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Diploma project for manufacturing part Bushing

  • Added: 06.04.2019
  • Size: 616 KB
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Fabrication of bushing part There are all drawings in compass

Project's Content

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icon КЭ3.doc
icon МК 1.doc
icon МК 2.doc
icon ОК-1.doc
icon ОК-1222.doc
icon ОК-1333.doc
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icon ОК-2.doc
icon ТЛ1.doc
icon ВВЕДЕНИЕ.doc
icon Чертеж 78г.cdw
icon Чертеж ОРП.cdw
icon Чертеж11111.cdw

Additional information




1 Process Part

1.1 Description of part design and purpose

1.2 Part processability analysis

1.3 Selection of the workpiece production method

1.4 Characteristics of the specified type of production

1.5 Selection of Procurement Type

2 Design part

2.1 Calculation of intermediate allowances and workpiece dimensions

2.2 Calculation of cutting modes

2.3 Determination of time standards

3 Design part

3.1 Description of the design and operating principle of the measuring device

3.2 Description of the design and operation principle of the cutting tool

3.3 Description of the installation device design and operation principle


List of literature




The purpose of this course design is to design the manufacturing process of the bushing part. To do this, the following tasks must be solved:

Part design is described and workpiece material is selected

Production type analyzed and selected

Part processability analyzed

Routing technology compiled

The following calculations were made:

Calculation of intermediate allowances and workpiece dimensions

Calculation of cutting modes

Defining Time Standards

A set of methods and techniques for manufacturing machines developed over a long period of time and used in a certain field of production constitutes the technology of this field. In this regard, concepts arose: casting technology, pressure processing technology, welding technology, machining technology, machine assembly technology. All these areas of production relate to the technology of mechanical engineering, covering all stages of the manufacturing process, machine-building products.

By "engineering technology" it is customary to mean a scientific discipline that studies mainly the processes of machining parts and assembling machines and simultaneously touches on the issues of choosing blanks and methods of their manufacture. This is because in mechanical engineering, the desired shapes of parts with the required accuracy and quality of their surfaces are achieved mainly by machining, since other machining methods cannot always meet these technical requirements. In the process of machining machine parts, the greatest number of problematic issues arise related to the need to fulfill the technical requirements set by the designer before production. The machining process is associated with the operation of complex equipment - metal cutting machines; labour intensity and cost of machining are higher than at other stages of machine manufacturing process.

These circumstances explain the development of "engineering technology" as a scientific discipline, first of all, in the direction of studying the issues of machining and assembly technology that most affect the production activities of the enterprise.

The complexity of the process and the physical nature of the phenomena associated with mechanical processing caused the difficulty of studying the entire range of issues within the same technological discipline and caused the formation of several such disciplines. So, the phenomena that occur when removing metal layers with a cutting and abrasive tool are studied in the discipline "Metal Cutting"; study of the designs of cutting tools and materials for their manufacture refers to the discipline "Cutting tools."

These specialized technological disciplines were formed earlier than the comprehensive discipline "Engineering Technology."

The Engineering Technologies comprehensively studies the interaction of the machine, accessory, cutting tool and machined part; ways to build the most rational, that is, the most productive and economic, technological processes for processing machine parts, including the selection of equipment and technological equipment; methods of rational construction of machine assembly processes.

Thus, the discipline "Engineering Technology" studies the basics and methods of machine production, which are common to various branches of mechanical engineering

Part Processability Analysis

In general, the machined surface part has free access for machining except for the surface of the hole 40,5 which has a larger diameter than the diameter of the mounting hole, the transition from a smaller diameter to a larger one at right angles (since the parts do not indicate the fillet radii of these surfaces) forces the use of a special cutting tool.

The design of two lubrication holes located at an angle of 45 ° to the axis of the part makes it necessary to design a special installation device that provides basing of the part with an error of installation ± 5, "these holes are highly accurate with a tolerance of F8.


As a result of the KP according to the Technology of Mechanical Engineering, the technological process of machining the Bushing part was developed, which includes: turning operations, drilling, grinding. Interoperative allowances were calculated on the most accurate surface, as a result of the calculation, a workpiece for this part was designed. For part of machining operations, cutting modes are determined by analytical calculation, and for the rest - assigned according to general engineering standards. Process rationing of machining operation has been carried out.

In the design part of the course design, the device and principle of operation of the installation device, measuring tool, cutting tool for turning operation are considered.

The application of the course design contains a set of process documentation, which includes: 1) a set of process documentation (the process of mechanical processing of the Bushing part); 2) graphic part (drawing of part, process adjustment, cutting tool).

Drawings content

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Чертеж 78г.cdw

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