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Calculation of the step-down substation - course


KR Calculation of the step-down substation. COURSE PROJECT

On the subject: "Electrical part of stations and substations

 in power supply systems"

on the topic: "Calculation of the step-down substation 110/10/6 kV"


  1. Introduction
  2. Calculation of substation loads
  3. Selection of the number, type and power of transformers
  4. Selection of the main substation scheme
  5. Calculation of short-circuit currents
  6. Selection of switches.
  7. Choosing a current transformer
  8. Choosing a voltage transformer
  9. Choice of hard tires
  10. Choice of flexible tyres
  11. Selection of insulators Selection of                                                                                                                               the main solutions on the SAR
  12. Ps measurement system. Relay protection
  13. Operating current
  14. Own needs of the PS
  15. Calculation of the grounding of the substation
  16. Lightning protection PS
  17. Estimate and financial calculation
  18. Literature


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