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Development of a recipe for a functional meat product based on the current classical recipe

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The course project on the topic related to the processing of meat products (ham) contains a detailed description of technological products, as well as all the necessary technical calculations. From the project it can be seen that the introduction of barberry fruits, rice bran and chicken liver into the recipe. Based on the comparative characteristics of the nutrient composition of the product before and after the introduction of functional ingredients, it can be concluded that we have obtained a functional product, which is largely enriched with vitamin and some minerals. In the graphic part of the course project, great attention is paid to the technological scheme of production of the developed vechtina and the hardware and technological line for the production of this ham. 

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1 Classic ham technology

2 Determination of ham assortment. Indicators of their quality

3 Types of additives, methods of their management and influence on quality indicators of ham

4 Shells, their comparative characteristics

5 Results of patent search and work with literature

6 Improving the recipe and technology for making ham or developing a new


List of literature used


Ham is a product that has been known to mankind for many centuries. References to it as an ingredient used to prepare many dishes can be found in Chinese treatises dating back to the XXIII centuries. And to this day, ham is a product tenderly loved by gourmets.

Ham is one of the valuable food products of modern man. It is consumed both as an independent dish and as part of a variety of dishes.

Ham is a meat product, which means a source of protein that humans need. In any kind of meat, it is present.

In addition, it contains a number of necessary minerals, such as iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc and others.

There are vitamins in it, mainly of group B. As a product of animal origin, ham necessarily contains vitamin B12, which is present mainly only in such products. 100 grams of ham can contain, depending on the type of meat, from 8 to 11 milligrams of zinc, which our body requires daily. In addition, the same portion can provide the body with a good proportion of niacin, which is important for digestion, potassium - a necessary element for the heart system.

The purpose of the course project is to develop a functional ham recipe based on the current classic recipe.

In connection with the goal, the following tasks were formed:

search and study of patents and scientific articles related to ham production;

To acquire the full knowledge of ham production technology;

To study the progressive methods of ham production used in advanced meat processing enterprises both in the country and around the world.

Functional food is a special group that does not belong to the category of medicines and medicinal food, although it is used to improve the functioning of the body systems and improve human health. Therefore, they occupy an intermediate place between conventional products made using traditional technology and therapeutic foods.

There are legal prerequisites for the development of functional foodstuffs in Belarus. The country has laws (technical regulations), national and interstate standards, which are necessary for the state regulation of the production and circulation of a group of specialized products.

Classic ham technology

Raw material preparation. Defrosted carcasses, if necessary, are emptied, carefully examined, bruising, remnants of plumage and internal organs are removed, cleaned and washed. Poultry meat is washed with tap water at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C and sent for cutting and collapse. White meat (meat separated from the breast and shoulder of the wing) and red meat (meat separated from the thigh and shin of the carcasses of poultry, breast and shoulder of the wing of ducks and geese) without inclusions of skin, fat and connective tissues are isolated from lump, dumped poultry meat .

When cutting beef and pork halftush, special and universal schemes are used. After the semitush is divided into cuts for the production of ham of higher varieties, only high-quality meat raw materials are isolated: hip, spade, dorsal, lumbar and cervical parts of pork halftush without skin, bones, cartilage and excess speck; flesh of spade, spinnerebral, lumbar, hip parts of beef halves with connective and adipose tissue content not more than 6%.

For the production of ham, high-grade beef, second-grade beef, single-breasted beef, and sausage beef are also used for the production of ham; low-fat pork, bold pork, fatty pork, single-grade residential pork, residential sausage pork. After baking and veneering, the meat is served for grinding and ambassador.

Grinding and ambassador of meat raw materials. Meat raw material salting includes the following operations: pre-grinding, massaging (mixing) and mincing.

Meat raw materials for ham are minced with 825 mm grid and directed for massaging or mixing in a mixer. Milled meat raw materials are placed in massager and salting and functional-technological ingredients are sequentially introduced according to formula. Then it is subjected to massaging, unloaded and directed for moulding.

The massaging process is recommended to be carried out at a massager load factor of 0.60.8 at a meat raw material temperature of not more than 6 ° C and a vacuum depth of 8090%. After loading meat raw materials and salting ingredients into the massager, 1/3 of the total water (ice) mixture is added. After 1-2 massaging cycles, the remaining amount of water (ice) is added.

Massaging modes:

option 1. 20 minutes of massaging, 20 minutes of quiescence at 8 rpm for 6-8 hours;

option 2. Continuous massaging for 3-4 hours at 8 rpm. Option 3. 20 minutes of massaging, 20 minutes of rest at 16 rpm for 3-4 hours.

It is allowed to use other modes of meat raw material massaging depending on the peculiarities of the equipment available at the enterprise and technological production schemes. When mince is prepared in a mixer, meat raw materials ground and cooled to a temperature of 0 to + 2 ° C are placed in a mixer and mixed for 2040 minutes with gradual addition of salting ingredients and water (ice). About 50% moisture and all necessary ingredients are added in the first 10 minutes of mixing. Then the remaining moisture is added and mixed for 2030 min until sticky surface of meat pieces is formed. The stirrer and massager must be in a cooled room with a temperature not higher than 6 ° C. After massaging or mixing in a stirrer, meat raw materials are sent for ripening to a cooling chamber with a temperature of 2- + 4 ° C for 1824 hours.

Then the meat raw materials are again loaded into a stirrer, starch, soy or animal proteins are added (if they were not introduced in the first stage of ham preparation) and mixed for 15-20 minutes. After completion of salting raw material is sent for moulding.

The process of salting meat raw materials for the production of restructured ham can take place in another way:

boneless ham are salted by syringing with single-needle or multi-ring syringes.

They are syringed with brine (1012% brine to ham weight). After syringing, the ham is put in a container and kept in a saline for a day, then sent for draining for 12 hours.

Prepared boneless ham is milled and massaged. Massaging is carried out in accordance with established modes.

After a complete massaging cycle, the raw material is placed in metal containers and sent for ripening at a temperature of 0 to 4 ° C. After massaging and ripening, meat raw materials for ham are fed for mincing and mincing, which includes structural components. After crushing, meat raw materials are placed in the mixer and add some spice, spice, etc .

After these processes, the mince is fed to the molding.

Forming ham

Moulding-filling sausage shells with prepared meat emulsion is intended to give a certain shape to the meat of the product, to protect them from external influences, to improve commercial appearance and ease of handling.

The use of manual molding is characteristic of single and small-scale production, machine, carried out using automatic lines and other special molding equipment - for serial, large-scale and mass production. To perform sausage syringe operations, workstations must be equipped with a rack, containers, a set of spare peels of different diameters, trolleys for transportation and placement of shell stocks, a mince descent or a hoist for a bucket cart with mince, a pelvis for collecting shell waste. Reduction and safety valves adjusted to the required pressure shall be installed on the main line falling in compressed air, except for the pressure gauge.

Ham moulding is carried out on vacuum syringes with software complete with a clypsator, which allows adjusting the speed and density of stuffing the shell with mince, and the dosing device allows packing products of a certain mass. Then, the bars are directed to be laid in molds to give the bars an appropriate format.

Filling of ham into sausage shells with mince is carried out on syringes with or without application of vacuum, equipped with device for application of clamps or without it. Injection pressure shall ensure tight stuffing of mince. Stuffing of natural shells and artificial shells with diameter of 60-140 mm is carried out using pews with diameter of 30-60 mm. The length of sausage bars is not more than 50 cm. The free ends of the shell, thread mesh and twine should be not longer than 4 cm, with a commercial mark, the ends of the twine should be not longer than 7 cm. The minimum length of the bar should be 15 cm. When stuffing polyamide steam and gas tight shells, it is recommended to fill them with 8-10% more than the nominal diameter, according to the recommendations of the manufacturer.

Steam-and-gas-tight shells of the blue type should be made transverse dressings with twine every 10 cm, especially compacting mince. For universal vacuum syringes with a device for stapling, a corrugated, pre-marked artificial shell is used. When using a manual clypsator, a casing without corrugation is used. When hand knitting, mince is squeezed inside the bar and the end of the shell is firmly tied, making a loop for hanging on a stick. Batons are knitted in wide shells with twine made of deep fibers, in shells with diameter up to 80 cm - with twine and threads. From batons of natural shell air is removed, which came into batter together with mince, by puncture of shell. If there are printed symbols on artificial shells indicating the product name, it is allowed to bind batons without transverse dressings (product marks).

In the presence of a special device, the ends of the batons can be fixed with metal staples or staples with or without a loop. In the absence of a marked shell, it is allowed to apply color or marked clips or a banderol, or insert labels between layers.

After binding or stapling with a loop, the bars are hung on sticks, which are then placed on the frames, preventing the bars from touching each other to avoid slips. It is allowed to put bars in horizontal trays placed on frames. For each frame with raw products, a passport is attached with the passport number, product name, date, shift of production, the name of the syringe and heat processor.

Heat treatment

Heat treatment of ham products is carried out in universal chambers with automatic control and control of temperature and humidity of the medium. Smoke for roasting and smoking is obtained when burning dry sawdust and chips from solid trees in a smoke generator. Boiling of ham in moulds is carried out in digesters or in steam-cooking chambers until the temperature in the center of the product is 71 ± 1 ° C.

Heat treatment of ham in permeable shells.

Batons are dried at 50-60 ° C for 2060 minutes depending on batter diameter. The end of the process is determined by drying and redness of the batter and reaching a temperature in the center of the batter of 3550 ° C.

Further, smoking is carried out at a temperature of 6570 ° C for 2060 minutes to the desired color. The smoking operation in the manufacture of ham can be eliminated.

Ham cooking is carried out at a temperature of 7580 ° C until the temperature in the product thickness reaches 70 to 72 ° C.

Heat treatment of ham in polyamide vapor-gas-tight shells.

The bars are not fried. Cooking is carried out in boilers or steam-cooking chambers with control and regulation of heating medium temperature from 60 to 80 ° C until the temperature in the center of the bar reaches 72-74 ° C with subsequent exposure during 6-8 minutes. When cooking in water, the bars of ham products are immersed in water pre-heated to 85 ° C (with a ratio of water and product of at least 5:1)

3 Types of additives, methods of their management and influence on quality indicators of ham

Food additives are designed to change consumer and technological parameters of raw materials and finished products (taste, smell, aroma, color, consistency, appearance, stability during storage, etc.). Food additives are conditionally divided into monofunctional and multifunctional additives.

Food phosphates. Phosphate salts and their mixtures are included in the formulations of salting brines in order to increase its moisture-retaining ability, connectivity and adhesiveness of components of meat systems, stability of mince emulsions, increase yields of the finished product, as well as improve color, taste and aroma bouquet and consistency of meat products, decrease pH. The use of phosphates reduces heat loss. In the production of ham products, food phosphates are used in a strictly defined amount: about 300500 g per 100 kg of meat raw materials or when added to brines up to 1.2%. Hydrocolloids. In order to create a denser, monolithic consistency, high juiciness and tenderness of meat products, reduce syneresis and improve product quality, carrageenans are used in pure form or in combination with other types of gel-forming additives. Carrageenan simultaneously with salt-soluble muscle proteins forms a single matrix and strengthens it, ensuring obtaining the required technological effect.

The use of carrageenan in ham production enables:

improve organoleptic indices;

increase output;

lower cost of finished products.

The most effective use of carrageenan in the process of production of meat products from raw materials with high content of fat and connective tissues, defrosted PSE, poultry meat. Recommended carrageenan content is 0.82.0%.

In modern technologies for the production of meat products, food stabilizing systems based on carrageenans, gums and their compositions are widely used. The chemical composition of the gums is heterogeneous, they belong to heteropolysaccharides.

When producing meat products, they are used as thickeners and consistency stabilizers. The main representatives of hydrocolloids most widely used in brine systems are carrageenan, guar gums, xanthan, carrot tree, and tara tree. At the same time, each of them carries its own functional load and has both positive and negative sides. Mixtures of various hydrocolloids are often used to give new and improved rheological characteristics to food products, which is also a new way to reduce the prices of the finished product without degrading the quality of the brine preparation. Soy protein isolates. Soy isolates contain 9092% protein, have a full amino acid composition.

Introduction of soy proteins into the formulation of ham makes it possible to increase the yield of the finished product by 2030% while improving texture, juiciness and fat/protein ratio. Complex use of salt-soluble soy protein isolates in combination with carrageenans provides increasing the yield of products from meat to the level of 150180% (practically without reducing the proportion of dry substances in the product). To the maximum extent, the advantages of soy isolated protein preparations are manifested when using defrosted raw materials, meat with PSE traits. In the manufacture of ham, proteins of animal origin are also currently used.

Phosphates promote swelling of muscle proteins, moisture retention during heat treatment, increase of juiciness, yield and consumer properties of finished products. They ensure the resistance of protein-fat emulsions, which prevents the formation of boulder swelling during sausage cooking, inhibit oxidative processes in fat, which are accelerated in the presence of heme pigments. When phosphates are added, the mince structure is improved.

The main function of salt in brine is to enhance meat taste and aroma. In addition, the salt causes the swelling of proteins in the bare meat, which leads to an increase in the TOC of salted meat during heat treatment. The salt added to the gelatin solution does not affect the functional properties of the proteins, since the meat raw material is subjected to heat treatment until ready before further processing. The amount of salt in the finished product varies greatly and is typically 1020 g/kg of product.

Nitrite is used to improve taste, aroma and color of salted heat-treated meat raw materials. The amount of nitrite in the finished product shall be in accordance with the established maximum permissible level. In salting, color enhancers (ascorbate or erythorbate) are sometimes used, the concentration of which in brine is about 0.20.3%.

Black pepper is a necessary and mandatory component in the preparation of sausages and smoked foods. It is dried seeds of a curly tropical shrub, collected at various stages of maturity. Black seeds are removed immature. Black has a much stronger smell and greater "burning. Usually, pepper goes on sale ground (in powder) and whole (in the form of peas). Ground pepper loses part of the aroma, so it is better to buy pepper with peas and grind it as needed. In some cases, peppers with peas are used when salting meat.

Prolonged heat treatment reduces the aromatic properties of pepper. In addition to black, there is also fragrant pepper. It is obtained from dried undersized berries of subtropical pigment tree. Allspice resembles black in appearance; peas are dark brown in color and, unlike black, it has a stronger spicy aroma, resembling the aroma of cloves with cinnamon, as well as less "burning." Grind the peas of allspice immediately before use to maintain its better aromaticity.

Nutmeg is added to mince when making smoked sausages and other delicatessen meat products. These are peeled and dried seeds of tropical nutmeg tree, having a sharp, burning-spicy taste and aroma. It is sold packed in glass tubes, in which they are stored (necessarily in a dry room). It is laid in products before heat treatment is finished.

Coriander (kindza) is introduced into the mince composition for sausages and in the manufacture of individual varieties of potion. These are dried seeds and greens of the herb of the same name. It gives meat products a special unique aroma and taste.

Cardamom is a seasoning with a very strong smell. Prepared from cardamom seeds. It is used in the form of powder in the manufacture of sausage products.

4 Shells, their comparative characteristics

Sausage shells play a large role in the production of all types of sausage products: they protect sausages from mechanical damage, contamination, moisture, microorganisms and other factors that lead to damage to the product. In addition, the shells give the sausages a certain shape and size, convenient for processing and sale in the retail network.

All recommendations for the production of sausage products in natural and artificial shells are made taking into account materials submitted by manufacturers, regulatory and technical documentation for sausage products in force in the Republic of Belarus, technical conditions for shells, test results, and sanitary standards.

There are 3 types of sausage shells:


artificial from natural materials;


Natural sausage shell

The very first sausage shell - natural intestinal - appeared simultaneously with sausage and until the 30s of the XX century had no replacement. For the production of the shell, almost all types of intestinal raw materials of cattle, pigs, rams are used, less often horse. Instead of anatomical names in sausage production, special names were adopted: passer, circle, blue, cherry, hen, curly, deaf.

By diameter, length or length of semi-circumference, intestinal shells are divided into calibers, and by quality (individual types of shells) - grades. The capacity (porcelain capacity) of intestinal shells depends on the caliber and grade.

For each type of product, shells of a certain type and size are used in accordance with regulatory documentation.

Artificial shells

1 Polyamide shells

A polyamide sausage shell is a kind of plastic food shell that performs protective functions and is used in the manufacture of sausage products. All shells are made of polyamide and polyethylene mixture under high pressure by specially designed and patented method. Each manufacturer producing sausage shells takes care of the quality of their products. All shells, including polyamide, have a number of advantages and features that should be taken into account.

Shell Properties and Benefits:

smoke permeability;

high mechanical strength;

high elasticity;

high oxygen barrier properties;

low permeability to water vapor;

high heat resistance;

microbiological resistance.

Shell preparation: soaking in water.

Shells AMITAN Pro Streich, Pro Sinyuga, Pro Sinyuga Koh, Pro-U Sinyuga, Pro-U Sinyuga Koh - single-layer plastic shells permeable to smoking smoke, imitating natural intestinal raw materials (blue, bubbles, skull). Shells are designed for the production of all types of boiled sausages and ham in the shell, produced according to technologies including smoking.

Product range:

Available calibers:

- AMITAN Pro Streich shell: 3565 mm;

- shells AMITAN Pro Sinyuga, Pro Sinyuga Koh, Pro-U Sinyuga, Pro-U. Sinyuga Ko: 50-80 mm.

For ring shells, the inner diameter of the ring is 20-50 cm. Wide color scheme.

Polyamide barrier shells are multilayer shells made of polyamide, polyolefin and adhesive (modified polyethylene), allowed for use in the food industry by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.


high tensile strength;

uniformity of caliber;

high heat resistance;

low oxygen permeability;

low permeability to water vapor;

the shell is not subjected to microbiological damage.

Purpose: boiled sausage and ham products; blood and livery sausages, patties; potions, studios and products in jelly; edible animal fats; frozen foods (sausage and meat mince) and other food products.

Shell preparation: soaking in water.

Pentaflex Sheep

Purpose: moulding ham and sausages in shapes, stuffed sausages.

Properties: high barrier, elasticity, mechanical strength, biological inertia, heat resistance, extended shelf life of finished products.

Calibers: 50 mm, 60 mm, 65 mm, 70 mm, 75 mm, 80 mm, 100 mm. Wide color scheme.

Textile casings

Sausages were known about textile shells for cooking sausages back in the distant 18th century. Then, linen cloth was most often used as a shell, and cotton cloth a little later. Today, this technology has been more improved and created a special kind of artificial shell for sausages.

Textile sheath is textile webs and sewn sheaths in the form of a sleeve with mixtures of decorative and taste additives applied to them (may not be applied).


Purpose: boiled sausages and ham; Zeltsy; products in jelly; patties.

Properties: Viscoflex allows you to find an individual solution for packaging the product due to the wide selection of shapes and colors of the material and printing on the shell.

Viscoflex shells have the following advantages: attractive appearance, great mechanical strength, a variety of shapes, easy releasability, excellent hygienic characteristics, longer shelf life compared to natural shells, low weight loss.

Shell preparation: before filling, the shell must be soaked in water for 30 minutes. Water temperature 4050 ° C. Due to soaking, the shell becomes elastic and dense. The cotton swells, compacting the holes formed during the sewing of the material, which prevents the mince from flowing out of the shell.

NCS Spatex

Textile webs and sewn shells in the form of a sleeve with mixtures of decorative and taste sprinkles applied on them, permeable to water vapors. After heat treatment and cooling, the shell is removed, and the dressing remains on the surface of the product.

Purpose: Cooked sausages and ham.

Properties: beautiful and original appearance of the finished product, small losses during heat treatment, uniform application of decorative and taste sprinkles on the surface of the meat product, during the cutting of the product, sprinkles are very well kept on its surface, easy to use - the shell does not need to be soaked before filling, the shell is easily removed from the finished product.

Technology Recommendations:

the cladding and web need not be pre-soaked;

the shell can be filled and clipped on all types of manual and semi-automatic equipment;

the canvas can be used on all public forms for ham; fill the shell carefully, trying not to injure the layer of applied spices;

cooking of products is carried out under standard conditions at temperature up to 88 ° C;

after heat treatment, the finished product should be cooled and then the shell removed;

after removing the shell, it is recommended to pack the meat product in a vacuum package.

Collagen shells

Collagen shells are similar in properties to natural shells (they are gaso, moisture-smoke-permeable), since collagen fibers obtained from the middle layer ("sawing") of cattle skins serve as the material for their production.

Their sizes can vary from 17 to 32 mm, their color can also be different.

Fabios FG, FC

Purpose: boiled sausages and ham, semi-smoked and boiled-smoked sausages.

Properties: good gas and steam permeability, mechanical strength, clips on all types of clips.

The FC sheath has higher strength and heat resistance than the FG sheath.

Shell preparation: FG shells, FGC, FGS are soaked in water at a temperature of 2025℃, for 15 minutes in a 1015% solution of table salt. Corrugated and printed shells shall be soaked for 20 minutes. During soaking, the corrugated tubes must be fixed to false peaks or in a mesh.

Cellulosic shells

Cellulose sheath (cellophane sheath) is a regenerated pulp that has undergone special treatment. It belongs to the permeable type of shells. Recently, cellulose shells have become very popular and are often used in the food industry. The taste and aroma of sausages and sausages in the cellulose shell are very high.

Cellophane (Manufacturer of LLC "Logo Trade")

Multilayer cellulosic sausage shell in lengths is manufactured by Logos on the basis of cellulosic film in rolls, which is formed into a shell in special cylindrical shapes, connecting the layers to each other using food glue.

Purpose: boiled sausages and ham.

Properties: exceptional transparency and gloss, high steam and smoke permeability, good protective barrier for taste and aroma, has antistatic properties, easily breaks off, prevents condensate deposition, decomposes without damage to the environment.

Shell preparation: No pre-preparation and soaking is required to work with the shell.

Delhi Park (Manufacturer Wiscofan)

Purpose: all types of sausage products, the production technology of which provides for drying, smoking and cooking modes.

Properties: exceptional transparency and shine, high vapor of gas-moisture smoke - permeability, decomposes without damage to the environment.

Preparation of the shell: before filling, the shell must be soaked in water, temperature 2025 ° C, short-term immersion in water for 1 minutes, followed by laying on the forming table for 510 minutes.

5 Fibrous sheaths

Fibrous sheaths are a biodegradable product based on natural renewable raw materials. The lightweight but strong fibrous sheath has excellent extensibility and provides improved yield. The high permeability of the shell ensures the highest quality of smoking and cooking.

Fibrous sheaths (Manufacturer Viskotypak)

Purpose: boiled sausages and ham, semi-smoked and boiled-smoked sausages, raw smoked and raw sausages.

Preparation of the shell: before syringing, the shell is soaked in water (temperature 2535 ° C), soaking time 30 minutes.

Corrugated shell - about an hour. The corrugated shell is soaked, ensuring that all the corrugations are under water.

Attention: it is not recommended to store soaked shell for more than 24 hours.

Fibrous Regular

Purpose: boiled sausages and ham, half smoked sausages.

Properties: The shells have excellent workability, which guarantees convenience, both manual and mechanical packing, while meeting the most stringent requirements of food safety and hygiene. Lightweight and strong fibrous sheaths have excellent extensibility to improve yield.

Preparation of the shell: before syringing, the shell is soaked in water (temperature 2535 ° C), soaking time 30 minutes.

No Casing

It is produced by Logo Trade LLC on the basis of the ViscoTipak shell, and is a fibrous shell with a grid glued on it in the form of a square, chain mail, rhombus, honeycomb, trapezoid.

Shell views: NetCasing Square, NetCasing Ring, NetCasing Combin2, No Casing Combin3, No Casing Rhombus, NetCasing Honeycombs, NetCasing Trapezia.

Purpose: boiled sausages and ham; semi-smoked and boiled-smoked sausages; raw smoked and raw sausages.

Properties: Due to the mesh glued on the shell, the finished product has an original appearance, clips on all types of clips, molds manually, paros, gas permeability of the shell allows you to achieve the desired aroma and color during smoking, the net can be applied to any type of fibrous shell ViscoTipak.

Preparation of the shell: before syringing, the shell in sections is soaked in warm water (temperature 2535 ° C), soaking time 3040 minutes.

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