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Diploma - Road Reconstruction


Diploma Road Reconstruction
Composition of the project:
Resource Calculation and Organization

Project's Content

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icon Д 3.2.doc
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icon Диплом 1,5,6,7.doc
icon Диплом2.doc
icon Диплом4.doc
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icon введение.doc
icon Д 3.2.doc
icon Дип3.doc
icon Диплом 1,5,6,7.doc
icon Диплом2.doc
icon Диплом4.doc
icon Заключение.doc
icon ОТЗЫВ.doc
icon Рамка.doc
icon РЕФЕРАТ.doc
icon Рецензия моя.doc
icon Содержание.doc
icon Таблицы 2.xls
icon Диплом8.doc
icon КАЛЬК СТ МАТ 11 +.xls
icon кальк тр расходов11 +.xls
icon Кальк. мат-ов222.xls
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icon КАЛЬКУЛЯЦИЯ 3 11 +.xls
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icon ОТЗЫВ.doc
icon Содержание.doc
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icon Диплом8.doc
icon КАЛЬК СТ МАТ 11 +.xls
icon кальк тр расходов11 +.xls
icon Кальк. мат-ов222.xls
icon КАЛЬКУЛЯЦИЯ 1 11 +.xls
icon КАЛЬКУЛЯЦИЯ 3 11 +.xls
icon СМЕТА НА дор.од.11.xls
icon СМЕТА НА ЗР11 +.xls
icon СМЕТА НА укреп.работы 11.xls
icon ТЭП.xls

Additional information




1. Characteristics of the construction area. Analysis of natural

climatic and economic conditions of the facility reconstruction

1.1.Technical and economic characteristics of the construction area....... 1.2. Climatic characteristics of the area... 1.3. Characteristics of longitudinal profile and soils along the route

1.4.Define the number of shifts of useful work in the calculation period

1.5.Production of road construction materials, supply bases

2. Calculation of work quantities for structural elements with counting

Logistical resources. Picking of construction

brigades. Development of Job Instructions

2.1.Compute logistical resources

2.1.1.Preparation and earthworks


2.1.2. Reconstruction of artificial structures

2.1.3. Reconstruction of roadworks... 2.2.Manning of construction teams

2.2.1.Complication list for calculation of the demand for shift-shifts for execution

road construction works

2.2.2.Listing of manpower, road construction

machines and mechanisms

2.3. Calculation of vehicle requirements

2.4.Development of the organization's line schedule


3. Analysis of new production technologies. Recommendations for the application of a particular method

3.1. Scope of Application

3.2. Regulatory References

3.3. Manufacturing Process Technology Guidelines

3.4. Labour Organization Guidelines

3.5. Calculation of standard cost of works and labor costs for

device 31656 m2 of asphalt concrete pavement

3.6. Main technical and economic indicators for asphalt concrete pavement

3.7. Logistical resources

3.8. Process diagram of asphalt concrete pavement

on a replacement grip 370 m long

3.9. Map of operational control of works during road pavement

from asphalt concrete mixtures

4. Production enterprise. Plot Plan, Diagram

preparation of asphalt concrete mixture, calculation of storage area

4.1. Asphalt Concrete Plant Performance Calculation

4.2. Calculation of storage areas and development of a schematic warehouse for ABZ

4.3. Main provisions of the technology of preparation of hot asphalt concrete mixtures

5. Quality control of works

6. Occupational safety

6.1. General safety regulations for the reconstruction of the R-95 highway in the Krevo - Oshmyany section

6.2. Production sanitation

6.3. Fire safety

7. Protection of the environment

7.1. Environmental protection

7.2. Water protection

7.3. Land protection

7.4. Protection of flora and fauna

7.5. Protection against traffic noise

7.6. Protection against electromagnetic radiation

8. Feasibility study of the feasibility study

economic indicators

8.1. Estimated Financial Calculation

8.2. Technical and economic indicators

8.3. Project Feasibility Study

Conclusion List of sources used


In increasing the efficiency of public production of our republic, an important role belongs to road transport, which can carry out road transportation and provide the necessary services to the population, provided that there is an extensive network of paved roads connecting all settlements, the structure and parameters of which must meet the increasing requirements of road traffic.

The primary task of road builders is to improve the organization and technology of construction processes, aimed at reducing construction time and improving the quality of work, finding not expensive, but providing high quality, local road construction materials: improving auxiliary production: further mechanization and automation of labor-intensive work.

The project for the organization of the reconstruction of the P95 "Lyntups - Svir - Smorgony - Krevo - Oshmyany" highway on the Krevo - Oshmyany section of the Smorgon and Oshmyany districts of the Grodno region with a length of 4.43 km was developed on the basis of a diploma design assignment and initial data for the project.

This section of the road is located in the Minsk region, connects settlements with each other and gives access to other roads of national economic importance.

The road provides transportation of agricultural, industrial goods and building materials.

Characteristics of the construction area. analysis of natural-climatic and economic conditions of the facility reconstruction

Technical and economic characteristics of the construction area

Roads are the most important part of the transport system, which largely determines the economic, social and cultural development of the Oshmyan region, which by its geographical location is located and borders with the Republic of Lithuania, the Volozhinsky district of the Minsk region; Ostrovets, Smorgon and Ivievsky districts of the Grodno region.

The road P95 Lyntupa - Svir - Smorgon - Krevo - Golshany is a republican road of category IV, passes through the territory of the Vitebsk, Minsk, Grodno regions, rich in historical, cultural and natural objects of great importance for the development of tourism in the Republic of Belarus. These include places of worship in the settlements of Lyntupa, Svir, Krevo, Boruny, Golshany, Narochansky National Park, Svir Lakes, Vishnevskoye. Almost throughout, the road has asphalt concrete pavement, except for the Krevo-Oshmyany section (km 100 - km 104.5) with gravel pavement, which is the object of reconstruction.

According to DRS190, the traffic intensity in the reconstructed area was 710 autos/day in 2004. According to the estimated forecast for the 10-year perspective, traffic intensity is expected in the amount of 1120 autos/day. According to the national economic value and estimated traffic intensity, the P95 highway on the reconstructed Krevo - Oshmyany section is classified as category IV.

Characteristics of longitudinal profile and soils along the route

The reconstructed section of the road is located in the southern part of the Oshmyan ridge. The thickness of the relief dissection is significant (0.8-1.0 km), the depth of the relief is 1015 m. The absolute elevations along the highway of the reconstructed road vary from 224 m to 260 m.

The terrain is characterized by large-hilly formations with a well-developed network of runoff lodges. The relief is formed by glacial flows and moraine deposits. There are no wetlands on the highway.

By the nature and degree of humidification according to SNiP 2.05.0285, the site belongs to the first type of terrain.

In the geological section along the road route, moraine deposits of the Sozhsky glaciation prevail on the reconstructed section, represented mainly by a light moraine loam of solid, semi-solid and refractory consistency, in the depressions of the relief with a dusty loam; small sand, dusty, light sandy sandy is found in separate nests. The thickness of the soil and vegetable layer is 0.20.3 m. The earth bed on the used section of the existing road on PK 1033 - PK 1044 is poured from medium, gravelly and sand-gravel mixture sand 0.20.3 m thick.

Groundwater lies deep and no wells up to 5 m deep are found.

In the general direction, the alignment coincides with the direction of the existing road. In plan, the route is designed with 14 angles of rotation. Fillet radii meet the requirements of SNiP 2.05.0285 for category IV roads.

To ensure road safety, it is envisaged to straighten tortuous sections of the road with an increase in rounding radii to 400600m, improve the road in the longitudinal profile with elimination of dips and increase in radii of convex vertical curves to at least 8000m.

The longitudinal profile is designed using spline vertical curves taking into account the geometric smoothness of the road, calculated visibility, the necessary elevation of the bottom of road clothing above the level of ground and surface water, ensuring the stability of the roadway and the strength of road clothing, as well as from the condition of snowiness.

The longitudinal profile in conditions of crossed terrain is designed in embankments up to 6 m high and excavations up to 4.5 m deep in the form of a geometrically planned spatial line linked to the road plan.

Maximum longitudinal slope 40% fr. Minimum radius of vertical curves: convex 8000 m, concave 4000 m.

The longitudinal profile is composed in absolute elevations. The route in high-altitude relation is fixed by temporary repositories with reference to the state non-leveling network.

To pass under the body of the embankment of water, reinforced concrete pipes are arranged at the following stations: PC 1003 + 40 diameter 1.0; PC 1009 + 71 diameter 0.75; PC 1012 + 12 diameter 0.75; PC 1014 + 30 diameter 0.75; PC 1026 + 45 diameter 1.0;

The design provides for the arrangement of extension of reinforced concrete culverts with a diameter of 1.0 m on PC 1019 + 49.

Provision of road construction materials, supply bases

For cargo transportation, the nearest road transport enterprise is the GAP13 of Oshmyany .

The distance of supply of vehicles from GAP13 to ABZ Zhuprana is 9 km, to the Soly station - 24 km, to the Boruna quarry 22 km, to the projected road - 25 km.

To transport workers to the place of work, it is planned to use their own transport.

Small reinforced concrete structures come from the UPTK DST6 base to the object by road at an average distance of 201 km. Large reinforced concrete structures come from Fanipol ZZHBMK by rail to Soly station and are then transported by road to the facility for an average distance of 46 km.

Culvert links of pipes come from the Spetszhelezobeton plant by rail to Soly station and then by road to the facility for an average distance of 46 km.

The gravel-sand mixture C2 and C5 comes from the Boruna quarry by road to the object at an average distance of 5 km.

The natural sand-gravel mixture enters the object from the Boruna quarry by road to the object at an average distance of 5 km.

Rubble comes from the Granit software by rail to the Soly station and then by road at an average distance of 5 km.

Concrete is delivered from Zuprany CCU by road to the object at an average distance of 32 km.

Sand enters the object from the Boruna quarry by road at an average distance of 6 km.

Asphalt concrete mixtures are delivered to the facility from the Zuprana APZ by road at an average distance of 32 km.

Materials for the preparation of asphalt concrete mixtures are to be supplied:

mineral powder from the Dolomit plant by rail to Soly station and then by road for 14 km;

bitumen from the Novopolotsk refinery by rail to the Soly station and then by road for 14 km;

crushed stone and crushed sand from the Granit software by rail to the Soly station and then by road for 14 km;

sand and sand-gravel mix from a pit of Boruna motor transport on 33 km.

Materials for concrete preparation shall be supplied:

crushed stone from the Granit software by rail to the Sola station and then by road for 14 km;

sand from the Boruna quarry by road for 33 km.


During the development of the project "Reconstruction of the P95 highway on the Krevo-Oshmyany section using new production technologies," great attention was paid to the organization of work during the reconstruction and use of resource-saving technologies.

The work presents all types of work that must be carried out to achieve the specified goals, resources were calculated for preparatory work, reconstruction of artificial structures, erection of an earth bed, and construction of road clothing.

The section "Production Enterprise" shows the technological scheme for obtaining asphalt concrete mixture, as well as sources of environmental pollution and harmful substances released into the environment.

The project pays great attention to safe working conditions in the performance of all types of work, as well as describes the sanitary and hygienic requirements for the construction site, the required number of wagons for people to live in them is calculated .

The duration of the reconstruction of the highway section is 13 months. The issues related to environmental protection during the works and restoration of the natural landscape after all types of works are considered in detail.

Technical solutions of the road in plan, longitudinal and transverse profile, structural solutions of the roadway, artificial structures, road clothing, road arrangement correspond to the modern technical level of roads of this class.

The project considered the process map for the construction of asphalt concrete surfaces


on the diploma project of Vitkovskaya Olga Gennadyevna on the topic: "Reconstruction of the P95 highway on the section

Krevo - Oshmyany using new methods of work. "

The diploma project was completed in full in accordance with the current regulatory documents.

In the process of working on the diploma project, a project was developed to organize the overhaul of the section of the highway P55 Bobruisk-Glusk-Lyuban, km 106,754 - km 113,524 with the formation of a documentation system for the operational registration of material assets. The works should be performed by DSU9 DST-5, and therefore the project uses real sources of production and transportation range of construction materials and products, actual fleet of machines and mechanisms for calculation.

The issue of operational accounting of material assets was considered in detail, the whole scheme of accounting of material assets from the moment of their receipt from suppliers to the moment of use and write-off with indication of documents and forms of their accounting was given.

The project sufficiently reflects the issues of labor protection and the environment. Technical and economic evaluation of the project was carried out.

The presence of graphic materials made the theoretical part even more obvious.

A work organization project can be recommended for use in production.

Student Burin D.A. during the work on the thesis project regularly attended consultations on special sections with the project manager. The student independently studied and analyzed a large amount of information, made the necessary calculations.

The project is commendable.

Project Manager, Senior Lecturer Rakovets L.D.


The diploma project contains: 146 sheets, drawings, tables, 9 demonstration sheets.


The reconstruction of the P95 highway in the Krevo-Oshmyany section includes work on replacing worn and obsolete structures with more durable and economical ones, providing increased traffic safety and transport and operational performance of technical parameters for a higher category than that to which the road was assigned.

During reconstruction, separate sections of the road are built in a completely new direction, if their geometric elements do not meet construction standards for the category into which the road is transferred.

Earthwork and roadwear are being built, as in the new construction.

Great attention is paid to labor protection during construction work and environmental protection.

Drawings content

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