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Development of manufacturing process of part "Flange" in medium-term production conditions

  • Added: 07.12.2021
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 Introduction. 3

I. Technological part. 4

1. Part Design Processability Analysis. 4

2. Select the procurement method. 6

3. The part processing route is the flange of the cam. 9

4. Calculation of machining allowances. 10

5. Dimensional accuracy analysis . 16

6. Calculation of total processing error. 19

7. Calculates the cutting modes. 23

8. Calculation of technical standard of time by standards . 26

II. Design part. 28

9. Determination of installation error. 30

Conclusion. 33

List of literature.. 34

Project's Content

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I. Process part

1. Part Constructability Analysis

2. Select Procurement Method

3. Part machining route of cam flange

4. Calculation of machining allowances

5. Dimensional Accuracy Analysis

6. Calculation of total processing error

7. Calculation of cutting modes

8. Calculation of technical standard of time by regulations

II. Design part

9. Determination of installation error


List of literature


In this course work, the solution of problems related to the design of the technology for manufacturing the part of the fist flange in medium-term production conditions is presented.

Course work is presented in the form of text and graphic parts. The text part of the course work includes all necessary explanations and calculations related to the technical and feasibility study of technological decisions. The calculation explanatory note consists of two sections: technological and design parts.

In the process part, the method of obtaining the workpiece and the technological process were selected, allowances for diametrical dimensions were determined by the calculation and analytical method, dimensional accuracy analysis was carried out, cutting modes for all selected transitions of operations were determined, the total processing error was calculated, etc.

In the design part, a rational basing scheme was selected and the installation error was calculated for the horizontal-longitudinal operation.

Special attention is paid to compliance of specific calculations and indicators in the text part of the course work with their representation in the graphic part.

This work is a very important step towards mastering the engineering design methods necessary for its further practical activities. In the course design process, students consolidate, deepen, and summarize the knowledge gained at lecture and practical classes. Along with this, course design teaches the student to use reference literature, GOST, tables, norms, rates, etc.

In addition, during the course design, students not only fix the known material, but also get acquainted with new methods.

Modern trends in the development of machine-building production are focused on the wide use of progressive structural and instrumental materials, strengthening technology, and integrated automation based on the use of CNC machines.

The course work was carried out in accordance with the standards of ESKD, AETP, AETPP, ISO, which provides a unified systematic approach to the selection and application of production preparation methods.

At implementation of the academic year project the decision-making at the choice of options of technological processes, the equipment, equipment, methods of receiving preparations is made on the basis of technical and economic calculations that gives the chance to offer an optimal variant.


In this course work, a routing process for the manufacture of the "fist flange" part was developed.

After the work, the following conclusions can be drawn:

the part is quite technological, but the presence of chamfers complicates the machining technology;

method of billet production - stamping on GKM;

The batch of parts is processed without scrap.

the accuracy requirement is met.

In addition, optimal cutting modes have been selected in the project to ensure accuracy and quality requirements. Technological time standards were also calculated. Rational basing scheme is selected and installation error is calculated.

Drawings content

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