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Design of two-storey production building


Kursta қ zhobana ң tayryba: "Pavlodar alasyndaa 2 abatta nd_r_st_k imaratta ң Gers st_ zhmystaryna ң құ rylys to a technologiyasa montazhda". nd_r_st_k imarattar - bl technologiyala қ to a protsesterga arnalan, yan belg_l_ b_r n_m tr_n a shyarua of an arnalada. Өndіrіstіk ғimarat kez kelgen өndіrіstіk infrastructure үshіn eң negizgi element. Ana ң құ ramyna nd_r_st_k, oymala қ, trmysta қ, yzmett_k to the zhena of a osala blmeler k_red_. Drys zhobalanan nd_r_st_k imarat technologiyala қ talaptara to a tolyta zhauap ber_p, kapitalda қ salymdarda ң ti_md_l_g_n amtamasyz etet_ndy zhoara of the technician-economikaly қ to Sai's krsetk_shterga of a bolua shart, zhena odan expluatatsiyasa ara to a kez_nda sen_md_l_g_ bolua zhoara m_ndett_. B_zd і ң el_m_zdeg_ azamatta қ foams nd_r_st_k құ rylysta ң kbeyu_men to the suyena of a baylanysta to a zhinata of a zhmystara of exchanges құ rylys mekhanizatsiyalara bl_mder_n nem_ zhaalap to an asyrylada _ska. To Tas, kter to the zhena құ rylys to a zhinata mechanization of a zhmystara kaz_rg_ zhadayda of an arnaya car zhyes_men, industrialda nd_r_st_ zhmystar d_s_ exchanges of a zhoara of a arkyndarda krsetumen to an asyrylada _ska. Wasps zhyedeg_ neg_zg_ mashinalarda ң b_r_ kterg_sh to a mashinalara tasymalda bolyp tabylada. Olara keles_ talaptar oyylada: - құ rylys alaynan da nemese's basa of an aralytard tuyels_z zhylzhumen lken ept_l_k kerek; - r trl_ zhmystarda to a oldan mmk_nsh_l_g і; - mashinamen to a zhinata to the zhena blshekteud_ enbex і ң і rg_sht_g_ to the zhena e ң az klemder, to a paydalan sh_n aladar to a dayynda, sonymen Qatar obyekt_den to a ayt objekt_ga to an ornytyr. Zhүk kөtergіsh tүsіru - tasymaldau zhұmystarynda қol eңbegіmen atқarylatyn zhұmystardy joyuynda үlken role atқarady. Tuyels_zd_g_n alan k_met_m_zd і ң three-copecks piece oyan masattaryna ң b_r_ bolyp otyran bl құ rylys bazasyn nyayta, ona ң equipment of a materialda қ bazasyn to a zhet_ld_r to the zhena құ rylys tekhnikasyn to a rkendet bolyp otyr. Memleketіmіzdің bassha ұyymdary barlyқ uaқytta құrylys salasyn erekshe kөңіl bөlіp otyr. Құ rylys technologiyasa құ rylys zhmystaryna to the zhena to a processterga bl_ned_. Gers st_ zhmystaryn sapala to an orynda to a mayzda ta _s - sharalar zhiyntya, yan oan zhatatyndar: a abyra to a tryz, a toad to the zhena zhabyn - shatyr zhmystara, concrete to the zhena tem_rbeton zhmystara, құ rylys - to a zhmystara montazhda, _shk_ to the zhena of a syrta a zhmystara rlea, Eden, a baspald қ, Therese, es_k to an ornat to the zhena of t.b. kptegen zhmystar k_red_. Atalan құ rylys zhmystara of exchanges of an ona ң protsester_ belg_lengen technologiyala қ ret_men azht a _stela. Құrylys zhұmystary үsh kezeңge bөlіnedі: dayyndyқ zhұmystary - iron astyndaғy құrylystary (nөldіk cycle), iron үstіndegі құrylystar zhәne әrleu zhұmystary (sylaқ, boyau). Krdel_ құ rylys - materialda қ nd_r_st і ң salasyna mayzda ң b_r і, ona ң neg_zg_ m_ndet_ - yly - tekhnikala қ progress of an aryla neg_zg_ orda ң daya laymala nd_r_s_n amtamasyz to an et. Kez - kelgen ғimaratty nemese үymerettі salғan uaқytta, sonyman қatar zheraumaқty zosparlau nemese kөrіktendіru kesinde ger zhұmystary zhүrgіzedі. Barla қ Gers of Asta Zhmystara b_tken with ң, a abyra alanyp baanalar exchanges zhabyn a toad plitalaryn to a zhmystara ornat zhrg_z_led_. Barlyқ zhұmystar montazdau kranynyң kөmegіmen oryndalada. Montazhdau kranyn imaratta ң to the bi_kt_gena, kterg_sh konstruktsiyalar exchanges elementterd і ң salmayna, zhmys to the klemena to the zhena of a imaratta ң zhalpa of an audana of a boyynsh of a tadalada. imaratta ң barla қ mayzda elementter_ abyralar exchanges zhabyndar zhabular, es_k terezeler, baspaldatar, edender nzhe bek_t_lgen ber_kt_k, ota tz_md_l_k, ayaza tz_md_l_k, zhk kterg_sht_k, buizolyatsiyala қ, dybysizolyatsiyala қ to the zhena of t.b. Sai's talaptara of an oryndalua ti_s.

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