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Development of MRG for processing of bushing-type parts


Robotic technological complex RTK. Details, note.

Project's Content

icon Тележка С4234.dwg
icon Вид Б.dwg
icon Деталька.dwg
icon Спецификация.dwg
icon Разработка ГПМ для обработки деталей типа втулка с рамкой.doc

Additional information




1.1. Define Production Type

1.2. Part Design and Utility Description

1.3. Part Constructability Analysis

1.4. Selection of Procurement Type

1.5. Part Manufacturing Process

1.6. Calculation of cutting modes

1.7. Technical rationing


2.1. Operating algorithm of the designed system

2.2. Cyclogram of PRE operation

2.3. Industrial Robot Selection

2.4. Auxiliary equipment



The intensification of production in mechanical engineering and the increase of its efficiency are possible with a significant increase in the productivity of technological equipment and its wide automation.

Modern mechanical engineering with the serial nature of production is characterized by a constant complication of the design and an increase in the range of products produced, a frequent change in production facilities, and a reduction in the time for the development of new products. An effective means of realizing these tasks is the widespread use of automatic production with elements of flexible automation, as well as automatic control of production processes.

Almost all technological operations can be automated, so a high level of labor productivity is achieved. So, in addition to machining parts according to a given program, it is possible to automate the operations of feeding blanks to machines and removing processed parts from them, changing cutting and measuring tools, monitoring the quality of processing parts, transporting blanks from the warehouse to the machines and processed parts from the machines to the warehouse, removing chips from the machines and supplying lubricant and coolant, changing the processing program.

Automatic production replaces or helps a person in areas with dangerous, harmful to health, difficult or monotonous working conditions.

Part Design and Utility Description

The detail "sleeve" is the typical representative of details of type of a body of rotation and has the following main surfaces: length of 25 mm, outer diameter of Æ there are 125 mm, internal diameters of Æ of 50 mm and Æ of 60 mm, a groove 8 mm long, 12 mm in depth, 30 mm wide.

The highest accuracy of the external surfaces h14, internal - H14. The smallest roughness of Ra0.8 of micron on Æ of 125 mm.

For the manufacture of the part, steel 40 GOST 1050-88 is used, the workpiece is obtained by stamping.

The general conclusion from the analysis results: the part has a rational shape, the surfaces are open and available for processing, the part has good rigidity, which provides high-performance processing methods, the part has optimal technological bases.

For basing external surfaces of a detail (Æ of 125 mm) and the corresponding faces of a detail are used.

Selection of Procurement Type

From the types of preparations applied in mechanical engineering - a hire, stamping, casting, a forging, welded preparation, for a detail "sleeve" considering its form, dimensions, the sizes, material and the outputs and also number of operations and transitions, as preparation it is possible to accept the stamping received by horizontally forging car of GKM with use of prutkovy material. A common method is in closed dies when stamping on GKM.

This workpiece (stamping) has the advantage of being different from the workpiece obtained from the Æ130 mm rolled stock and a length of 25 mm because it has a better material utilization ratio of Kim = 0.66 and less processing labour.

The casting method for a simple part design is impractical. The steel 40 has poor (low) fluidity, which may result in incomplete filling of the mold or formation of shells.

It follows from the above that the GKM stamping is economically more profitable and technological.

Part Manufacturing Process

In accordance with the drawing of the part, we develop a route for processing the part "bushing," in which we use an automation tool - an industrial robot PR.

A necessary condition for the application of an industrial robot is the mass of the part, the inscribability of the service area, the correspondence of the trajectory, speed and accuracy required to perform the object movement operation, the kinematic and accurate capabilities of the PR, the possibility of capturing the object with the ZUPR capture device, and compliance with the annual production.

Process Operations:

001 Procurement

003 Stamping

005 Thermal

010 NC Turning

015 NC Turning

020 NC Turning

025 NC Turning

030 NC Milling

035 Locksmith

Operating algorithm of the designed system

RTC operation starts with input of initial data.

Then the workpiece is loaded onto the machine and the workpiece is clamped in the cartridge.

After the blank clamping, RTK hand is retracted.

Then the protective fence is closed.

After the guard is closed, the workpiece is processed.

If necessary, the workpiece is expanded and reinstalled.

After the workpiece processing, the RTC hand is supplied, the workpiece is expanded, the part is unloaded to the clock table and the new workpiece is loaded.

The algorithm repeats.

Drawings content

icon Спецификация.dwg

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