Development of a technology for manufacturing a shell with a diameter of 1600 mm, a wall thickness of 45 mm from 12CM steel.
- Added: 05.07.2017
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Abstract The task of this project was to develop a technology for the manufacture of a shell with a diameter of 1600 mm, a wall thickness of 45 mm from 12CM steel. The design describes the characteristic of the product and its operating conditions, the characteristic of the material and welding operations. You have selected the necessary equipment, welding materials, welding modes and control operations. The graphic part shows the assembly drawing of the apparatus, the process parameters of welding of this product, the mechanization tool, the technological process of manufacturing the casing, technical and economic indicators and the workshop plan. The output work consists of an explanatory note with a volume of 89 sheets, a graphic part with a volume of 6 sheets of A1 format, the process of assembling and welding the casing - 20 sheets.
Project's Content
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Additional information
1. Analysis of source data
1.1 Operating conditions and technical requirements for the article
1.2 Evaluation of weldability of applied materials
2. Design and process part
2.1 Analysis of workability of the article design
2.2 Selection of methods and equipment for assembly of parts
2.3 Selection of welding methods
2.4 Selection of welding materials
2.5 Calculation and selection of welding modes
2.6 Selection of welding equipment
2.7 Selection of auxiliary equipment
2.8 Selection of quality control methods and equipment
2.9 Development of assembly and welding process
2.10 Layout of assembly and welding section
3. Production safety
4. Technical and economic indicators of developed technology
List of sources used
The purpose of this project was to develop a technology for the manufacture of a shell with a diameter of 1600 mm, a wall thickness of 45 mm from 12CM steel.
The design describes the characteristic of the product and its operating conditions, the characteristic of the material and welding operations. You have selected the necessary equipment, welding materials, welding modes and control operations.
The graphic part shows the assembly drawing of the apparatus, the process parameters of welding of this product, the mechanization tool, the technological process of manufacturing the casing, technical and economic indicators and the workshop plan.
The output work consists of an explanatory note with a volume of 89 sheets, a graphic part with a volume of 6 sheets of A1 format, the process of assembling and welding the casing - 20 sheets.
The rapid development of chemical technology and the increasing production of numerous chemical equipment require the creation of highly efficient, economical and reliable high-quality devices, most of which are made of steel using welding.
Chemical devices are designed to carry out chemical, physical or physical-chemical processes in them (chemical reaction, heat exchange without changing the aggregate state, evaporation, condensation, crystallization, dissolution, evaporation, rectification, absorption, adsorption, separation, filtration, etc.), as well as to store or transfer various chemicals in them. Depending on the purpose, most often through the ongoing process, chemical devices are called: reactor, heat exchanger, evaporator, condenser, etc.
The substances contained and processed in the devices are in different aggregate states (most often in liquid and gaseous, less often in solid), various chemical activities (in relation to structural materials) - from inert to very aggressive, for maintenance personnel - from harmless to toxic and in operation - from safe to fire-explosive.
Various chemical and technological processes in the apparatus are carried out at different pressures characteristic of each process - from deep vacuum to excess of several hundred thousand kilopascals and a wide variety of temperatures: from - 250 to + 900 ℃.
The nature of the operation of the devices is continuous and periodic, and their installation can be stationary (indoors or in an open area) and non-stationary (providing or allowing movement of the device).
Welding is one of the widely used processes for producing such equipment. The main features of these structures from the point of view of the structure are significant geometric dimensions - about tens of meters, large, calculated in kilometers, the length of welded joints, the density and strength of which are high requirements.
When performing welding operations themselves, including the use of mechanized welding methods, auxiliary techniques are performed for installing and tilting products for welding, grinding edges and seams, installing an automatic machine at the beginning of the seam, removing the automatic machine or moving the product, etc. On average, 35% of the labour intensity of the welding operations itself is spent on these operations. Thus, complex mechanization of welding production is extremely important.
Although welding is a leading manufacturing process for metal structures, a significant part of the overall labour input for the production of the welded article is in the procurement, assembly and finishing operations. It follows that it is possible to ensure high productivity of welded structures production only on the basis of complex mechanization and automation of all main and auxiliary operations.
The relevance of the production work is due to the fact that the active development of the petrochemical industry in our country requires the manufacture of a large number of different devices with high quality and low cost.
The purpose of this project is to develop the technology and layout of the assembly and welding section of the heat exchanger body with a diameter of 1600 mm, a wall thickness of 45 mm from 12CM steel.
Design and process part
2.1 Analysis of workability of the article design
Processability is a set of properties of the product design that determine its adaptability to achieve optimal costs during production, maintenance and repair for given indicators of quality, volume of production and conditions of work performance.
This product shall ensure accuracy of geometrical shapes and dimensions, elements, high strength of the product, high quality of welds and their availability for control, and tightness, as well as providing a convenient position for welding.
Heat exchanger housing consists of two cylindrical shells, end shell, cone shell, two supports, connectors, as well as Scholz gate DN 1600 PN80.
This product is high-tech, since it consists of typical elements - shells, nozzles. In its assembly and welding, universal devices and equipment can be widely used.
Since the elements of the article have large dimensions and weight, it is advisable to use mechanized assembly methods in its manufacture, it is also advisable to use automated welding methods to provide high productivity.
2.9 Development of the process of assembly and welding of the article
1) The edges of the adjacent surfaces are cleaned by a grinding machine from both sides by a width of 20 mm .
2) We assemble cylindrical shells and conical shell segments along the longitudinal joint on the tacks using wire SVXG2SMA with a diameter of 1.4 mm, gas Ar + CO2 20%, semi-automatic mat PDG508 with power source VDU506. Preheat to 200℃ before assembly.
3) We carry out welding of cylindrical feedwells and segments of the conic feedwell on a longitudinal joint, the welding ADF1000 tractor with the VDU1000 power supply, using a wire of Sv08HM, AH348 A gumboil, on a flux pillow. Preheat to 200℃ before welding.
4) Welded segments of conical shells roll in another section, in the same place edge preparation for welding of ring joints is performed. Rolled conical shells are assembled and welded to longitudinal joint.
5) Perform vertical assembly of cylindrical and conical shells along the ring joint at the tacks using wire SVXG2SMA with diameter 1.4 mm, protective gas Ar + CO2 20%, semi-automatic mat PDG508 with power supply source VDU506. Preheat to 200℃ before assembly.
6) We carry out welding of cylindrical and conic feedwells on a ring joint using a welding column of PG1 with a welding head of SGF1000, CB08XM wire, AH348 A gumboil, on a flux pillow. Preheat to 200℃ before welding.
7) We assemble the end shell with the Scholz gate along the ring joint on the taps using the wire SVXG2SMA with a diameter of 1.4 mm, protective gas Ar + CO2 20%, semi-automatic mat PDG508 with power supply source VDU506. Preheat to 200℃ before assembly.
8) We carry out welding of the trailer feedwell with Sholts's lock on a ring joint using a welding column of PG1 with a welding head of SGF1000, CB08XM wire, AH348 A gumboil. Before welding to make preliminary heating to 200 ℃.
9) We assemble in horizontal position on the collars of the annular joint of the cylindrical shell and the semi-shell from cylindrical and conical shells using wire SVXG2SMA with a diameter of 1.4 mm, protective gas Ar + CO2 20%, semi-automatic mat PDG508 with power source VDU506. Preheat to 200℃ before assembly.
10) We carry out welding of a ring joint, using a welding column of PG1 with a welding head of SGF1000, CB08XM wire, AH348 A gumboil, on a flux pillow.
11) We assemble on the tacks of the cylindrical shell and the end shell with the Scholz gate using wire SVXG2SMA with a diameter of 1.4 mm, protective gas Ar + CO2 20%, semiautomatic PDG508 with power source VDU506. Preheat to 200℃ before assembly.
12) We carry out welding of a ring joint of the cylindrical and trailer feedwell, using a welding column of ESAB 300C with a welding head of SGF1000, CB08XM wire, AH348 A gumboil, on a flux pillow. Preheat to 200℃ before welding.
13) Assembly of connectors.
14) Perform welding of connectors and shackles using wire SVXG2SMA with diameter 1.4 mm, protective gas Ar + CO2 20%, semi-automatic mat PDG508 with power source VDU506.
15) We assemble heat exchanger support sheets using SWXG2SMA wire with a diameter of 1.4 mm, protective gas Ar + CO2 20%, semi-automatic mat PDG508 with power source VDU506 .
16) We carry out welding of sheets of a support of the heat exchanger, using we use a wire of SvHG2SMA with a diameter of 1.4 mm, protective Ar+CO2 20 gas of %, PDG508 semiautomatic device with the VDU506 power supply.
17) We weld supports and housing, use wire SVXG2SMA with a diameter of 1.4 mm, protective gas Ar + CO2 20%, semi-automatic mat PDG508 with power source VDU506.
18) Perform quality control of welds.
19) Perform leak check.
20) Heat treatment is performed with the help of furnace with rolled-out hearth of CEP 1100VP model.
The technology of heat exchanger manufacturing has been developed, the main advantage of which is the maximum possible use of automated methods of assembly and welding operations.
All the main and largest parts of the heat exchanger housing are proposed to be welded by automatic flux welding. The advantages of this welding method lie in increased productivity, maximum reliable weld protection and low personnel training costs. For the manufactured part, the necessary control operations were assigned and high-quality equipment was considered, allowing to produce a high-quality product in accordance with the requirements of GOST.
Taking into account the size of the designed area and the volume of annual output, the economic indicators of the project were calculated. Consideration is given to the need to support a sufficient level of salaries of the main and auxiliary workers, as well as managers, specialists and employees employed in the petrochemical industry. The calculated indicators indicate that the production of the heat exchanger housing will pay off in 2.5 years.
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