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Development of the manufacturing and processing process of the Shaft part.


The course design presents the development of the technological process for the manufacture and processing of the Val part. To do this, you need to conduct an analysis of the utility purpose of the part, an analysis of the processability of the part design. After that, design the technological process of mechanical processing with the choice of equipment, calculate the linear dimensions of the workpiece taking into account allowances and surges, with the subsequent calculation of cutting modes and the design of a special technological device. After sequentially performing all these actions, it can be concluded that, from a technological point of view, it is advisable to manufacture the Shaft part with a designed machining process.

Project's Content

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icon Спецификация.spw
icon Лист1.cdw
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icon Лист3.cdw
icon Лист4.cdw

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icon ПЗ.docx

icon Спецификация.spw


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