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  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 11

Dining room, TX


Technological part of the dining room with 30 seats

Project's Content

icon Столовая на 30мест ТХ1.dwg

Additional information

1. Process Part

1.1 General part

The technological part of the dining room design is developed in accordance with the regulatory documents for the design:

SNiP 2.08.0289 * "Public buildings and structures";

SNiP 2.09.0285 * "Production Buildings";

SNiP 2.09.0487 * "Administrative and household buildings";

SanPiN (SP) "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering organizations...";

PPB-01-03 Fire Safety Regulations of the Russian Federation

NPB 10503 "Determination of categories of rooms, buildings and outdoor installations by explosion and fire hazard";

NPB 11003 "List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection by automatic fire extinguishing units and automatic fire alarm";

NPB 10403 "Warning and evacuation management systems in case of fires in buildings and structures";

"Standards for equipping catering enterprises with commercial, technological and refrigeration equipment";

MGSN 4.1498 "Catering enterprises."

SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal computer and work organization"

1.2 Canteen with 30 seats process part

1.2.1 Definition of main process parameters

The main technological indicators of the project are, the number of consumers, the operating mode of the enterprise, the number and distribution of products produced, the consumption of raw materials for the production of products, and the number of production personnel .

Initial data for calculation of main process parameters:

1. According to GOST R 5076295 and the design assignment, the dining room is classified as - a general dining room

2. The dining room has three meals a day

3. The number of consumers with those one-time meals served in one working day is 100 people

4. Service Form - Self-Service

5. Type of production - canteen works on raw materials

6. The capacity of the hall is 30 people.

Dining room operation mode

Table 1 shows the opening hours of the dining room from 7.00 to 20.00, which is 13 hours. We accept the start time of the production personnel 6.00. End time 22.00. One hour before breakfast is taken for its preparation, cleaning of premises and. One hour after dinner is taken for cleaning, washing dishes and.

We accept the operating mode of the dining room - two replaceable. The shift duration is 8 hours.

Drawings content

icon Столовая на 30мест ТХ1.dwg

Столовая на 30мест ТХ1.dwg