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Development of stool manufacturing technology

  • Added: 23.02.2022
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The topic of the course project is "Development of the technological process of making a stool". 

The purpose of the course project is to master the practical skills of designing technological processes for the manufacture of wood products and wood materials. 

Objectives of the work: 

1. Develop the design of the product, perform drawings. 

2. To develop a technological process for the production of the product. 

3. Calculate the production program. 

4. Select equipment and determine the need for equipment. 

5. Calculate the need for basic and auxiliary materials.

Project's Content

icon Схема технологоч.cdw
icon Чертеж детали.cdw
icon Чертеж сборка.cdw
icon Курсовая изготовление табурет.doc
icon Чертеж габарит.cdw
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3.1. Preparation of the product manufacturing process diagram

3.2. Process Mapping

3.3. Distribution of component parts of the article by KTG

3.4. Characteristics of process operations and equipment selection

3.5. Calculation of the displayed production program

3.6. Calculation of the required quantity of equipment

3.7. Calculation of consumption rates for main and auxiliary materials

3.7.1. Calculation of consumption rate of lumber, slab sheet and facing materials

3.7.2. Calculation of glue material consumption rates

3.7.3. Calculation of consumption rates of grinding skins

4. Calculation of waste quantity of wood and lining materials




The production of furniture is now of great importance. Production technologies do not stand still, are progressing in order to please the wishes of consumers. Accelerating the technological process, improving equipment, made it possible to fill the furniture markets with inexpensive and high-quality products.

Furniture is made taking into account the aesthetic, techno-economic, and utilitarian requirements of the consumer. When designing comfortable products, the relationship of products, the correct choice of individual parameters of products takes on great importance. When designing, I need to provide for its disassembly, since the manufacture of collapsible furniture makes it possible to mechanize technological operations at all stages of the production process with less cost. In addition, the transportation of demountable furniture in disassembled form is easier and costs much cheaper than unassembled. In addition, my product must be durable, so one of the technical requirements for my product is that it maintain its strength.

Technological furniture simplifies the operations of the technological process, which allows the use of the latest technology and ensures the flow of production. Therefore, for designing furniture, it is very important to design parts and assemblies for it that are the same in shape, size and design, which makes them interchangeable.

The process is based on the most efficient use of timber. To support the process, modern high-performance, mostly automated equipment is used.

The theme of the course project is "Development of the technological process of stool manufacture."

The goal of the course project is to master practical skills in designing technological processes for making wood products and wood materials.

Tasks of work:

1. Design the product, make drawings.

2. Develop the manufacturing process of the product.

3. Calculate production program.

4. Select equipment and identify equipment requirements.

5. Calculate the requirements for material and support.


Modern furniture production is a highly mechanized industry. At the same time, at some stages of the furniture manufacturing process, highly skilled manual labor is used using a hand tool. The degree of mechanization and automation of furniture production depends on the design of the product, the number of manufactured products, the duration of their production, and the level of organization of production.

The main materials for the manufacture of furniture are particle and wood fiber boards, plywood, softwood and hardwood, facing and finishing materials.

Having completed the tasks of work: they developed the stool design, completed the drawings; developed the manufacturing process of the product; calculated the production program; selected equipment and determined the need for equipment; We calculated the needs of basic and auxiliary materials, we achieved the main goal of the course project - we learned to design the technological process of making wood products and wood materials using the example of a stool.

So, you can draw the following conclusions - in order to fulfill the annual production program (50,000 pieces) of this stool, the company needs to purchase:

Round-saw end machine CT94 - 1 pc.;

Reismus machine CP4 - 1 pc.;

Fugoval machine SF4 - 1 pc.;

SWA3 single-spindle drilling machine - 1 pc.;

ShlDB6m grinding machine - 1 pc.

- p/m pine - 111115 m2;

- PML bar parts - 42060 m2;

- PVA glue - 450 kg

Drawings content

icon Схема технологоч.cdw

Схема технологоч.cdw

icon Чертеж детали.cdw

Чертеж детали.cdw

icon Чертеж сборка.cdw

Чертеж сборка.cdw

icon Чертеж габарит.cdw

Чертеж габарит.cdw

icon Спецификация.cdw
