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Diploma project - Development of fuel system

  • Added: 04.08.2012
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Diploma project contains explanatory note, drawings, details

Project's Content

icon 01ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ.doc
icon 0Введени.doc
icon 2Анализ существующих конструкций.doc
icon 3 Конструкторская.doc
icon 4эконом.doc
icon 5БЖД.doc
icon 6Выводы.doc
icon ВДП 2.cdw
icon ВДП.cdw
icon Доклад.doc
icon Реферат.bak
icon Реферат.cdw
icon Спецификация.cdw
icon Титульный лист+ задание на выпускную квалфикационную работу.doc
icon 1АХЧ.cdw
icon 2Показатели топлив.cdw
icon 3Анализ существующих конструкций.cdw
icon 4Курсач.cdw
icon 5Общий вид.cdw
icon 6Сборочный.cdw
icon Д1.bak
icon Д1.cdw
icon Д2.bak
icon Д2.cdw
icon Д3.bak
icon Д3.cdw
icon Д4.bak
icon Д4.cdw
icon Д5.bak
icon Д5.cdw
icon 8Технологическая карта НОВАЯ.cdw
icon 9Эконом часть.cdw

Additional information


1 Analysis of production activities of Baimakskoye OPH

1.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

1.2 Analysis of crop production indicators

1.3 Analysis of animal husbandry indicators

1.4 Analysis of the composition and indicators of the use of the machine-tractor fleet

1.5 Organization of the petrochemical industry

1.6 Arrangement of machine storage

2 Analysis of existing designs of fuel heaters

3 Calculation and design of fuel heater

3.1 Diesel and rapeseed oil indicators

3.2 Thermal calculation of the engine

3.2.1 Inlet Process

3.2.2 Compression Process

3.2.3 Combustion process

3.2.4 Expansion Process

3.2.5 Exhaust process

3.2.6 Engine performance indicators

3.2.7 Effective engine performance

3.3 Engine heat balance

3.3.1 Total Heat Quantity

3.3.2 Heat equivalent to efficient operation

3.3.3 Heat transferred to cooling medium

3.3.4 Heat carried away with exhaust gases

3.3.5 Unaccounted for heat loss

3.4 Biofuel Heater Design

3.5 Calculation of the main parameters of the heat transfer element

3.6 Selection of the positor

3.7 TEN calculation

4 Technical and economic indicators of the project

4.1 Calculation of tractor conversion costs

4.2 Calculation of the economic effect of the design implementation

4.3 Calculation of payback period

5 Project safety and environmental friendliness

5.1 Ensuring working conditions and safety in the Baimakskoye OPH

5.2 Safety measures during operation of tractor T-

5.3 Environmental protection measures

5.4 Measures to protect the population and values in emergency situations

5.5 Conclusions on safety in OPH "Baymakskoye"

Bibliographic list


In modern agriculture, the main source of energy is a diesel engine powered by fuel of oil origin.

The life of the diesel engine is limited, in addition, the fuel itself is constantly becoming more expensive. In this regard, it is of great practical interest to find alternative fuels. One of them can be rapeseed oil.

The prospect of using rapeseed oil derivatives as motor fuel has been mentioned for a long time. Due to the rapidly increasing scarcity of petroleum-derived liquid fuels and the continuing tightening of world standards for exhaust toxicity, the concept of was one of the best solutions to these problems.

Now let's talk about the temptation of using new biofuels and its economic benefits. First, the cost of diesel fuel today is about 16 rubles per liter, and the cost of a liter of biofuel based on rapeseed oil is about 4-5 rubles per liter. And if we take into account the fact that in the manufacture of rapeseed oil, such products as pulp are obtained, which is used in agriculture as animal feed, the benefit obtained will reduce the cost of biofuels to 2-3 rubles per liter.

The process of making rapeseed oil itself is much easier and cheaper than the process of producing diesel fuel. Peculiarities of production

rapeseed oil is a continuous cycle of the production process. The advantages of biofuel production technology are:

- use of renewable raw materials (rapeseed) to obtain the main component;

- production of valuable related products: solid fuel, press for fodder preparation, technical soap, glycerin;

- small amount of wastewater;

- absence of harmful gaseous emissions;

-technology of biofuel production is material and resource-saving.

It follows that when the engine changes from diesel fuel to biofuels, it leads to a decrease in fuel costs by about 2-4 times. The benefit is obvious.

The next positive point when using biofuels is its environmental friendliness. In addition to the reduced solidification temperature (and this is how important it is for our winter weather conditions), biofuels, like motor fuel, have a number of valuable qualities. Its use significantly extends the lifetime of the engine, since such fuel has a better lubricity than fuel from oil. At the same time, the risk of cancer is reduced by 90%. Due to the fact that biofuels contain 11% oxygen, the amount of carbon dioxide decreases by 80%, carbon monoxide - by 35%, sulfur oxides - by 100%, aerosols (flue particles less than 10 microns in size) - by 32%. It is clear that these impressive indicators are of paramount importance for improving the environmental situation .

However, there are problems associated with the use of rapeseed oil. The main problems with the use of such fuel were:

- loss of power;

- cold start problems;

- malfunctions of exhaust valves.

Rapeseed oil has great differences in its properties from diesel fuel. This is particularly true of viscosity, which is the most important parameter determining the quality of fuel spraying and combustion. The viscosity of the oil can be reduced by heating or dilution by adding diesel fuel. Rapeseed oil, being more viscous than diesel fuel, should be quite warm when used as fuel. At too low temperatures, it requires heating. The biofuel heater that I have proposed makes it possible to switch the engine to biofuels.

Drawings content

icon ВДП 2.cdw

ВДП 2.cdw

icon ВДП.cdw


icon Реферат.cdw


icon Спецификация.cdw


icon 1АХЧ.cdw


icon 2Показатели топлив.cdw

2Показатели топлив.cdw

icon 3Анализ существующих конструкций.cdw

3Анализ существующих конструкций.cdw

icon 4Курсач.cdw


icon 5Общий вид.cdw

5Общий вид.cdw

icon 6Сборочный.cdw


icon Д1.cdw


icon Д2.cdw


icon Д3.cdw


icon Д4.cdw


icon Д5.cdw


icon 8Технологическая карта НОВАЯ.cdw

8Технологическая карта НОВАЯ.cdw

icon 9Эконом часть.cdw

9Эконом часть.cdw
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