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Design of the pumping station with an annual cargo turnover of 19 million tons / year

  • Added: 28.04.2022
  • Size: 906 KB
  • Downloads: 2
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Course project on the discipline "Operation of pumping and compressor stations"


The master plan was developed in accordance with the design task in accordance with the technological scheme of the pipeline, the existing norms of technological design, as well as taking into account the entire complex of terrain conditions: relief, geological and hydrogeological features of the site, meteorological conditions, etc.
The topographic basis for drawing up the master plan is: a situational plan of the area of the site of the oil pumping station (NPS), made on a scale of 1: 10,000, on which closely located objects (roads, rivers and streams, industrial enterprises, agricultural land, etc.) are plotted, as well as a topographic plan of the NPS site.


Initial data: Cargo turnover 19 million tons/year, density 865 kg/m3, unevenness of pumping 1.07

Project's Content

icon Генеральный план чертеж.dwg
icon Технологическая схема.dwg
icon Расчеты.xlsx
icon Генеральный план.pdf
icon Технологическая схема.pdf

Additional information

Drawings content

icon Генеральный план чертеж.dwg

Генеральный план чертеж.dwg

icon Технологическая схема.dwg

Технологическая схема.dwg