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Diploma - Reconstruction of CHPP with installation of gas turbine units

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This diploma project proposes the reconstruction of the Omsk CHPP - 3. The reconstruction includes the dismantling of two TP-230-2 boilers and four PT-25-3M turbines, with the installation of three GTU type GT8C and three recovery boilers.

Project's Content

icon Диплом готовый.docx
icon Список использованных источников+.doc
icon 1 Компоновка вид сверху.dwg
icon 1 Компоновка вид сверху.frw
icon 2 Поперечный разрез.dwg
icon 2 Поперечный разрез.frw
icon 3 Тепловая схема.dwg
icon 4 Схема.dwg
icon 5 Разрез ГТУ.cdw
icon 6 Схема регулирования турбины ГТУ.CDW
icon 7 Автоматика.dwg

Additional information



1. Process Part

1.1 Feasibility study of TEC

1.2 List of existing equipment

1.3 Thermal diagram

1.4 Fuel

1.5 Existing gas supply

1.6 Technical Solutions for Reconstruction

1.7 Gas turbine

1.8 Thermal diagram of gas turbine plant with boilers


1.9 Recovery boilers

1.10 Water treatment

2. Calculation of thermal diagram of power GTU

2.1 Determination of working medium parameters in axial compressor

2.2 Thermal calculation of main parameters of GTP combustion chamber

2.3 Determination of working medium parameters in the gas turbine

2.4 Calculation of GTU energy parameters

2.5 Determination of energy indicators

industrial-heating GTU-CHP

2.6 Calculation of energy indicators of CHP operation

3. Automation

3.1 Automation at the current stage of energy development

3.2 Features of GTU control system

3.3 Hydraulic part of control system

3.4 Calculation of constriction device

4. Environmental protection

4.1 Protection of water bodies from wastewater

4.2 Emissions to the environment

4.3 Calculation of emissions of harmful substances

4.4 Calculation of nitrogen oxides emissions

5. Occupational safety

5.1 Extract from the Labour Code of 15 May 2007 No. 252-II

5.2 Analysis of working conditions in the turbine shop of the CHP

5.3 Characteristics of fire hazard in the shopping center

5.4 Peculiarities of fire extinguishing in turbine generators

5.5 Preventive measures aimed at

fire prevention of shopping center

5.6 Calculation of noise characteristic of hot fan motor


6. Calculation of annual technical and economic indicators of CHP

6.1 Calculation of absolute investments in new CHP construction

6.2 Calculation of energy indicators of CHP operation

6.3 Annual costs for costing items as a whole for CHP

6.4 Output


List of sources used


This diploma project proposes the reconstruction of the Omsk CHPP - 3. The reconstruction includes the dismantling of two TP2302 boilers and four PT253M turbines, with the installation of three GTU type GT8C and three recovery boilers.


Omsk CHPP - 3 with an installed electric capacity of 435 MW and a thermal capacity of 8530.84 GJ/h, including from the extraction and back pressure of turbines 7437.25 GJ/h. It provides steam and heat to the Omsk refinery (classified consumer), heat and hot water to the housing sector of the Soviet and partially Pervomaisky districts of Omsk, and therefore the requirements for the technical condition of the equipment should be increased.

The main thermal and mechanical equipment of TETs3, the first unit was launched in 1954, and the last in 1964, is physically and mentally obsolete. The bulk of the equipment has already developed its resource (more than 250 thousand hours).

In previous years, the equipment was maintained in a satisfactory condition through systematic major and ongoing repairs, as well as partial upgrades to improve its cost-effectiveness and reliability:

turbine units of station No. 1,2,6 and 7 of PT2590/3M type have been upgraded in PT 2590/10M with an increase in electric power to 30 MW and industrial extraction to 150 t/h at each turbine;

turbine No. 8 type P25 replaced with all auxiliary equipment of the same type;

on turbines No. 11,12 of PT60130/13 type were replaced by HPC and HPC with their re-marking to PT60130/13;

on turbine No. 10 of PT60130/13 type were replaced by HPC and HPC;

on turbine units of station No. 9.11, generators of TV602 type were replaced with generators of TVF632E type, block transformers for transformers of TDT80000 type;

turbine condensers No. 1,2,6 and 7 are switched to degraded

vacuum for heating network water;

turbine condensers No. 10,11,12 are switched to a deteriorated vacuum for heating makeup water.

Nevertheless, the above-mentioned measures, which made it possible to increase the reliability and cost-effectiveness of the equipment, did not solve the issues of radical reconstruction and updating of the equipment, as well as meeting modern environmental requirements.

Considering this, as well as taking into account the tense environmental situation in the Omsk region and the current decision to transfer CHP-3 to gas fuel combustion, priority areas for the reconstruction of CHP-3 were identified for the use of environmentally friendly resource-saving technologies, which make it possible to sharply increase economic efficiency, reduce harmful emissions and reduce capital investments.

The design and construction is to be carried out in two phases:

1 stage - replacement power

stage 2 - reconstruction of the first stage

The present work proposes 1 stage taking into account the installation of ABB gas turbine equipment:

• three GTU type GT8C, with a capacity of 50 MW each;

• three boilers - recyclers of Podolsky Machine-Building Plant JSC with a capacity of 105 t/h each;

• GTU unit control board and recovery boilers;

Stage 2 - reconstruction of the first stage of the CHP, will be carried out after the introduction of replacement power. Therefore, the technical solutions in this work were not considered in detail, but only proposals were made for converting boilers to reduced parameters, for replacing boiler and turbine equipment.

Taking into account the increased environmental requirements, it was decided to place the existing main housing of the evaporation plant in the equipment room on the site of the dismantled turbines No. 1,2.

The power output is carried out according to the existing scheme, with the available limit power flows through 110 kV networks without presenting new requirements for the station modes and system emergency automation.

1 process part

1.1 CHP feasibility study

Omsk CHPP - 3, installed with an electric capacity of 435 MW and a thermal capacity of 8530.84 GJ/h, is located in the North-West industrial hub of Omsk and provides steam and heat to the enterprise, including the Omsknefteorgsintez production association and the synthetic rubber plant, as well as heat and hot water housing sector of the Soviet and partially Pervomaisky districts.

The existing heat load level is:

in steam for production - 1420 t/h; in hot water for heating, ventilation and hot water supply - 3310.1 GJ/h.

Steam consumption for production during the day is constant, during the year is uneven. Reduction of steam consumption in summer period by 30%.

The main equipment of the first stage of the CHP is physically obsolete. Despite the repair and reconstruction work carried out annually, the boiler equipment has a number of "bottlenecks" due to the aging of the metal of boilers and high-pressure pipelines and other elements operating on sulfur fuel oil.

Installation of two GTU units (2xGT8C+2xKY) of the first start-up complex of replacement power with subsequent withdrawal for reconstruction of two TP2302 boilers and dismantling of two PT253M turbines provides coverage of the existing level of heat loads with simultaneous increase in power supply and improvement of technical and economic parameters of the CHP due to the use of two GTU units in the basic part of heat loads with electricity generation on thermal consumption.

The installation of the third GTP unit without time break after the introduction of the first two units somewhat reduces the operating tension of the existing I stage equipment, provides the possibility of removing two more PT253M turbines from operation. Improvement of parameters in comparison with the first starting complex is due to the fact that the third GTU unit operates in the same basic mode as the first two.

1.3 Thermal diagram

The construction of the CHP was carried out in three stages:

1 turn - the equipment with parameters of sharp couple 9.8 MPas, 510 wasps;

2 turn - the equipment with parameters of sharp couple 13.73 MPas, 560 wasps;

The thermal circuit of the first and second stages is made with transverse connections, there is a ROD between 13.73MPa acute steam collectors and 9.8 MPa. For steam release to production, with a pressure of 3 MPa, ROP 9.8/3 MPa are installed.

Heating extractions of "PT" turbines are connected to main network heaters and to steam collector 0.12 MPa, from which heaters of raw, tap, chemically treated and chemically demineralized water and atmospheric deaerators of boiler makeup and heating system are supplied.

Production extractions of "PT" turbines and back pressure of P25 and P50 turbines are connected to peak network heaters and to steam collectors 1-1.5 MPa, from which steam is released for production, oil management, chemical demineralized water heaters in front of deaerators 0.6 MPa.

The heating and production extractions of the turbines are reserved by the corresponding ROP.

Feed of TP2302 (9.8 MPa) cols is performed by chemically purified water, TP82 (13.73 MPa) by chemically demineralized water.

The initial water for boiler makeup is technical water, which is heated before HVO in the condensers of turbines of station No. 10,11,12 and in raw water heaters with steam of 0.12 MPa.

Chemical purified water after CVO is heated in the turbine condenser of stage No. 6 or in the chemically purified water heaters with steam of 0.12 MPa, deaerated in atmospheric deaerators and supplied to the turbine regeneration system "T" (8.83 MPa) and deaerators of 0.6 MPa.

Chemical demineralized water after CVO is heated in heat exchangers with steam of 0.12 MPa, deaerated in atmospheric deaerators and supplied to turbine regeneration system "PT" (12.75 MPa) and, partially, through chemical demineralized water heaters to deaerator 0.6 MPa.

The source water for the heating system makeup is tap water. Heating of tap water before HVO of heating system makeup is carried out in turbine condenser No. 9 and water heaters with steam of 0.12 MPa. Make-up water deaeration is performed in atmospheric deaerators, in which steam of 0.12 MPa is used as heating flow. Hot water storage tanks 4x3000 m3 are installed at the CHPP. heating system makeup is performed by winter and summer makeup pumps. There is no collector network water at the CHP. Network water is heated in separate groups of main and peak heaters, which have their own network pumps. Between groups of network heaters there are jumpers with sectionalizing gate valves. Hot water boilers operate in basic mode.

From the first stage, the CHP is provided with heat and hot water from the housing sector, from the second stage - the industrial zone.

1.4 Fuel

The main type of fuel for energy and hot water schools is natural gas, the reserve is fuel oil M - 40 "V."

Fuel oil at CHP-3 comes from the Omsk Oil Refinery through two 200 mm diameter oil pipelines.

Fuel oil storage with a total capacity of 5000 m3 is equipped with three receiving underground tanks of 1000 m3 each.

The oil pump building consists of buried and above-ground parts. The buried part is equipped with four 5H5x4 pumps with giving of 170 m3/h, a pressure of 70 m of waters. st. And serves to transfer fuel oil from underground tanks to ground service tanks. Elevated mazutonasosny is equipped with four 8ND9h3 pumps with giving of 290 m3/h, a pressure of 270 m of waters. st. And serves to supply fuel oil to the boiler room.

To heat fuel oil, eight heaters eight heaters of TVT80 type with a heating surface of 80 m2 are installed.

Fuel oil is supplied to the main housing through two pipelines with a diameter of 200 mm.

Nominal pressure of fuel oil upstream the boilers nozzles is 2.5 MPa.

According to the current process design standards, the capacity of the existing fuel oil tank is insufficient for the capacity of the backup fuel oil tank, in addition, its equipment is physically outdated.

1.5 Existing gas supply

Natural gas at CHP - 3 comes from GRP - 1 through a gas pipeline with a diameter of 700 mm.

The route is laid underground and above ground on high supports. The length of the route is approximately 6.2 km.

Gas is supplied to FRG, where it undergoes purification and two-stage reduction. As a result, the gas pressure in the FRG decreases from 1.2 MPa at the inlet to 0.1 MPa at the outlet (overpressure). FRG capacity - 382000 nm3/h.

Two medium pressure gas pipelines leave the FRG:

- diameter 1200 mm. - on the 1st stage of CHP construction;

- 1000 mm diameter. - on the 2nd stage of CHP construction.

1.6 Technical Solutions for Reconstruction

The reconstruction and re-equipment of CHPP-3 is planned to be carried out in two stages:

Stage 1

Construction of a new main building for installation of three gas turbine units in it as a part of 3xGT8C+3xKY (without afterburning) is divided into two start-up complexes:

the first launch complex - 2xGT8C+2xKY;

the second launch complex is 1xGT8C+1xKY.

Stage 2

Dismantling of physically and morally obsolete turbine and boiler equipment of the first stage. It is planned to dismantle two turbines PT253M station No. 1.2 and remove two boilers TP2302 (9.8 MPa) from operation.

The implementation of the second stage of reconstruction can begin after the introduction of two GTU units.

The deadline for the introduction of the third GTU unit should be linked with the implementation of the second stage of reconstruction during the development of a separate feasibility study for the reconstruction of stage 1 of the CHP.

The implementation of these solutions will ensure not only the continuity of installation and commissioning of replacement main equipment, but also the reliability of heat supply, steam supply to production and power supply to consumers at all stages of reconstruction.

Drawings content

icon 1 Компоновка вид сверху.dwg

1 Компоновка вид сверху.dwg

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6 Схема регулирования турбины ГТУ.CDW

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