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Device for ball surface treatment


The device is designed to process convex and concave ball surfaces of various radii.

The part on which the ball surface should be processed is fixed in the cartridge of the lathe. The part rotates with the chuck. The cutter is installed in the cutter holder at the desired turning radius using a special template. The shank of the template is inserted into the hole of the cutter holder.

The template is designed for two turning radii: for a convex sphere and for a concave one. Having fixed the cutter in the desired position with screws, remove the template and install the device on the pinole. Rotating the flywheel of the rear headstock, bring the cutter of the device to the workpiece and turn the handle at a certain angle in one direction or another inform the cutter of the rotational movement in the horizontal plane. In contact with the rotational part, the cutter grinds its surface along the sphere of a given radius.

The project includes all the details and assembly of the device.

Project's Content

icon 1-6 Шарик.m3d
icon 1-10 Винт.m3d
icon 1-00 Приспособление для обработки шаровой поверхности.a3d
icon 1-13 Гайка.m3d
icon 1-1 Винт.m3d
icon 1-7 Кольцо.m3d
icon 1-9 Гайка.m3d
icon Приспособление для обработки шаровой поверхности _ 1-00.spw
icon 1-17 Шпонка.m3d
icon 1-8 Корпус.m3d
icon 1-12 Шпонка.m3d
icon 1-14 Червяк.m3d
icon 1-16 Валик.m3d
icon 1-5 Кольцо.m3d
icon 1-18 Рукоятка.m3d
icon 1-3 Резец.m3d
icon 1-4 Резце-держатель.m3d
icon 1-19 Ручка.m3d
icon 1-15 Штифт.m3d
icon 1-2 Винт.m3d
icon 1-11 Колесо червячное.m3d

Additional information

Drawings content

icon 1-6 Шарик.m3d

1-6 Шарик.m3d

icon 1-10 Винт.m3d

1-10 Винт.m3d

icon 1-13 Гайка.m3d

1-13 Гайка.m3d

icon 1-1 Винт.m3d

1-1 Винт.m3d

icon 1-7 Кольцо.m3d

1-7 Кольцо.m3d

icon 1-9 Гайка.m3d

1-9 Гайка.m3d

icon Приспособление для обработки шаровой поверхности _ 1-00.spw

Приспособление для обработки шаровой поверхности _ 1-00.spw

icon 1-17 Шпонка.m3d

1-17 Шпонка.m3d

icon 1-8 Корпус.m3d

1-8 Корпус.m3d

icon 1-12 Шпонка.m3d

1-12 Шпонка.m3d

icon 1-14 Червяк.m3d

1-14 Червяк.m3d

icon 1-16 Валик.m3d

1-16 Валик.m3d

icon 1-5 Кольцо.m3d

1-5 Кольцо.m3d

icon 1-18 Рукоятка.m3d

1-18 Рукоятка.m3d

icon 1-3 Резец.m3d

1-3 Резец.m3d

icon 1-4 Резце-держатель.m3d

1-4 Резце-держатель.m3d

icon 1-19 Ручка.m3d

1-19 Ручка.m3d

icon 1-15 Штифт.m3d

1-15 Штифт.m3d

icon 1-2 Винт.m3d

1-2 Винт.m3d

icon 1-11 Колесо червячное.m3d

1-11 Колесо червячное.m3d

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