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Digestive boiler electric KPI 100

  • Added: 10.12.2014
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Calculation and graphic work "Digestive electric boiler KPE-100" was performed according to a special task with the uniqueness of the text by антиплагиат.ру = 81%. It is a calculation work archive and two KPI 100 drawings including fine detail drawings.

Project's Content

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Additional information



1. Analytical Overview

1.1. Process requirements

1.2. Overview of technical characteristics of mass-produced devices

2. Design Section

2.1. Description of the designed set

2.2. Thermal calculation of the apparatus

2.2.1. Design Equipment Input

2.2.2. Calculation of heat balance of the apparatus

2.2.3. Power carrier consumption of the designed apparatus

2.2.4. Heat generating devices

3. Operational and Economic Section

3.1. Requirements for operation of devices

3.1.1. Installation and installation of the set

3.1.2. Care and operation

3.1.3. Safety precautions

3.2. Technical and economic indicators of the apparatus


List of literature used


In modern scientific and technical progress, the most important indicators in the field of trade and technological equipment are the intensification of technological processes that are actively carried out, the increase in productivity and unit capacity of machines, devices, units and the closely related development of technical means of control and control systems.

Efficient operation and correct selection of technological equipment makes it possible to increase the amount of service to customers of public catering enterprises, reduce the cost of physical labor, intensify the work of service personnel, reduce specific energy costs and loss of raw materials.

The above-mentioned course project covers the issues related to the classification, purpose, peculiarities of operation, device, as well as the principles of equipment design and calculation.

The purpose of this course work is to design an electric digestive boiler with a digester capacity of 100 dm ³.

To achieve this goal, it is important to:

- review existing digestive boiler designs;

- select and describe the designed boiler;

- perform heat engineering calculation of steam digestive boiler with capacity of 100 dm ³;

- determine the geometric characteristics of the electric digestive boiler;

- on the basis of theoretical information and practical calculations, make a graphic part.

Analytical Overview

1.1. Process requirements

The cooking process is carried out technologically in two ways.

The first method of thermal finishing in plate utensils is implemented. When cooking in board utensils, however, the efficiency and very high labor costs are quite low. The bulk dishes, in particular, have the largest volume of dishes used of 20 liters, and digestive boilers have containers with a volume of 250 liters. As a result, it is not feasible to use such a cooking method in catering enterprises.

In the cooking of the initial components in digestive devices, the second way is.

Digesters according to the organizational and technical characteristic are usually divided into devices: periodic action, continuous action. However, there is one big minus for permanent devices - these are large dimensions. Therefore, periodical devices are used mainly in catering enterprises.

Boilers are divided according to structural features into: non-rolling and overturning.

Non-rolling boilers include: KPI 250, KPI 160, KPI 100.

Overturning boilers include: KPESM, 60 KPI 60, KPI 40.

Frying and cooking are the most common heat treatment processes. Due to the division of the methods of thermal cooking of components into frying and cooking, in comparison with cooking during frying, fundamentally different physicochemical changes in food substances occur in the surface layer of the product: temperature increase to 120... 130 ° C, dehydration, melanoid formation, pyrolysis of food substances, fat absorption. On the surface of the product, as a result of the above processes, a colored crust is formed, which is characteristic of the fried product in taste, appearance and aroma.

Operational and Economic Section

3.1. Requirements for operation of devices

3.1.1. Installation and installation of the set

The boiler is installed on a non-burning foundation, the height of which should provide ease of maintenance, but not less than 50 mm above the floor level.

Boilers are installed in one or more rows, depending on the area of ​ ​ the room. The arrangement of boilers in one row is considered the most convenient. The distance from the wall to the boiler must be at least 1 m, and the distance between the boilers along the front must be at least 1-1.2 m.

The service area on the front of one boiler shall be at least 1 m ² .

Next, the attachable units and parts should be installed on the boiler.

Installation of wiring and grounding of the control station and boiler shall be performed in accordance with the "Electrical Installation Rules" (PUE), according to the electrical schematic diagrams and boiler connections.

Adjustment of contacts of the electrical contact pressure gauge (ECM) is performed by screwdriver in the following order: insert screwdriver into the socket in the center of the scale, press from yourself and set two fixed contacts on the scale of the pressure gauge for minimum (0.05 0.1 kgf/cm ²) and maximum (0.45 kgf/cm ²) pressure limits .

It is necessary to check the reliability of all electrical connections and grounding, the accuracy of the automatic control elements.

After completion of installation, the boiler shall be tested for operation and compliance of actual parameters of the boiler with the parameters specified in its certificate .

3.1.2. Care and operation

Before cooking, rinse the cover and boiler with hot water.

Fill the boiler with water and products to the level below the upper edge by 1015 cm.

Fill the boiler jacket with water up to the control level, for that:

- pour boiled water into steam-water jacket through open funnel valve;

- open the test valve;

- stop filling and close control valve with water appearance in control valve.

Check the water level each time before starting cooking

and, if necessary, add.

"Blow" the safety valve by turning the lever clockwise several times.

Check presence of grounding and reliability of its attachment .

Set the toggle switch on the control panel to the position corresponding to the products loaded into the boiler. When boiling milk, tea, boiling jelly, set the toggle switch to "Warm up" position.

When cooking other products, where it is required in addition to boiling the contents of the boiler, also its cooking - set the toggle switch to the position


If the "dry run" signal lamp L is lit, it is necessary to add water through the funnel to the electric heater to the level of the control valve and the "dry run" signal lamp L, it will go out.

After appearance of steam from the funnel, close the funnel valve.

The boiler is heated to boiling and then switched to the cooking mode (automatic). This happens as follows.

After boiling the contents in the boiler, the steam pressure in the steam-water jacket of the boiler will increase to 0.045 MPa (0.45 kgf/cm ²), while the movable contact of the electric contact pressure gauge ECM will switch the circuit to the cooking mode .

It is forbidden to set pressure more than 0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf/cm ²) on the electric contact pressure gauge.

After finishing the distribution, clean the boiler from the rest of the food, first wash with warm water, then with a soda solution and again with warm water. Then leave open until completely dry.

3.1.3. Safety precautions

1. The boiler housing and control stations shall be reliably grounded. Grounding shall be checked daily.

2. When lifting the lid, be careful not to open it sharply, since you can burn your face and hands with steam.

3. Do not operate the boiler in case of any malfunction:

- grounding;

- pressure gauge;

- safety valve;

- presence of cracks in the boiler;

- when passing steam and water from steam-water jacket, cranes and valves ;

- elements of electrical switching equipment.

4. Do not leave the boiler unattended during cooking.

5. Monitor the pressure gauge readings and if the pressure rises to P = 0.06 MPa (0.6 kgf/cm ²) and the safety valve fails, immediately shut down the boiler .

6. Ensure that the contacting surfaces of the valves and their seats are kept clean and that the valves move freely.

7. It is forbidden to repair and rectify faults in the boiler and control station under electric voltage and in case of pressure in the steam-water jacket.


The task on the subject of this course project was to develop an electric digestive boiler with a useful capacity of 100 dm3 KPI type.

Selected this developed digestive boiler with electric heating requirements meets the cooking technology; at minimum energy consumption, it ensures heat treatment of products, since it does not have heat as a result of chemical and mechanical underburning and with outgoing gases like gas and solid-fuel digestive boilers, due to relatively less heat loss in order to warm up the structure and the environment, its specific consumption; creates the best working conditions for service personnel, has a high degree of reliability, facilitates their work; Improves the quality of visitor service and cooking; increases productivity, increases the requirements of industrial sanitation and safety, ensuring the safety of service personnel.

The KPI boiler combines all three types of boilers. This is an ideal solution for the quality preparation of a variety of dishes (first, second, confectionery, etc.) in large quantities is an electric cooking boiler. Such a high-tech boiler with a stirrer is distinguished by its efficiency, functionality, quality and reliability. In addition, cooking electric boilers significantly save electricity and do not take up too much space in the kitchen. But, despite its compactness, such boilers can have a sufficiently large working volume (from 60 to 500 liters). Electric cooking boiler is used in catering, cooking and confectionery, as well as in the dairy industry. It is especially worth highlighting the need for the confectionery industry of boilers with a stirrer for cooking syrup. A modern digester with a stirrer allows you to produce high-quality sugar, sugar-molded and other syrups in an industrial volume. Such boilers may have oil, steam or water as coolant. Also, the syrup boiler is equipped with a frame type stirring device (prevents the product from sticking to the digestive boiler container). To buy a boiler with a stirrer, today you can buy a variety of modifications and at a quite acceptable price for a digestive boiler.


Three-layer container made entirely of stainless steel with jacket;

Coolant: oil, water, steam;

The frame type agitator is made of stainless steel;

A reduction motor manufactured by Italy (Transtecno);

The number of revolutions of the stirrer 2528 per minute;


There are 2 temperature controllers: one in the TENN box, the second in the container with the product.

The peculiarities of boiler operation directly depend on the use of a particular heating option. Where water is most often used to melt glaze or alloy fats. Oil has been used in the confectionery industry, and steam is more often used in cooking.

Advantages of our universal KPI boiler:

KPI boilers operate using three media as heating: oil, water, steam.

Boiler bottom and steam generator are made of 3 mm thick food steel.

The boiler jacket is made entirely of food stainless steel, which eliminates the possibility of failure of the boiler jacket due to the formation of through rust.

Universal and durable stainless steel TENs. If necessary, easy and quick replacement.

The gearbox motor from the world's leading manufacturer Bonfiglioli (Italy) VF W series. This series of gearbox motors has a number of advantages: high efficiency, low noise, hardened steel gears with cementing, hence high reliability and durability of operation.

Industrial electronics ARIES (Russia).

The outer side of the case is made of stainless steel, which gives the equipment an aesthetic appearance.

The KPI boiler has rounded corners, a minimum number of seams and screws, which facilitates its cleaning.

The possibility of manufacturing a boiler with a 100 mm diameter drain flange, which is not replaced for the quick discharge of the finished product from the boiler.

We are not engaged in the recovery of boilers and their further sale under the guise of new equipment. Our digesters are only new, mass-produced equipment.

The price of our universal boiler is comparable to the cost of a conventional oil boiler.

Factory quality of equipment.


This boiler is not suitable for the preparation of combined fats (for example, margarine), as this requires other heating methods.

It is not recommended to use the digester for small quantities of raw materials (for example, when the volume of syrup prepared is less than half the nominal capacity of the boiler), since this can cause large inertial heating of the TENs (for example, if you have a boiler of 60 liters, then the inertia when heating 15 liters of syrup can be 20 ° C or more). In this case, inertia of not more than 10 ° С is considered the norm.

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