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Development of working documentation for the construction of a frameless 2-storey individual house made of cellular concrete square in plan

  • Added: 15.05.2024
  • Size: 2 MB
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Development of working documentation for the construction of a frameless 

2-storey individual house made of cellular concrete square in plan

The relevance of the work is due to the fact that low-rise buildings are in increasing demand in modern life. 

The purpose of this work is to design a residential building that meets all modern urban planning, regulatory, aesthetic and architectural requirements, providing a comfortable and safe life for people in it.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:

– development of a space-planning solution for the building;

– calculation of structural elements made of reinforced concrete;

– development of a construction schedule and a construction master plan;  

– development of a technological map for earthworks;

– calculation of the cost of the object;

– systematization of safety and environmental protection requirements.

 The success of the designed building is ensured not only by a number of external development factors, but also by the qualitative characteristics of the construction object itself: the concept of the location of the areas, the architectural features of the building and its engineering support, as well as the surrounding infrastructure, including a convenient entrance and good parking for cars.

The text part of the work is drawn up in Microsoft Word, the graphic part is drawn up in AutoCAD. The work consists of a graphic part on 5 sheets of A1 format and an explanatory note on sheets of A4 format.

When performing the final qualification work, we demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and competencies obtained and developed in the course of the educational process.

The development of the diploma project is carried out in accordance with the instructions of regulatory and structural documents on construction design and the requirements for the unification of space-planning parameters of products and sanitary equipment on the basis of a single modular system, saving the consumption of building materials, safety and fire safety measures.

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icon Разработка рабочей документации при строительстве бескаркасного 2-этажного (2).dwg

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