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Design of the electrical part of the step-down substation

  • Added: 15.05.2023
  • Size: 622 KB
  • Downloads: 1
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The objective of the course project is to consolidate the theoretical material and acquire practical skills in the design of the electrical part of the substation, the calculation and selection of buses, transformers, high-voltage devices, as well as the acquisition of experience in the  use of reference books, guidelines  and  regulatory materials.

In the educational process, course design is of great importance, as it contributes to the acquisition of skills of independent work in the specialty.

The main design tasks:

1. Production, transmission and distribution of a given amount of electricity in accordance with a specified consumption schedule.

2. Reliable operation of installations and power systems.

3. Reduction of capital costs for the construction of installations.

4. Reduction of annual costs and damage during  operation

installations of the power system.

The purpose of the course project is to select the main equipment at the designed substation.

To achieve these goals, the following issues need to be considered:

– selection and justification of the main scheme of electrical connections and switchgear circuits;

–  calculation of short-circuit currents;

– selection of switching devices and protective devices;

– selection of busbars and cables;

– selection of measuring instruments;

– the choice of the design of the reactor plant.



Project's Content

icon Производство ЭЭ Филенко.docx
icon ЭЧСП-1 и 2 листы. ТДТН-25000-110-35-6.dwg
icon ЭЧСП-1 и 2 листы. ТДТН-25000-110-35-6.frw

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Drawings content

icon ЭЧСП-1 и 2 листы. ТДТН-25000-110-35-6.dwg

icon ЭЧСП-1 и 2 листы. ТДТН-25000-110-35-6.frw

ЭЧСП-1 и 2 листы. ТДТН-25000-110-35-6.frw