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Development of TP for group processing of part and cover

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Diploma project on the topic: Development of TP for group processing of the part "Cover" and design of the area for their processing

Project's Content

icon 015.cdw
icon БЖД.doc
icon ЗАГОТ. 2.bak
icon ЗАГОТ. 2.cdw
icon Заготовка+ Контрольное присп-е.bak
icon Заготовка+ Контрольное присп-е.CDW
icon заготовка.doc
icon Карта наладка - 005 А.CDW
icon Карта наладки -005.CDW
icon Карта наладки -1.CDW
icon Маршрутная карта .DOC
icon ОК 005.DOC
icon ОК 010.DOC
icon ОК 015.DOC
icon ОК 020.DOC
icon Операция 005.doc
icon Операция 005А.doc
icon Операция 010 А.doc
icon Операция 010.doc
icon Операция 015.doc
icon Операция 020.doc
icon Таблица Операция 005 Б.doc
icon Таблица Операция 010 Б.doc
icon Таблица Операция 010 В.doc
icon Таблица Операция 015 А.doc
icon Таблица Операция 020 А.doc
icon Титул. лист.DOC
icon комплексная деталь.bak
icon комплексная деталь.CDW
icon Конструкторская часть.doc
icon Контрольное присп-е.cdw
icon Планировка цеха.CDW
icon ПРИСП-2.cdw
icon ПРИСп.cdw
icon Рецензия.doc
icon Речь.doc
icon Содержание, Заключение.doc
icon СОЖ.CDW
icon спец.присп.spw
icon СПЕЦИФ.КО.spw
icon Список использованной литер-ы.doc
icon Схема груп. ТП.CDW
icon Текст по теории.doc
icon Титульный лист.doc
icon Экономика- ТЭП по участку.CDW
icon Экономическая часть .doc

Additional information




Part Design and Assignment

Approximate selection of production type

Analysis of workability of the part "cover"

Select Production Type

Select Source Procurement

Analysis of existing process and proposed option

Development and justification of the group process

Analytical calculation of interoperative allowances

Calculates cutting modes on a surface ∅12N

1.10 Calculation of processing error at operation

1.11.Development of cutting modes by table path

1.12.Compute time standards for operations


Description of operation of accessory

Calculation of cut pin diameter

Calculation of basing accuracy in the fixture

Calculation of clamping device

Calculation of control device accuracy



3.1. Calculation of technical and economic indicators

for the base case

3.2. Calculation of technical and economic indicators

under the new version

3.3. Calculation of capital investments

3.4. Cost-effective implementation of the "cover" part handling area


4.1. Basic Site Safety Measures

4.2. Workplace Certification

4.3. Fire and explosion hazards and control

4.4. Noise emission hazards

4.5. Vibration hazards

4.6. Calculation of lighting system

4.7. Protection against electric shock

4.8. Sanitary and hygienic environment

4.9. Environmental situation in Russia

4.10. Pollution of the environment by a machine-building enterprise

4.11. Project Environmental Friendliness

4.12. Events in case of terrace

4.13. Emergency response

4.14. Disaster response

4.15. Chemical pollution and human health

4.16. Biological pollution and human disease

4.17. Effect of sound on humans

4.18. Weather and human well-being




APPENDIX 1. Process

APPENDIX 2. Fixture Specification

APPENDIX 3. Specification of control device


Blank - 0.5 sheets;

Control accessory -0.5 sheets;

Boring device - 1.5 sheets;

Adjustment card -3.5 sheets;

Complex part -1 sheet;

Research part -1 sheet;

Plot layout -1 sheet;

Economic part -2 sheets;

Group processing diagram -1 sheet;


In this diploma project, 5 sections were considered, namely:

1. Process part;

2. Design part;

3. Economic part;

4. Life safety and ecology.;

5. Research part.

The first section addressed the following issues:

- Design and purpose of the part;

Analysis of processability of the part "cover";

Calculation of transaction fixing factor;

Select Source Procurement

Analysis of existing process and proposed option;

Development and justification of the group process;

Analytical calculation of interoperative allowances;

Calculation of cutting modes on the surface ∅12N8;

Calculation of processing error at the operation;

Calculation of cutting modes by table;

Calculation of time norms for operations.

The second section includes calculation of the fixture for boring operation, its calculation for accuracy; calculation and design of control device.

The following issues were considered in the organizational and economic part of the diploma project:

- Calculation of technical and economic indicators of the base case;

- Calculation of techno-economic indicators of the new version;

- Calculation of capital investments;

- Calculation of cost-effectiveness of implementation of "cover" part processing area.

The fourth section consists of an analysis of the technological process of manufacturing the part from the point of view of labor protection, certification of workplaces, industrial sanitation, fire safety, LPF during cutting processing, electrical safety, as well as issues on environmental friendliness of the project.

The fifth section contains methods and schemes for processing used lubricating and cooling liquids.


Engineering is the main leading industry, producing all tools, most consumer goods and defense products. This industry occupies a leading place in the further growth of the country's economy, which provides the material basis for technological progress in all sectors of the national economy.

The beginning of the study of technological processes, that is, the methods of processing the workpiece, as a result of which the finished product is obtained, corresponding in size, shape and quality of the surface to the requirements for its operation, refer to the first years of the 19th century, in 1804.

Given the high pace of scientific, technical and socio-economic progress in the development of production, its effectiveness depends not only on the ability of enterprise teams to mobilize their internal reserves, but also on the introduction of the latest achievements in science and technology, progressive forms of organization and management, and advanced labor methods. Specialization promotes the timely and effective introduction into production of the latest achievements of science and technology, the most appropriate use of material, labor and financial resources, the clear organization of scientific and information, etc. Integration of science, technology and production is one of the decisive conditions for accelerating R&D intensification and economy.

One of the most important areas of scientific and technological progress is the widespread mastery of advanced technologies. Another area is automation and mechanization of technologies. The modern stage of automation relies on a revolution in electronic computing, the electronics of the national economy. Robotization of production is also associated with the development of computer technology. Robots replace a person with heavy, monotonous, harmful work, etc. Without them, many technological processes are not conceivable.

The development of a new product is a complex design task associated not only with achieving the required technical level of this product, but also with giving its design such properties that ensure the maximum possible reduction of labor, materials and energy costs for its development, manufacture, maintenance and repair. The solution to this problem is determined by the business creative community of creators of new technology - designers and technologists - and their interaction at the stages of product design development with its manufacturers and consumers. The primary role in ensuring the processability of the product design belongs to the designer, who must be guided by the considerations of both technical and economic feasibility of the designed design, be able to use such engineering solutions that ensure the achievement of the necessary technical indicators of the product at the rational cost of resources allocated for its creation and use. The main task is to produce a product of a given quality in the desired amount at the lowest cost of materials, minimum cost and high productivity.

The design engineer is the creator of new technology, and the level of his creative work is more determined by the pace of scientific and technological progress. The decisive role of success in creating a new technique is determined by what is embedded in the design drawing. However, one of the most important tasks of the engineer (designer, technologist, researcher) is to teach to creatively use the acquired knowledge in solving the tasks. With the development of science and technology, problematic issues are solved taking into account the increasing number of factors based on the data of various sciences.

This diploma project provides for the following tasks:

- analysis of the existing manufacturing process of the part, its optimization;

- Introduction of an effective form of organization of production;

- design of unified process equipment;

- reduction of part manufacturing costs;

- development of measures on labor protection and engineering ecology ;

Process Part


The type of production is a classification category depending on the breadth of the nomenclature, the regularity of stability and the volume of production of products.

You can use the annual part volume and part mass to determine the type of production. At part weight of 8.5 kg and 5000 pcs extension program We get the average production, table 2.1. [1, page 27].

Serial production is characterized by a limited range of manufactured parts, periodically repeated batches. In medium-term production, universal machines, CNC machines, copying machines equipped with both special and universal, and universal-assembly devices are used, which reduces the labor input and cost of manufacturing the product.

The manufacturing process of the product is divided into separate independent operations performed on separate machines.

When selecting process equipment of a special or specialized, expensive device and tool, it is necessary to calculate costs and payback periods, as well as the expected economic effect from the use of equipment and technological equipment, the equipment is located in the sequence of the technological process.

Design Part


The part is processed on machine 2204VMF4, large-scale production, production program (for each part) 5000 pcs. The machine tool for operation 015 (lathe) with the workpiece clamp consists of the following elements:

1. Locating - fingers: cut and cylindrical.

2. Clamping - plate with fingers, grips of pneumatic chambers.

3. Auxiliary - 2- pedestals.

4. Fasteners - bolts, pins, screws.

5. Hull - hull.

After cleaning the installation zone of the accessory from chips, the blank is installed with holes on the fingers and the blank is clamped with a grip by means of a pneumatic drive.

The accessory is centered on the machine table and fixed with three T-bolts entering the table slots.

The number of gated parts in the device is 65% of the total number of elements of the device.

Research part

LPG Thermal Treatment Unit

It is designed for thermal processing of spent water-mixed synthetic and semisynthetic LPG of AquolyUM type with utilization of aqueous and organic phases in order to prevent toxic water discharge into the sewage system.

The plant consists of evaporator with heating elements of spent LPG drain tank, concentrate tank, pump, filters and control panel.

Spent LPG is poured into the tank and by gravity enters the evaporator, from where the formed evaporator enters the condenser tank filled with cold water. The aqueous mixture, which has a temperature of 4060 ° C, is supplied by gravity to the tank for preparation of fresh solutions. In the evaporator, as the spent LPG evaporates, an oil concentrate accumulates, which is supplied in the form of a 15% additive to the concentrate during the preparation of LPG.

The installation operates in automatic or semi-automatic mode.

Basic Data

Performance, l/h 5

Power consumption, kW 7-9

Evaporator pressure, MPa (kgf/cm *) 0.12 (1,2)

Evaporator temperature, ° C, g 6ol "105

Dimension, mm 400x 1600x3000

Oil-containing effluent treatment unit

Designed for purification of water condensate from oils by method of heating and slow cooling in natural conditions with further settling and delamination on water and oil layer.

The plant is recommended for use in machine-building, metalworking, chemical and other industries, in which water-oil emulsions are formed as waste, containing significant amounts of oils - from 20 to 40 wt%.

In this technology, the water-oil emulsion is formed in the process of producing compressed air from atmospheric air. In the process of compressed air generation in compressors moisture contained in atmospheric air is condensed. The compressor is blown with air to remove water condensate. Oil is blown out with water condensate to lubricate the compressor pistons. The resulting water-oil emulsion is cooled to 2030˚S and collected in the collector, from where it is pumped to the settling tank by the pump.

Cleaning is performed by slow heating of water-oil emulsion up to 80 ° C with blind steam (heating rate 1020 ° C/h), natural cooling, settling and delamination into oil and water layers. The oil layer is collected into the pocket, from where it is drained into barrels due to the water pressure supplied from below the tank sump. The collected oil is sent for processing and reuse. The treated water is discharged into the sewage system.

An analogue of the proposed water-oil emulsion purification technology may be settling it at normal temperature for 14 days or heated with hot steam with subsequent settling for 7 days. Without heating, the emulsified oil is practically not delaminated, heating the water-oil emulsion with hot steam contributes to the additional emulsification of the oil particles, which significantly reduces the purification efficiency. The degree of purification in this case does not exceed 50 wt%.


In this diploma project, the technological process of group processing of parts of the "cover" type was developed on the basis of the existing technological process, in it compared to the basic one, the blank and equipment were replaced.

A boring device for operation 015 has been developed and calculated.

Research work has been carried out on the processing of used LFW.

The "cover" part machining section is designed on the basis of the new group process with subsequent calculation of the main technical and economic parameters of the section.

The economic effect of the introduction of a new technological process is calculated.

Capital investments were also calculated from the compared options.

In the section on life safety and ecology, safety measures for equipment and environmental friendliness of the project were proposed.

Drawings content

icon 015.cdw


icon ЗАГОТ. 2.cdw

ЗАГОТ. 2.cdw

icon Заготовка+ Контрольное присп-е.CDW

Заготовка+ Контрольное присп-е.CDW

icon Карта наладка - 005 А.CDW

Карта наладка - 005 А.CDW

icon Карта наладки -005.CDW

Карта наладки -005.CDW

icon Карта наладки -1.CDW

Карта наладки -1.CDW

icon комплексная деталь.CDW

комплексная деталь.CDW

icon Контрольное присп-е.cdw

Контрольное присп-е.cdw

icon Планировка цеха.CDW

Планировка цеха.CDW

icon ПРИСП-2.cdw


icon ПРИСп.cdw


icon СОЖ.CDW


icon спец.присп.spw


icon СПЕЦИФ.КО.spw


icon Схема груп. ТП.CDW

Схема груп. ТП.CDW



icon Экономика- ТЭП по участку.CDW

Экономика- ТЭП по участку.CDW

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