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Formwork TISE-2

  • Added: 02.12.2011
  • Size: 462 KB
  • Downloads: 1
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Only the 3d model is in the archive.
On this page you will be able to find the drawings of the form of the yew (or rather, only the 3d model, which is also not bad ).
The HSE technology, which has gained popularity today, provides the opportunity to build a building from cheap building materials using only affordable tools. The construction scheme remains the same: the foundation, then, oddly enough, the walls, then their insulation, etc.
The TSE formwork is divided into three species, which are simply called:

  1. TISE-1
  2. TISE-2
  3. TISE-3

The first type is used for the construction of garages, fences, partitions. A wall with a thickness of 19 centimeters is not a problem for her. The second type of formwork is universal, the thickness of the wall in this case is 25 centimeters. When you need to build a wall with a thickness of, say, 38 centimeters, then you can not do without the formwork of TISE-3. It is usually used for the construction of walls of country houses., as well as walls with three layers and flexible connections, which have excellent heat-insulating abilities.
Formwork has already laid down initially all the necessary structural parts and devices for successful construction.

Project's Content

icon 2Оп.SLDASM
icon 2Оп_бок.SLDPRT
icon 2Оп_торец.SLDPRT
icon 2Пуст.SLDASM
icon 2Пуст_бок.SLDPRT
icon 2Пуст_дно.SLDPRT
icon 2Пуст_торец.SLDPRT
icon Деталировка_ТИСЭ-2.SLDDRW
icon ТИСЭ-2_Общий вид.SLDDRW
icon Штырь.SLDPRT

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