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Development of the acoustic locator design for the car

  • Added: 01.07.2014
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"Development of acoustic locator design for car" - course design. "Development of acoustic locator design for car" - course design explanatory note, drawings: schematic diagram, printed circuit board, assembly drawing, list of elements, specification

Project's Content

icon Perechen1.cdw
icon Perechen2.cdw
icon Specifik1.cdw
icon Specifik2.cdw
icon Specifik3.cdw
icon Автолокатор поясн зап.doc
icon общего.cdw
icon ПП.cdw
icon Сборочн.cdw
icon СЭП.cdw
icon ТАБ.ОЩ.1.cdw
icon ТАБ.ОЩ.2.cdw

Additional information


Task form for course project3 pp

Copy of the assignment for the course project... 4 pages

Abstrat.5 page

Introduction... 6 pages

1. Job analysis7 pages

2. Theoretical part 10 pp

2.1. Selection of housing structure10 pages

2.2. Analysis of the element base.. 12 pages

3. Design part 14 pp

3.1. Calculation of dimensions of functional knot 14 pages

3.2. Calculation of the dimensions of the device... 18 pages

3.3. Calculation of dimensions of inscriptions 21 pages

3.4. Calculation of functional group sizes... 22 pages

3.5. Calculation of faceplate dimension.23 pp

4. Conclusion... 24 pp

5. List of literature.. 25 pages


Appendix 1. Electrical schematic diagram

Appendix 2. List of elements

Appendix 3. PCB Drawing

Appendix 4. Assembly drawing

Appendix 5. Specification

Appendix 6. General view drawing

Annex 7. General View Drawing Table


Moving backwards, the driver is guided by rear-view mirrors. Mirrors do not give full visibility, and it is also impossible to accurately determine the distance to the barrier. The driver cannot see a certain area of ​ ​ space. People, animals can get into this zone. The proposed device eliminates this situation. Along with the acoustic locator, there are many such devices, but because of their high cost, they are not always available to motorists. This problem is solved by acoustic location. Compared to analog devices, acoustic emitters have a significant price difference with distance sensors.

Due to its simplicity and cheapness compared to similar ones, the device offered for design can be widely used.

Drawings content

icon Perechen1.cdw


icon Perechen2.cdw


icon Specifik1.cdw


icon Specifik2.cdw


icon Specifik3.cdw


icon общего.cdw


icon ПП.cdw


icon Сборочн.cdw


icon СЭП.cdw


icon ТАБ.ОЩ.1.cdw


icon ТАБ.ОЩ.2.cdw


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