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Diploma Project - Sports Complex


The building of the sports complex is one-story with a basement, different in height, with a protruding volume of the gym. The sports complex is designed for training in sports games (badminton, basketball, volleyball), there is a hall for individual power training and the composition of premises for shooting sports (shooting range).

Project's Content

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Additional information



General Section

1.1. Justification for construction of the facility

1.2. Characteristics of the construction area and site

1.3. Feasibility Study of Space Planning Solution

1.4. Elements of NIRS

Construction materials, products and structures

2.1. Selection of main building materials, products and structures

2.2. Technical characteristics of the main building materials,

products and structures

Architectural and construction section

3.1. Master Plan

3.2. Space-planning and structural solution

3.3. Exterior and interior finishes

3.4. Heat Engineering Calculation of Wall Fence

3.5. Thermal calculation of the coating

3.6. Safety of life

Design section

4.1. Calculation of coating plates

4.2. Calculation of slab slabs

4.2.1. Multi-Stop Plate Calculation

5. Foundations and foundations

5.1. Engineering and construction survey materials

5.2. Assessment of engineering and geological conditions of the construction site

5.3. Substantiation of possible foundation options and their analysis, selection of the most rational solution

5.4. Foundation calculation

5.4.1. Determination of foundation depth

5.4.2. Determination of loads acting on the base

5.4.3. Determination of design base resistance

5.4.4. Foundation Calculation for Exterior Wall

5.4.5. Calculation of the foundation structure for the external wall according to the first and second group of limit states

5.4.6. Foundation Calculation for Inner Wall

5.4.7. Calculation of the foundation structure for the inner wall according to the first and second group of limit states

5.5. Calculation of brick space

5.5.2. Determination of calculation forces

5.2.3. Design characteristics

5.5.4. Checking the bearing capacity of the prosthesis

6. Construction technology

6.1. Work of the preparatory period

6.2. Earthworks

6.3. Foundation arrangement

6.4. Job Instruction for Installation of Building Framework and Bracing

6.6. Finishing works

6.7. Work on the arrangement of floors

7. Organization of construction

7.1. Work Conditions

7.2. Calculation of building plan elements

8. Occupational safety

8.1. General provisions

8.2. Safety requirements for arrangement and maintenance of production areas, work areas and workplaces

8.3. Safety requirements for storage of materials and structures

8.4. Ensuring electrical safety

8.5. Fire Safety

8.6. Safety requirements for mobile machines and vehicles

8.7. Transport and handling

8.8. Safety requirements for production processes

8.9. Safety requirements for processes and places of welding and gas-flame works

8.10. Hazardous Area Limits

8.11. Fire prevention

8.11.1. Fire Safety Instruction

9. Estimates and technical and economic indicators

10. List of used literature

General Section

1.1. Justification for construction of the facility

The main purpose of architecture has always been to create the life environment necessary for the existence of a person, the nature and comfort of which was determined by the level of development of society, its culture, and the achievements of science and technology. This life environment, called architecture, is embodied in buildings that have internal space, complexes of buildings and structures that organize external space - streets, squares and cities.

In the modern sense, architecture is the art of designing and building buildings, structures and their complexes. It organizes all life processes. In its emotional impact, architecture is one of the most significant and ancient arts. At the same time, the creation of a production architecture requires a significant amount of public labor and time. Therefore, the requirements for architecture along with functional feasibility, convenience and beauty include requirements for technical expediency and economy. In addition to the rational layout of the premises, corresponding to certain functional processes, the convenience of all buildings is ensured by the correct distribution of stairs, elevators, equipment and engineering devices (sanitary appliances, heating, ventilation).

Cost reduction in architecture and construction is carried out by rational space-planning solutions of buildings, correct selection of construction and finishing materials, improvement of construction methods. The main economic reserve in urban planning is to increase the efficiency of land use.

The diploma focuses on solving the economic and technological problem of building a modern building, which at the same time would meet the requirements for heat protection and seismic resistance, provided that accessible local materials are used.

1.2. Characteristics of the construction area and site

According to SNiP 2.01.0785 [7] Abakan is located in the climatic region IB, in the dry zone. The climate of Abakan, according to long-term meteorological observations, is sharply continental, characterized by short hot summers, long cold winters, with significant seasonal and daily fluctuations in air temperature. During the year, southwestern winds prevail.

Abakan is in the III climatic zone, the third wind area (ωо =0.38 kN/sq.m), on the weight of a snow cover average monthly temperature belongs to the 3rd zone (So = 1.0 kN/sq.m): in January - 20 wasps, in July + 20 wasps.

In accordance with SNiP 230199 [2], the construction area is characterized by the following natural and climatic conditions:

average temperature of the coldest period - 27 wasps;

average temperature of the coldest day - 44 wasps;

average temperature of the coldest five-day week - 41 wasps;

absolutely minimum temperature - 47 wasps;

average wind speed in January is 5 m/s;

wind head 0.38 (38) kpa (kgf/m2);

snow cover weight 1.0 (100) kPa (kgf/m2);

the height of the snow cover is 25 cm;

the amount of precipitation per year is 362 mm;

standard freezing depth is 3 m.

According to SNiP II781 * [9], the seismicity of the construction area is 7 points with 10% seismic hazard degree.

The terrain of the construction site is flat, fluctuations in relative elevations are insignificant. The absolute elevation of the site relief is 245.00 m.

There is no surface water at the site. Groundwater is found at a depth of 2 m from the surface of the earth. In relation to concrete on any cement grades, water is not aggressive .

The site for the construction of a sports complex is located in the Youth district of Abakan.

According to engineering and technical surveys, the site is represented by gravelly soils with sandy aggregate, covered with dusty sands and a vegetation layer. The depth of freezing of soils is 3 m.

Local building materials include: gravel, sand, crushed stone, brick, all solutions.

The disadvantage is the constriction of the site, which does not allow optimally placing on it the mechanisms and materials necessary for the work.

1.3. Feasibility Study of Space Planning Solution

In conditions of seismicity, 7-8 points are mainly erected panel, frame-panel and brick buildings. Promising solutions from the point of view of satisfying reliability, economy, processability, architectural expressiveness include frame systems using pre-stressed structures, including subsequent tension of floors at the installation stage.

In earthquake-resistant buildings, 2 types of floors were widely used - solid and hollow. In this case, the support of the paving slabs on brick walls should be at least 120 mm.

When selecting concrete types for soaking, it is necessary to follow the requirements of their minimum shrinkage. Otherwise, through cracks occur in the contact areas during the operation of the objects. As a result, the rigidity of the horizontal diaphragm in its plane can be significantly reduced.

The following can be mentioned as options of space-planning solution:

Curtain system options:

brick walls, although more often than others, are used in our region, but it has already been proved that this is impractical, due to their high thermal conductivity, but it is possible to use insulation embedded inside the wall, or attached from the outside; since the designed building is framed, the thickness of the brickwork can be made minimal;

also a variant of the wall enclosure may be a monolithic reinforced concrete wall with voids filled with loose material having low thermal conductivity. When erecting monolithic walls, the main attention should be paid to the manufacture of solid formwork, its reliable attachment and convenient rearrangement during concreting.

Foundation Options:

a belt operating as a beam on an elastic base;

columnar under the columns.

1.4. Elements of NIRS

ISOVER FASOTERM PF - rigid hydrophobized insulation in mineral fiber plates based on basalt rocks. It has not only good thermal characteristics, but also high resistance to load. Designed for insulation of facades with plastering (with thin-layer plaster).

ISOVER FASOTERM PF is a hard stone fiber slab. Material has longitudinal structure of fibres. For ease of installation, the plates are marked with strips burned on their surface (the surface of the plate indicated by the strips must face the insulated wall).

The plates are mounted so that the strip-marked surface faces the insulated wall.

The wall to which the panels are attached must be even, possible depressions should be filled with mortar. The base must be stable, strong, clean and dry. If insulation is installed using old plaster, check its adhesion. The panels are fixed to the wall using a special adhesive composition or metal dowels and plastic "mushrooms." There should be no glue on the ends of the panels. If slots appear between the panels during installation, remove them using wedges cut out of insulation. Do not fill the slots with glue. The glass mesh must be "drowned" in the pre-applied reinforcing layer of the varnish glue. After applying the reinforcing layer (it must dry for at least 48 hour), you can apply a layer of plaster.

In the case of using metal dowels, they are required from 4 to 10 pcs per 1 m2 of insulated wall, depending on the height of the building and the proximity of the slab to the corners of the building. The hole for the dowel should be 1 cm longer than the length of the dowel. Dowel is driven so that his hat is in the same plane as the surface of the plate

BITUMEN PRIMER (TU 577011179251622003) - used for preparation (cutting) of insulated surfaces (concrete slab, cement-sand bracing, etc.) before laying of built-up and self-adhesive roofing and waterproofing materials (see Annex 1).

BIPOL - modified build-up material.

TECHNO RUF V (TU 5762015179251622004) - heat and sound insulation boards made of mineral wool (see annex 2).

This diploma project was developed using computers. In particular: an explanatory note using Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel, calculations - using MathCAD Professional, the drawings of the explanatory note were made with machine graphics in AutoCAD, project drawings in AutoCAD.

Construction materials, products and structures

2.1. Selection of main building materials, products and structures

The following building materials are used for building erection:

cast-in-situ concrete and reinforced concrete are used as foundations;

external and internal bearing walls are made of ceramic brick on cement sand mortar;

the outer walls are insulated with effective insulation;

partitions - brick - with a total thickness of - 120 mm;

flooring and covering are made of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete;

window and door openings are covered by prefabricated reinforced concrete bridges;

staircase - from a metal frame with wooden steps;

staircase fencing - metal with wooden handrails

four pitched roofs are designed, for its device the following are used:

rafters - wooden pine trees of grade II size 22 × 10 cm;

runs - wooden pine wood of grade II size 20 × 10 cm;

grate - wooden pine wood of grade II size 6 × 6 cm;

posts - wooden pine wood of grade II size 15 × 15 cm ;

braces - wooden pine wood of grade II size 15 × 15 cm;

main bearing structures are made of wood of local wood, enclosing roof structures - from asbestos cement sheets;

windows - wooden, with double glazing;

doors - wooden;

when making floors, they are used: floor rack on wooden lags, linoleum on cement bracing, ceramic tiles; waterproofing - ruberoid; sound insulation - soft ICE;

during external finishing one performs plastering with cement mortar along capron mesh with subsequent application of matte silicone paint;

during internal finishing, plaster is made with cement mortar; subsequently, oil paint, wallpaper, ceramic tiles are used.

2.2. Technical characteristics of the main building materials, products and structures

Concrete B 20 (GOST 2663391).

Rbn = 15 MPa - normative resistance of concrete to compression;

Rb, ser=15 MPa is the rated resistance of concrete to compression for ΙΙ groups of limit states;

Rbtn = 1.4 MPa - standard tensile resistance of concrete;

Rbt, ser=1.4 MPa is the rated resistance of concrete to stretching for ΙΙ groups of limit states;

Rb = 11.5 MPa - design compression strength of concrete for the group of limit states;

Rbt = 0.9 MPa - design tensile strength of concrete for the group of limit states;

Eb = 27 * 103 MPa - initial modulus of concrete elasticity;

Rbp0.5 V = 0.5 * 20 = 10 MPa - concrete transfer strength;

Rbp11 MPa, we take Rbp = 11 MPa.

Non-stressed valves of class Bp I (GOST 672780).

Rsn = 410 MPa - standard resistance of reinforcement to tension;

Rs, ser=410 MPa is the rated resistance of fittings to stretching for ΙΙ groups of limit states;

Rs = 375 MPa - design resistance of longitudinal reinforcement to tension for the group of limit states;

Rsw = 270 MPa - design resistance of transverse reinforcement to tension for the group of limit states;

Rsc = 375 MPa - design compression resistance of reinforcement for the group of limit states

Es = 170 * 103 MPa - elastic modulus of reinforcement.

Stressed reinforcement AIII (GOST 578182).

Rsn = 390 MPa - standard resistance of reinforcement to tension;

Rs, ser=390 MPa is the rated resistance of fittings to stretching for ΙΙ groups of limit states;

Rs = 355 MPa - design resistance of longitudinal reinforcement to tension for the group of limit states;

Rsw = 285 MPa - design resistance of transverse reinforcement to tension for the group of limit states;

Rsc = 355 MPa - design compression resistance of reinforcement for the group of limit states

Es = 200 * 103 MPa - elastic modulus of reinforcement;

Ceramic brick (GOST 53095) [10] plastic pressing,

made of clay with additives, burned, size

250 x 120 x 65 mm. Permissible deviations from the dimensions of the brick should not exceed (in mm): in length ± 6, in width ± 4, in thickness ± 3. The brick must be in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped with straight edges and corners and even faces. According to the shape and appearance of the brick, the following deviations are allowed: curvature of the faces and ribs of the brick by bed up to 4 mm and by spoon up to 5 mm inclusive; through cracks on spoon faces (i.e. on sides measuring 250 x 65 and 250 x 88 mm) for the entire brick thickness with a brick width of up to 40 mm inclusive in the amount of not more than one on one brick; beating or blunting of ribs and corners with rib length size of not more than 15 mm in amount of not more than two on one brick. The brick shall have a manufacturer's mark on one side.

Construction bitumen (GOST 661776) [11], obtained by oxidation of residual products after distillation of oil. Oil construction bitumen shall meet the following requirements:

depth of penetration of a needle at 25 OS 21 - 40 mm (GOST 240051 ,

section 2);

extensibility at 25 OS in cm not less than 3 (GOST 240051, Section 5 );

softening temperature in wasps not lower than 70 (GOST 240051, Section 6);

solubility in chloroform or benzene in% not less than 99 (GOST 240051, section 7);

loss in weight at 160 OS in 5 hours in % no more than 1 (GOST 240051, Section 8 );

flash temperature in wasps is not lower than 230 (GOST 433348 );

content of water-soluble compounds in% is not more than 0.3 (GOST 240051, section 9).

Packing, marking, storage, acceptance and transportation of oil construction bitumen is performed according to GOST 151060. The bitumen brand is indicated in the order.

Sawn softwood (GOST 848666). Dimensions of lumber along the length from 1 m to 6.5 m are set with a gradation of 0.25 m, and for containers - from 0.5 with a gradation of 0.1 m. Permissible deviations from the established dimensions of lumber in mm are set as follows:

length + 50 and -25; thickness at dimensions up to 32 mm inclusive ± 1;

in thickness, and for cut and in width from 40 to 100 mm ± 2 and more than 100 mm ± 3.

Lumber should be made of wood from the following species: pine, spruce, fir, larch and cedar. Boards and bars are made of five classes: selected 1, 2, 3 and 4th, and bars - four compositions: 1, 2, 3 and 4th. Absolute moisture of selected lumber, 1; Grades 2 and 3 supplied between 1 May and 1 October shall not exceed 22 ± 3 per cent;

moisture content of lumber of the 4th grade is not normalized. Timber

shall be delivered sorted by size and grade. Quality check methods, marking and transportation of lumber shall be performed according to GOST 656463, laying and storage - according to GOST 3808, surface antiseptic treatment - according to GOST 1095064.

Wire nails (GOST 28363). Round nails are made of thermally light steel untreated low carbon wire according to GOST 328246. The upper surface of the conical head of construction and roofing nails shall be corrugated. The sharpened portion of the nail may have a circular or square section, the sharpening angle not exceeding 40%. Nails are packed in wooden boxes. The box can have nails of only one view and one size. The gross box mass shall not exceed 80 kg. On the end side of the box shall be painted: manufacturer's mark or name, nail designation, net mass of nails.

Sheet window glass (GOST 11190) [14]. Glass sheets shall be rectangular in shape. Glass sheets shall have a uniform thickness. The thickness variation, i.e. the thickness variation of the same sheet, shall not exceed: for glass "2," "2.5" and "3" mm - 0.2 mm. The surface of the glass sheets shall be flat. Curvature of sheet (deflection boom) is not allowed more than 0.3% of length. Glass sheets shall have thick edges and whole angles. Chips and scraps in the edges of the sheet shall not be allowed with a length (counting from the edge to the center of the sheet) of more than 3 mm for glass "2," "2.5" and "3." Light transmission of glass shall be: for 2 - 2.5 millimeters at least 87%; 3 to 4 millimeters at least 85%. The glass must be colorless. The glass must be evenly annealed and break off exactly along the notch, without cracking. Window glass shall be accepted by technical supervision of the supplier. The Supplier shall ensure that all manufactured window glass meets the requirements of this standard. Glass boxes shall be stored in closed dry rooms.

Mineral wool plates on synthetic binder (GOST 957396) [15]. Plate dimensions shall correspond to: type of plate - FP; length in mm - 500; 1000; width in mm - 450; 500; thickness in mm - 30; 40; 50; 60; 70. Permissible deviations from dimensions should not exceed: in length and width ± 10 mm, and in thickness ± 5 mm. The slabs shall have a rectangular shape and exactly trimmed edges. Plate diagonal difference shall not exceed 20 mm. The slice shall have a uniform structure and no stratification. The slabs shall be packed in cardboard boxes or wooden lattice containers. The mass of the packed place shall not exceed 50 kg. During loading and unloading of slabs, measures must be taken to ensure the safety of the slabs from mechanical damage and

humidification. Packed plates shall be transported in covered wagons or other closed vehicles. Packaged slabs shall be stored in closed warehouses or under a canopy. The height of the stack of plates packed in soft packagings shall not exceed 2 m.

Finnish insulator ISOVER KT11 - is an analogue of our glass wool.

Density not more than 13 kg/m3;

Thermal conductivity γ = 0.036 W/( m * ° С);

Thickness of insulation layer δ = 5 cm;

Roll area - 16.8 m2;

Polystyrene foam plates PSBS25 manufactured by Sayan Polymer (GOST 1558886).

Density not more than 25 kg/m3;

Thermal conductivity a = 0.042 W/( m * ° С);

Time of independent burning of boards of PSBS type is not more than 4 sec.;

Bending strength not less than 18 MPa;

Specific heat capacity with = 1.34 kJ/kg * ° С;

Heat absorption coefficient s = 0.41 W/( m2 * ° С).

Effective insulation "Isofol"

density γо =25 kg/m3;

coefficient of thermal conductivity γ = 0.042 W/( m * ° С);

dimensions: rolls 1.2 m wide (covered with lavsan film with a bulk layer of aluminum) and 1.23 m (coating with aluminum foil) with a material thickness of 2 to 10 microns, the thickness of the insulation itself is 4 mm.

Gypsum board "KubanKNAUF" (GOST 626697).

Dimensions: length - 2 m; width - 1.2 m; thickness - 12.5 mm.

Gypsum board sheets of GCL belong to the flammability group G1 as per GOST 30244, to the flammability group VZ as per GOST 30402, to the smoke-forming ability group D1 as per GOST 12.1.044, to the toxicity group T1 as per GOST 12.1.044.

Destructive load for longitudinal samples - 322 N;

for transverse samples - 105 N.

Density γо =1000 kg/m3;

Coefficient of thermal conductivity a = 0.25 W/( m * ° С);

Heat absorption coefficient s = 6.01 W/( m2 * ° С).

Construction gypsum (GOST 12579) [16], obtained by grinding natural gypsum stone. Construction gypsum is used for the manufacture of building parts and products, as well as for the production of plaster work. The start of gypsum setting should occur no earlier than 4 minutes, and the end of setting should occur no earlier than 6 minutes and no later than 30 minutes after the start of gypsum dough closing. The time from the beginning of gypsum dough closing to the end of gypsum crystallization must be at least 12 minutes. During transportation and storage of gypsum should be protected from humidification and contamination with foreign impurities.

Enamels of general consumption for internal works (GOST 6456), which are a suspension of rubbed pigments in oil varnish. Enamels are intended for painting various wooden and metal products operated inside the room, and for internal finishing work on the surface of plaster. The plant supplier has to guarantee a possibility of drawing the subsequent layers after drying of the applied enamel at a temperature of 18 - 20 wasps during 24 h, and a possibility of grinding of a covering after drying - during 48 h at a thickness of each layer no more than 23 mk. The composition of solvents included in enamels and their quantitative content should be agreed by the Main State Inspectorate of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Enamel is poured into metal cans

(according to GOST 612852), flasks (according to GOST 579951), bidions with a capacity of up to 25 liters and metal drums containing up to 200 kg of product. Enamels are stored in tightly closed containers, protecting them from the action of sunlight and moisture. Each batch of enamel is accompanied by a document confirming the quality of enamel and confirming the compliance of enamel with this standard.

Asbestos cement wavy sheets of profile 40/150 (GOST 3034095), designed for the construction of attic roofs and wall fences of residential, public and agricultural buildings. Main sheet sizes:

length L = 1750 ± 15 mm;

width - wave sheet B = 980 ± 5 mm;

thickness t = 5.8 ± 0.3 mm;

row wave height h = 40 ± 3 mm;

overlapping wave height h1 = 40 ± 4 mm;

overlapping wave height h2 = 32 ± 4 mm;

the width of the overlapping edge b1 = 43 ± 7 mm;

width of overlapping edge b2 = 37mm ;

wave pitch s = 150 mm .

Sheets must have a rectangular plan shape. The deviation from the rectangle must not be more than 15 mm. Longitudinal edges of sheets shall be straight. Deviation from straightness

must not be more than 10 mm. Sheets and parts shall not have breakaways, holes and through cracks.

Minor defects are allowed:

Individual headers with a length of not more than 100 mm in any direction;

individual rubbers on one side of the sheet are not more than 15 mm in the direction perpendicular to the edge of the article. The total value of sherbins measured along the edge of the article shall not exceed 60 mm;

individual surface breaks with a length of not more than 100 mm and a width of 2 mm.

The total number of minor defects on a single sheet in any combination should not be more than three, and the number of sheets with such defects in the sample should not be more than one third of its volume.

The front surface of the overlapped part of the sheets shall bear:

trademark or name of the manufacturer;

Sheet profile symbol (abbreviated part symbol)

batch number.

Sheets and parts are supplied without packaging .

Wire nails galvanized for asbestos-cement roof with a diameter of 4 mm, a length of 100 mm (nails 4 × 100 GOST 987061). Rod diameter d = 4.0 ± 0.08 mm; nail length L = 100 ± 4.0 mm; head diameter

D = 12 mm; head height is not less than h = 1.8 mm. Nails shall be made of thermally untreated light low carbon steel wire as per GOST 328274. Zinc coating of nails must be continuous, without passes, cracks and thickenings, visible without the use of magnifying devices. Zinc-coated marks from clamps and detachable dies, as well as minor longitudinal hairlines, are allowed on rods and support surfaces of nail heads. Zinc coating of nail heads shall withstand two single-minute dips in copper sulphate solution. The limit deviation from the alignment of the rod and nail head shall not exceed 1 mm. No uncovered cut is allowed on nails. Packing, marking, transportation and storage - as per GOST 28375.

Ruberoid (GOST 1092364), obtained by impregnating roofboard with soft oil bitumen, followed by coating it on both sides with refractory oil bitumen. The lower (outer in the roll) surface of the roofing ruberoid should have a fine mineral sprinkle. The coating mass should be applied on both sides of the ruberoid over the entire surface of the web in a uniform layer without coarse corrugations, bubbles and gaps. The face of the roofing ruberoid shall be covered with a continuous layer of sprinkling, uniformly and without undisturbed areas.

Coarse-grained sprinkling of roofed ruberoid is heated into the cover layer of the material by at least half the size of the sprinkling grains; Note here that bitumen layer must remain between sprinkling grains and cardboard. In the section, the ruberoid should be black or black with a brown tint, without light layers of unpowered cardboard and without

extraneous inclusions. The ruberoid must have no cracks, holes, tears and folds. The ruberoid roll must have even ends. Ruberoid board shall meet the requirements of GOST 313564. The ruberoid in each batch must be uniform in type and size of sprinkling materials and are the same in color. Packing, marking, storage and transportation shall be performed as per GOST 255164.

Architectural and construction section

3.1. Master Plan

The site is located in the partially built-up Red Abakan district of Abakan. The building site has a size of 600 m2 (6 acres).

To the prevailing winds, the building is located at an angle of 450. Break with existing buildings - in accordance with fire and sanitary standards. The building is located so that the central entrances are located on the side of the street.

The scheme of landscaping and landscaping of the site adopted in the project provides favorable conditions for residents. The site located in front of the central entrances to the building has a pavement of asphalt concrete preparation.

On the territory there are also elements of landscaping: sowing grasses, shrubs, trees, on the side of the main street - flower beds, in the courtyard - a frame for curly plants and flowers.

3.3. Exterior and interior finishes

If in the end the version of a wall fence made of brick is adopted for development, then from the outside it will not need to be lined with anything, since it itself is a cladding. If the polystyrene concrete wall is more effective, then in order to hide all the disadvantages of concreting: irregularity and roughness, it will be necessary to plaster the walls outside with cement sand mortar with relief finish. Walls from the pavement to the level of the floor elevation of the first floor are plastered with cement sand mortar with the addition of marble crumbs.

Metal elements of the facades - handrails and fences are painted black.

The visor of the entrance is plastered along a grid pulled along a metal frame and painted in light gray.

The entrance steps and porch cover are mosaic.

The base and side walls of the porch are faced with ceramic tiles measuring 250 × 250 mm.

Window frames from the outside and from the inside are painted with oil paint in white.

With internal decoration, brick walls and partitions are plastered, under the color with lime compositions, the seams of the panels on the ceilings are expanded with cement mortar.

The internal doors are painted with oil paint in blue.

The walls of rooms and corridors are lined with wallpaper without curbs with an indentation of 7-10 cm from the ceiling. The walls of the san knots are painted with oil paint of light tones to a height of 1.6 m.

Above the kitchen equipment is a panel of glazed tiles in 4 rows.

Floors in the premises and the corridor are planted along the lags, and - from linoleum, in the bathrooms - ceramic tiles.

Foundations and Foundation

5.3. Substantiation of possible foundation options and their analysis, selection of the most rational solution

Based on the assessment of engineering and geological conditions, the analysis of loads on the base and the work of above-ground structures, we develop sketches of possible versions of bases and foundation structures. The basis for the development of foundation options is the study of analogues available for use in these soil conditions, design documentation of built objects. For specific engineering and geological conditions, it is advisable to plant the object on possible different versions of bases (natural and artificial) and foundations. In a more detailed study, the most acceptable of them is chosen, taking into account: geological conditions, the method of work and the capabilities of construction organizations, structures and materials that the customer can acquire .

In this diploma project, we can accept the following options:

tape monolithic foundation;

columnar monolithic foundation;

pile foundation - from reinforced concrete piles with their binding by cast-in-situ reinforced concrete pile;

cast-in-situ reinforced concrete slab;

borehole foundation and others.

The tape foundation is the least labor intensive, while the simplest and most economical type of foundation .

Pile foundation - used when erecting buildings on weak soils. Quite laborious and expensive type of foundations.

The monolithic plate version is more labor intensive and requires unreasonable excess of construction costs. Thus, we finally accept the options for tape and columnar foundations as the most economical and least labor-intensive.

The basic principle of designing the tape foundations of buildings is that the tape foundations of all walls are combined into a single system and form a fairly rigid horizontal frame that redistributes uneven deformations of the base.

With columnar foundations, the frame is formed from foundation beams that are rigidly connected to each other on supports to ensure joint work.

Construction technology

6.1. Work of the preparatory period

The work of phase 1 of the preparatory period includes:

cleaning of large stones and debris located on the site;

cutting down shrubs and trees;

removal of vegetable layer;


Shrub cutting and removal of vegetable layer with their movement outside the building site are performed by bulldozers. Trees are sawn, as a rule, with electric saws, sawn trees are taken outside the construction site using cranes and cars or bulldozers. Stumps are rooted using roosters or winches. Large stones are removed using a bulldozer.

The work of phase 2 of the preparatory period includes:

fencing and lighting of the object;

vertical layout;

laying of temporary communications;

arrangement of temporary buildings and structures;

temporary roads;

providing communication.

Fencing of the construction site is made of prefabricated wooden shields and posts. To avoid additional earthworks, the posts are arranged on the sunbeds. For the convenience of people passing along the fence on its outer side, the fence is arranged with a visor and a sidewalk of boards. Lighting network is arranged by specially installed supports.

All axes of the building under construction must be moved to the terrain before excavation can begin. For this, at a distance of 4-5 m from the boundaries of the future structure, a wasting is arranged. The shroud is a strut installed along the perimeter of the structure in 3-4 m. To the struts at a height of 1.5 m, veins are horizontally fixed, on which the axes of the structure are marked. For risks, the wire corresponding to one or another axis of the building is pulled.

The construction site shall be provided with water and electricity. Water supply is laid underground at depth not less than depth of ground freezing. Sewer is laid with slopes providing fluid flow. The depth of sewer pipe laying during operation in winter is the same as for water supply. Every 50 m brick wells are arranged. Power grid is laid by underground cable from transformer substation to distribution unit. The cable is laid in a trench 80-110 cm deep on the bottom of the trench and one layer of brick is laid on top of the cable, which protects the cable from accidental damage. Power is supplied from distribution unit to consumers by ground cable.

Temporary buildings are erected to accommodate domestic premises and pro-slave. As temporary buildings, inventory wooden houses are used, which are transported in assembled form on trailers with loading and unloading by cranes.

Temporary roads on the construction site are arranged for the movement of road transport and have a dirt coating. At the entrance to the construction site, a scheme for the movement of vehicles should be established, and on the sides of roads and driveways - clearly visible road signs regulating the procedure for the movement of vehicles. The speed of motor vehicles near the work sites shall not exceed 10 km/h in straight sections and 5 km/h in turns.

The construction site is provided with telephone communication, for the prompt resolution of emerging issues, as well as in case of emergencies.

6.2. Earthworks

The design and execution of excavation works is carried out using a typical process plan of the complex-mechanized process for pit development, and its binding to this object with specification of the scope of work. The developed soil is removed from the construction site and used for backfilling or vertical planning of newly built objects. This integrated mechanized process consists of preparatory and substantive operations.

Preparatory operations include:

temporary roads for soil transportation;

cutting off the vegetal layer of soil and turf;

site layout;

loading of vegetal soil by excavator into dump trucks and transportation to dump.

The main transactions include:

development of pit up to design elevations by excavator with cleaning of base by grinding device;

transportation of developed soil by dump trucks outside the construction site;

manual soil development in areas with a large number of ledges.

The plant layer is cut by the DZ-28 bulldozer on the basis of the T-130.1.G-1 tractor after tying and splitting the area for the building with fixing of points on the ground with wooden pegs or steel pins and corresponding leveling of the surface. The developed vegetal soil is loaded by an EO3322A excavator with reverse shovel equipment with a 0.5 m3 bucket into KamAZ-5511 dump trucks and exported outside the construction site for subsequent use during improvement. The thickness of the vegetable layer is 24 cm.

The layout provides for subsequent excavation at the site (excavation of the pit) in such a way as not to cause repeated digging and soil passes.

Layer-by-layer compaction of filled soil with pneumatic wheel roller of DU-31 type is performed on the covered areas of the planned territory.

Vertical planning works shall be performed in strict accordance with the instructions of paragraphs 3.1.-3.11. SNiP III-8-76 "Earthworks."

After the completion of the preparatory period, the breakdown of the main axes of the building and the compilation of the executive diagram, a pit is developed. The depth of the pit (absolute elevation: -1.5 m) is set in accordance with the recommendations of SNiP 2.02.0183 * "Bases of buildings and structures."

Due to a significant amount of excavation work, the excavation of the pit is carried out by the EO3322A excavator with reverse shovel equipment with a 0.5 m3 bucket with loading of soil into KamAZ-5511 dump trucks with a carrying capacity of 10 tons.

Excavators are equipped with a grinding device of the Promstroy Research Institute design, which allows developing a pit to design elevations with a slight deviation (± 5 cm).

The process of soil rework by grinding device is as follows. From each working parking lot, the excavator develops a pit in the usual way with a lack of soil up to the design mark by 15-20 cm. Grinding of the pit base is carried out with a sharp cutting edge of the knife by removing the soil with layers 5-10 cm thick.

Due to the complexity of the shape of the foundations, in sections of the pit with a large number of ledges up to 1.2 m long, manual soil development is provided.

To control the depth of pit development, it is recommended to equip the excavator with an electronic hydrostatic GEG-2 depth meter.

6.3. Foundation arrangement

The foundations for the building will be made in a monolithic version, although this will take longer than the construction of prefabricated buildings. Prior to concrete works it is necessary to install formwork, lay reinforcing elements and install anchor bolts for column attachment. We perform concreting work by grips, after completion of work on one gripper, we dismantle the formwork and install it on the other gripper.

Foundations are moistened by atmospheric moisture or ground water leaking through the soil. Moisture access to the walls is blocked by the waterproofing device. Insulation layer consists of two ruberoid layers glued together by bitumen mastic. To protect the soil from humidification with surface water, pavements with a width of at least 0.8 m are arranged near the walls of the building with a slope from the building 0.02... 0.1 .

After the foundation and basement are installed, the laying axes from the cladding are transferred directly to the structure under construction (the cladding may not be preserved further ).

To achieve greater performance, the driver must:

To develop the soil only with a fully serviceable excavator, providing technical care for it in a timely manner;

fill the ladle as much as possible each time the ground is drawn;

Perform work at minimum cycle time (ladle work cycle).

Excavators during operation shall be installed on a planned site and, in order to avoid spontaneous movement, fixed with inventory stops. During a break in operation, the excavator must be moved from the edge of the trench by 2 m, and the ladle should be lowered to the ground. It is allowed to clean the ladle only in lowered position.

Asbestos cement pipes shall be laid under the foundation base prior to laying of foundations in places of communication

∅ 400 mm with simultaneous laying of the main line link in them.

Casings are coated with hot bitumen in 2 times.

The inner surface of the external walls of the basement is insulated to the entire height by mineral wool heat insulation plates.

Installation of tape foundations is carried out by a link of three people: one installer of the 4th and two installers of the 3rd category. Work shall be performed in strict compliance with safety and safety regulations of workers according to SNiP III480.

During installation of tape foundations wire is pulled between flaps along axes of external walls and point of intersection of axes is transferred to bottom of pit by means of plumb. From this point, the design position of the outer face of the foundation strip is measured with a meter and two metal pins are clogged so that the wire berth stretched between them is located 2-3 cm behind the line of the foundation strip.

Before installation of the units, the installers must check the base elevations by sights. The link moves several meters behind one of the installed control viziers, and the first installer hammers into the ground at the intersection of the axes of the unit being installed a wooden pegs 15-20 cm long. The pegs should be clogged to such a depth that when a check vizier is installed on it, the top of all three viziers (transverse and control) is in the same plane.

The horizontal of the base is reconciled to the pegs using a level rule. If necessary, sand should be added to the base, the excess layer should be cut off. Check the horizontal in at least two mutually perpendicular directions.

Deviations from design dimensions of installed foundation cushions shall not exceed: upper plane horizontally ± 5 mm; axes of individual cushions from axis of foundation tape ± 10 mm.

During reinforcement, it is necessary to ensure that the extreme reinforcement rods are spaced from the face of the foundation wall blocks inward by at least 3 cm. All joints of the reinforcement and its coupling in the corners and intersections of the foundation belts must be welded. Length of welds is assumed to be at least 10 d. In one place it is allowed to connect not more than two rods.

For waterproofing, the surfaces of the walls in contact with the ground must be coated with hot bitumen in two times.

6.4. Job Instruction for Installation of Building Framework and Bracing

Prefabricated reinforced concrete structures and parts shall be manufactured according to typical working drawings in accordance with the current GOST, normals and catalogs. All reinforced concrete structures shall be released from the plants with established strength.

Before starting the installation of structures at each stage, it is necessary to:

complete installation of prefabricated elements of the underlying floor with permanent fixtures;

draw up an executive layout of the elements of the mounted structures and hand them over according to the act;

Move the main layout axes to the slab

Define the installation horizon.

Slinging of elements shall ensure their lifting and supply to the installation site in the position corresponding to the design one. The slinging scheme is defined by the design .

The lifting of the elements should be carried out in two receptacles: first to a height of 20-30 cm (in this position, the correctness of the slinging, the reliability of the grips, the strength of the mounting loops, etc.), after which the element is further lifted. Lifting and movement of elements must be performed smoothly, without jerks, swinging, rotation, thrusts and impacts on previously installed structures.

The element should be brought to the installation site from the outside of the building, while the crane boom should not pass over the installers workplace. Installation should be carried out in such a way that the most distant structures from the crane are installed first, and then all the others are installed sequentially.

Installation is performed on solution layer. It is forbidden to put the solution, the setting of which has begun, into the seams. Elements displaced from the solution bed during the hardening period shall be cleaned of the added solution and re-installed on the fresh solution.

It is not allowed to release the installed element from the hook of the mounting crane until it is safely temporary or permanently fixed. It is possible to release the installed elements from temporary anchorages only after their permanent fixation. Prior to the start of permanent attachments, it is necessary to check the correct position of the mounted structures and the connected embedded parts. Sealing of joints and seams of prefabricated elements (including corrosion protection of steel embedded parts, grouting and sealing of joints) shall be carried out after checking the correct installation of structures, acceptance of welded and other types of connections between them.

Erection operations of precast reinforced concrete structures are carried out in accordance with the procedure set out below, as well as in compliance with the requirements of SNII480 "Safety in construction"

Laying of floor panels

Prior to commencement of works, it is necessary to install and finally attach all structures of the underlying floors and expand the floor panels in the crane area. The works are performed by a link consisting of three people: installer of the 5th category - 1, installer of the 4th category - 1, installer of the 2nd category - 1. Operations for laying of floor panels are performed in the following order:

Cleaning the panel and checking its dimensions

The installer inspects the panel, checks the presence of embedded parts and the condition of the mounting loops. With light blows of a hammer-tooth, he cleans the panel of concrete and dirt.

Preparation of the solution bed

The installer with the help of a hammer-tooth cleans the place where the panel is laid, and the installer with a shovel picks up solution from the box and arranges a solution bed, leveling the solution with kelma.

Slinging and panel supply to the place of laying

The installer accepts the sling fed by the crane driver, alternately clings its hooks to the panel mounting loops and instructs the crane driver to tighten the sling branches. Convinced of the reliability of the sling, the installer departs to a safe distance, and the crane driver, on his signal, lifts and moves the panel to the place of placement.

Panel laying

The installers, standing on the previously laid panel, receive the panel supplied by the crane driver at a distance of 30 cm from the floor and orient it above the laying place. The crane driver, on the signal of the installer, lowers the panel to the mortar bed. The branches of the sling remain strained.

Reconciliation and disassembly of the panel

The level installers check that the panel is correctly laid by height, eliminating the observed deviations by changing the thickness of the solution bed. When the panel is offset in the plan, the installers draw it with crowns. Then, at the command of the installer, the crane driver eases the tension of the sling branches, and the installers disassemble the panel.

Installation of stair flights

Before works start it is necessary to lay staircases, as well as to check serviceability of mounting devices. The works are performed by a link consisting of three people: installer of the 5th bit - 1, installer of the 4th bit - 1, rigger of the 2nd bit - 1. Staircase laying operations are performed in the following order:

To Prepare a Datum Surface

Installers transfer and lay out tools in convenient places for work. They are then cleaned of solution strains and debris and wetted with water the support surfaces of the platforms using a sledgehammer, a steel brush and a broom.

Preparation of stair flight for slinging

The rigger performs an external inspection of the flight of stairs and checks the strength of the mounting loops. If necessary, he cleans them of dirt, rust and strains of concrete using a steel brush and sledgehammer.

Slinging of the flight of stairs and its delivery to the place of laying

The rigger strokes the flight of stairs, departs from it by 4-5 m and instructs the crane driver to raise the march by 20-30 cm, making sure that the sling is reliable, he signals the driver to supply the march to the laying place.

Bedding Out of Solution

Installers arrange a bed of mortar, throwing it with shovels at the places of laying the march and leveling it with kelms.

Reception and laying of the flight of stairs

The crane driver, at the command of the installer, sends a flight of stairs to the place of laying. The installers receive it at a distance of 20-30 cm from the support surfaces, turn and lower the lower part of the march, and then the upper part, to the prepared bed from the solution.

Stair Flight Reconciliation

Installers with strained sling perform alignment of the march in the plan with crowns, achieving its tight abutment to the wall block of the stairwell. They check the horizontality of the stages by level.

Upset of the flight of stairs

At the command of the installer, the crane driver eases the tension of the sling, and the installers upset the flight of stairs.

Limit deviations of element positions in structures at acceptance relative to layout axes or reference hairlines shall not exceed the values given in the table. It is not permitted to perform any subsequent construction and installation works prior to execution of the certificates of delivery of the installed structures of the entire structure or its individual parts of the certificate of inspection of hidden works.

Masonry of walls and installation of prefabricated elements are performed by grips. Brickwork of the walls is carried out by an integrated team of masons.

Prior to brickwork, the following preparatory work shall be carried out:

construction materials, inventory and tools were imported and stored;

access roads, temporary roads and storage areas are arranged;

all work on the construction of the zero cycle has been completed.

The production of brickwork using the norm complex is carried out by the links "two" and "three."

The work in the "double" link is distributed as follows. The leading mason of the 4th category pulls and rearranges the berth, performs masonry of mile rows, checks the laid masonry and partially lays the dam. The mason of the 3rd category helps the leading mason to install the berth, supplies brick and mortar to the wall, and in his spare time helps to conduct masonry. After the masonry of the 1st tier on the first capture, the mason team goes to the second capture, and the installers to the first capture. In this sequence, work is carried out on the construction of all floors of buildings. The masonry of the protons "deuce" leads simultaneously on the entire plot. While the stonemason of the 3rd category on one of the spacers makes a dam and spreads the mortar, the stonemason of the 4th category puts mile bricks on the other spacer. Then the masons change places and continue the masonry of the protons in the same sequence. The "two" link performs the same masonry of the partitions.

In the "three" link, the mason of the 4th category lays out mile rows and checks the correctness of the masonry. In the process of masonry, he moves along the front of the work after the bricklayer of the 2nd category, who feeds and spreads the brick, feeds and spreads the mortar. The mason of the 3rd category lays out the dam. Masonry of inner and outer verses is performed in the same order, but is carried out in opposite directions. The berth is rearranged by a mason of the 4th category with a mason of the 3rd category.

The main characteristics of brick:

type - ordinary clay plastic pressing GOST 530-95,

dimensions: 250 x 120 x 65 mm;

brick brand: 75-150;

volumetric weight - 1600-1900 kg/m3.

Composition of 75 grade cement mortar in volume dosage:

cement (grade 600) - 1;

lime dough - 0.4;

sand - 4.5.

6.6. Finishing works

During external finishing, plaster is made with cement mortar along a capron mesh, followed by application of matte silicone paint. During internal finishing:

plaster with cement mortar;

oil painting, wallpaper sticker;

construction of plank floors, linoleum floors and ceramic tiles;

glass works.

Plaster works

The process of plastering surfaces consists of the following operations: preparation of the surface for plastering, hanging of the surface, application of spray and soil, pulling of rods and corners, covering and rubbing of the surface, finishing of slopes and plugs.

Brick surfaces to be plastered shall be thoroughly cleaned of dust, dirt, fat and other stains. Surfaces are hung and beacons are arranged to check horizontality and verticality of surfaces and to control thickness of applied plaster layer. Vertical surfaces are hung using a plumb, horizontal surfaces - using a level with a rule rack.

The correct preparation of the surface for plastering must be issued by a hidden work certificate.

The plaster must be firmly connected to the plastered surface, i.e. the individual layers of the mark must not be delaminated. The strength of the bond is checked by easily piercing the surface of the plaster. A blind sound indicates a lack of adhesion, in these places the plaster layer must be cut down and replaced with a new one. Cracks, cusps, shells, etc. are not allowed on the surface of the plaster.

Painting works

The process of painting works consists of three main operations: priming, keying and painting of the surface.

Painting works begin only after the roofing is arranged over the premises to be finished and under such conditions as to exclude the possibility of damage to the finished finish or contamination with its subsequent works, i.e. after completion and delivery of all civil and special works in the premises to be finished. To avoid uneven drying in all rooms where painting works are carried out, window bindings must be glazed.

External painting operations are performed at ambient air temperature not lower than + 5 ° C. Organosilicon coating is applied with thickness of 2 mm. Primer is applied using sprayer gun. Drying time

texture layer 2 h. The work is carried out from scaffolding, which is installed in advance along the entire perimeter of the building.

The appearance and color of the painted surfaces must match the design. Painted surfaces shall be one ton, without gaps and seams. No blemishes, stripes, strings, splashes, bubbles, bloating and peeling of paint film, cracks, hairs from brush, paint grains.

Wallpaper works

Lining the surfaces with wallpaper consists of the following operations:

surface preparation, surface sizing with a clayster;

grinding the surface and gluing it with waste paper;

preparation of wallpaper and sticking of surfaces with wallpaper.

In the premises where wallpaper is provided, all work shall be completed, with the exception of the second painting of carpentry. The moisture content of the surface to be glued shall not exceed 8%.

There should be no bubbles and spots on the glued surfaces. All panels must have the same color and shade. Skips, before adhesive and delamination are not allowed. The points of connection of the wallpaper when sticking them butt-to-butt should not be noticeable. Skews, shrivel, non-density of abutment to the base are not allowed. Acceptance is performed only after drying of surfaces glued with wallpaper.

Glass works

Glass works are performed before start of painting and wallpaper works. When glazing, the glass should be cut in workshops.

In wooden bindings, glass is fixed with staples according to putty. In stained-glass windows and stained-glass windows with profiles made of aluminum alloys of large sizes are reinforced with metal staples on veins. Glass cutters are used to cut glass.

Acceptance of glass works is carried out until completion of painting of bindings and not earlier than formation of solid film on surface of glass putty. The surfaces of the inserted glasses shall be clean, without traces of putty, mortar, paint, etc. The filling must have no cracks and must not lag behind the glass and the surface of the folding paper.

6.7. Work on the arrangement of floors

When arranging plank floors, the floor bar is laid on lags. Surface of laid lag is checked by level. Lags are laid perpendicular to light falling from windows, in corridors - perpendicular to movement. The floor bar is laid perpendicular to the lags and connected to each other in a tongue. The nails are clogged obliquely, with the hats pouring into the wood.

The base for the linoleum floors is a cement brace. Linoleum is cut and laid dry a day before its gluing. Coloring should be so that at the joints linoleum sheets overlap by 10 mm. 3040 minutes prior to linoleum sticker, the base surface shall be scrubbed.

Prior to works on tile coating laying, surface is cleaned from dust, dirt, residual solution, slopes are checked and room angles are checked. To ensure horizontality of the tile floor, fiducials are used, from the elevation of which beacons and stamps are set.

During acceptance, ensure that the specified thicknesses, elevations, slopes, the density of the upper floor elements adjoining the underlying ones and the correct adjoining of the floors to other structures are met. Cracks, potholes and open seams in floor elements are not allowed. The clearance between the plinth and the wall shall not exceed 1 mm.

Organization of construction

7.1. Work Conditions

The construction site is free of buildings and structures, it follows that there will be no cost for their demolition. The construction site is located in a residential area with existing access roads and communication. In the process of preparing the site for construction work, it will only be necessary to bring water supply communications from existing networks.

The cottage is preferably designed with a plan area of about 100 m2, as it is intended for families with low and medium income.

The site is located in the partially built-up Red Abakan district of Abakan. The building plot has a size of 600 m2 (6 acres), square in plan. The cottage has the following dimensions in plan: 9.7 × 8.4 m and the garage adjacent to the house 8.7 × 3.4 m.

To the prevailing winds, the building is located at an angle of 450. Break with existing buildings - in accordance with fire and sanitary standards. The building is located so that the central entrances are located on the side of the street.

Drawings content

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