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Design of transport vehicle transmission elements


Course by subject Design of Special Forest Machines (Drawings, DBE)

Project's Content

icon Вилка (А2).cdw
icon Задний вал.cdw
icon Кардан СБ (А2).cdw
icon Креставина (А3).cdw
icon Специф 2.cdw
icon Специф.cdw
icon ПСЛМ ПЗ НА ПЯТЬ +.doc

Additional information



1. Initial data

2.Tyagovo-dynamic calculation of the road train

2.1Compute the total weight of the road train

2.2 Calculation of engine power

2.3Computing elements of engine external speed characteristic

2.4Recalculation of transmission ratios of tractor truck

2.5 Calculation of traction characteristic of the road train

3. Gimbal Transmission Design

3.1 Selection of cardan shafts installation angles

3.2 Selection of cardan joints. Calculation of elements

gimbal transmission design

4. Conclusion

5. Bibliographic list


The working curricula of specialties 171100, 170400 provide for disciplines. "Forest Machinery Design," "Machinery and Equipment Design and Design," "Lifting and Loading Machines."

When studying these disciplines, calculation and graphic works and course projects are carried out. Course design is associated with the development of forestry, lifting and other vehicles, as well as with the development of elements of their structures. The proposed training manual is intended to carry out a course project related to the calculation and design of transmission elements of forest vehicles (trucking, timber trucks). It can be used in traction dynamic calculations of lifting, road and other machines.


As a result of the calculations, numerical values ​ ​ of operational properties indicators were determined and graphs of changes in the operational properties of the designed car were drawn up depending on the change in its speed.

Drawings content

icon Вилка (А2).cdw

Вилка (А2).cdw

icon Задний вал.cdw

Задний вал.cdw

icon Кардан СБ (А2).cdw

Кардан СБ (А2).cdw

icon Креставина (А3).cdw

Креставина (А3).cdw

icon Специф 2.cdw

Специф 2.cdw

icon Специф.cdw
