment in which the life processes of society and people take place.
As a material environment, architecture reflects the social conditions of society, as art can have a deep emotional impact, as a sphere of material production - it relies on construction equipment. The creation of the most favorable environment for human activity depends primarily on how correctly the space-spatial and architectural-planning structure of the building is chosen, scientific achievements and accumulated experience in design and operation are taken into account.
The compliance of buildings with their functional purpose, convenience and benefits is the fundamental requirements for architectural structures. Along with convenience, beauty and functional expediency, the requirements for ensuring technical feasibility and economy play an important role.
The appearance of the building depends on its functional features, at the same time it must be formed according to the laws of beauty. Hegel also noted that one of the great beauties of classical architecture is that it does not put columns more than necessary to maintain the gravity of beams, and that in the architecture of columns, set only for decoration, do not have true beauty. Thanks to the architecture, aesthetic ideas are formed and formed. The feeling of excellence in architecture arises when the artistic means express the power of ideological design, the laws and proportions of form, texture and color of the material are found, harmony with the environment is achieved. The tasks that the country now faces in the field of capital construction are to revive domestic engineering and the industry of production of building materials, introduce on a large scale the most advanced technologies, raise the culture of construction production, prepare a new generation of builders, professionals capable of solving these tasks.
In conclusion, we will give the statement of the architect L.K. Burov from his book "On Architecture": "You need to start with a dwelling and, first of all, a dwelling that meets human needs. All modern means, from materials to theory, should be found and mastered in the process of practical work on a residential building. The first building of a person was a dwelling, a house... Architecture begins with the dwelling, the city begins with the dwelling. "
1 Master Plan Solution
The construction site is located in the north-eastern part of Yakutsk on Ave. Astronauts, 20b. The shape of the section is rectangular. The size of the designed building is 20400 8400 m2 .
The project was developed for construction in the climatic subdivision with an estimated winter temperature of 54 0 С, snow cover weight of 200 kg/m, wind head of 38 kgf/m. The prevailing wind direction is southwest. The soil of the site is loams and sandy solids of high density. The normative depth of seasonal freezing is 2.9 m. The seismicity of the site is 7 points.
The project provides for asphalt pavement of a parking lot, footpaths and flower beds.
The adjacent area is landscaped, there are: Pedestrian zone, parking lot, farm site, lawn, metal fences, trees, flower garden, benches with urn.
- Total area of landscaped area - 1565m2
- Pedestrian area - 140m2
- Parking - 100m2
- Hoz. site - 70m2
The width of the passages, openings, as well as their height comply with SNiP 210197 * "Fire safety of buildings and structures."
The premises are equipped with a fire alarm device with the installation of sensors. Primary fire extinguishing equipment is installed in accessible places .
The designed building has one-story, two-story parts. One main exit from the side of the main facade and the roof of the evacuation from the end and facade of the building .
2 Space planning solution
The designed hotel building is two-story separate, it has 3 entrances: the main entrance on the side of the main facade in axes 4-6 and the service entrance on the side facade in axes A-B and 1-2. The hotel includes living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms and corridors.
On the ground floor there is a lobby with an area of m2, a reception room, offices of the director, security rooms and video surveillance, on the left side there is a restaurant with a kitchen and storage facilities.
Evacuation of people and hotel workers - provided through the main entrance to the street, from utility rooms through the office entrance to the street. The rooms are equipped with a fire alarm device with the installation of sensors. Primary fire extinguishing equipment is installed in accessible places.
4 External and internal finishes
4.1 Finishing of the building facade.
The facade of the building is plastered with decorative relief plaster, shades of pink and purple.
The parapets and visors of the building are bordered by cornices, along the bottom of which is a dark decorative strip .
Stairs and ramps are lined with several tile brown. Stitching is dark brown.
4.2 Interior decoration of the building.
The walls of the building are plastered and painted. All unwanted irregularities and communications are "hidden" under the plaster board. The color scheme is neutral - from light gray to apricot. In bathrooms and utility rooms, the walls are lined with tile tiles .
Complex ceilings are made using gypsum board according to aluminium profile.
6 Engineering equipment
6.1 Heating
The design outside air temperature is 40. The source of heat supply is urban sewerage. The heat carrier - water with parameters of 9570 wasps.
Two-pipe heating system, with the lower distributing, heat carrier parameter in the system of 9570 wasps. The heat transfer of the instrument is controlled by an air damper built inside the instrument. Pipelines laid in the underground channel are covered with anti-corrosion coating BT - 1 in two layers on GF - 021 soil and heat insulated with ISOVER KIMAL 50 mm thick material, cover layer - glass fabric. The remaining pipes and heating devices are painted with oil paint in 2 times. Installation of the heating system was in accordance with SNiP 3.05.01 - 85 "Internal sanitary and technical works.
6.2 Ventilation
Ventilation with natural inducement VE 1 and VE 2 is designed in bathrooms and utility rooms. Air is removed by adjustable grids of P150 type from the upper area of the room. Unorganized air inflow from adjacent rooms through infiltration.
6.3 Water supply
The hotel has designed an economic - drinking water supply. The source is the city water supply. Connection point - plumbing pit 1 to be designed. To take into account water flow rate, HSX-15 impeller counter is designed. The water supply system is dead end. The water supply is designed from the pipe of galvanized plumbing 15 GOST 326275. The pipeline laid in the channel shall be insulated with material Thermoflux FRZ, 6 = 9 mm. The depth of seasonal freezing of soils is 2.9.
6.4 Sewerage
The industrial store has designed a sewage network from a pipe of cast-iron sewage F50, 100 according to GOST 6942.398 for waste water removal from the washbasin, toilet bowl, as well as drainage from safety valves of hot water boilers is supplied to the sewage system.
The discharge of waste water from the hotel is provided to the existing sewage network with a newly designed well, the average depth of the sewage pipeline is 2.4m.
Wells designed from precast reinforced concrete elements according to series 3.900.114
6.5 Electrical Devices
Power supply is carried out by underground AAba1 cable from ZRU0.4kV TP94. The source is the city power supply networks.
Switchgears are the cabinets PR-8-VU and PR-8-RU/CJSC "Electro-complete service" of Yakutsk with automatic differential switch U30VAD.
The height of the sockets and switches installation is determined by the interior of the rooms; sockets are installed at height not more than 30 cm from floor level.
6.6 Lighting
Lighting fixtures with fluorescent filament lamps are used for lighting. Calculation of lighting was made according to the method of specific capacities on 1m2 of the illuminated surface according to the standards of SNiP 230595.
7. Fire fighting measures
The polyclinic building provides structural, space-planning and engineering solutions that provide in case of fire:
- the possibility of evacuation of people regardless of their age and physical condition outside to the area adjacent to the building (hereinafter - outside) before the threat to their life and health due to the effects of fire hazards ;
- the possibility of saving people ;
- possibility of access of personnel of fire departments and supply of fire extinguishing equipment to the fire center, as well as carrying out measures to save people and material assets;
- fire non-propagation on nearby buildings, including in case of burning building collapse;
- limitation of direct and indirect material damage, including the contents of the building and the building itself, with an economically reasonable ratio of the amount of damage to the costs of fire prevention measures, fire protection and its technical equipment.
During operation of the building:
- ensure the maintenance of the building and the operability of its fire protection equipment in accordance with the requirements of the design and technical documentation for them;
- ensure implementation of fire safety rules approved in accordance with the established procedure;
- prevent changes in structural, space-planning and engineering solutions without a project developed in accordance with the current standards and approved in the established manner;
- during repair works it is not allowed to use
structures and materials that do not meet the requirements of the current standards.
Prevention of fire propagation is achieved by measures limiting the area, intensity and duration of burning. These include:
- structural and space-planning solutions preventing the spread of fire hazards in the room, between rooms, between groups of rooms of various functional fire hazard, between floors and sections, between fire compartments, as well as between buildings;
- limitation of fire hazard of building materials used in surface layers of building structures, including roofs, finishes and facades of facades, rooms and escape routes;
- reduction of technological explosion and fire hazard of premises and buildings;
- availability of primary, including automatic and imported fire extinguishing equipment;
- alarm and fire warning.
Extinguishing a possible fire and carrying out rescue operations are provided by structural, volume planning, engineering, and organizational measures.
These include:
- arrangement of fire passages and access roads for fire equipment combined with functional passages and access roads or special ones;
- arrangement of fire-fighting water supply, including combined with household or special, and, if necessary, arrangement of dry pipes and fire tanks (tanks);
- smoke protection of fire departments routes inside the building;
- equipment of the building, as necessary, with individual and collective means of saving people;
The choice of these measures depends on the degree of fire resistance, the class of structural and functional fire hazard of the building.
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