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Design of technical service enterprise for overhaul of starting engines PD-10


The project consists of 2 sheets of A-1 format - sequence schedule and approval of operations - project of the production building. There is also an explanatory note

Project's Content

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Additional information



1 Initial data for the exchange rate project

2 Calculation of main indicators of technological solutions

2.1 Operating modes and time funds

2.2 Calculation of basic parameters of the production process

2.3 Sequencing and Matching Schedule

process operations

2.4 Calculation of quantity of equipment and work stations

2.5 Calculation of the number of workers

2.6 Determination of the plant demand for production

and auxiliary areas

3 Manufacturing Building Layout

3.1 Definition of overall dimensions

3.2 Placement of units in the corps

3.3 Selection and calculation of lifting vehicles

3.4 Construction Solutions

3.5 Planning of main production units

4 Design of occupational safety elements

4.1 Ventilation calculation

4.2 Lighting calculation

4.3 Fire Protection Requirements

5. Technical and Economic Part


List of literature used


In the conditions of market relations, technical service should take into account the priority of the rural producer, which ensures excess of supply over demand for machinery, equipment and technical services, mutually beneficial economic interest and complete freedom of relations between the parties.

The technical service production base must change at all levels. Thus, the main scope of maintenance, repair and storage of equipment and equipment will be carried out by the owners of equipment and equipment. That is why even in small farms it is necessary to create a production base for simple repairs, TO tractors, combines and agricultural machines. It should include a shed, canopy and hard-coated platform for storing machines and be equipped with sets of tools, instruments and devices for maintenance, adjustment and adjustment of machines. Complex types of maintenance and repair should be carried out in repair shops of large farms and at other specialized enterprises.

Technical service enterprises of the district level study the demand and supply of equipment, supply farms with spare parts and other material and technical means, carry out pre-sales service, carry out mechanized work, organize rental and sale points of used equipment, manufacture and restore parts, manufacture equipment and means of small mechanization, carry out maintenance and repair of complex equipment, units, etc.

The district service enterprises may include maintenance stations for tractors, cars, machinery and equipment of livestock farms, workshops for the repair of combines, repair shops for general purposes, technical exchange points, workshops for the assembly of machines, etc.

On the basis of these enterprises, smaller dealer rental and cooperative structures will be formed, which, in order to more successfully develop their own and solve common technical, technological, organizational and economic problems of regional importance, can be combined into associations and cooperated with agricultural machinery manufacturers.

The efficiency of using machines, the level of their reliability largely depend on the development of technical service, the functions of which include: studying the demand of rural producers, information about the equipment produced; supply of machines; installation and adjustment of implemented equipment; training of personnel of operating and repair workers; provision of repair and processing equipment, spare parts, exchange units and materials; maintenance and repair of equipment, maintenance of it in serviceable condition during the whole period of operation.

1 Initial data for the calculation of the exchange rate project.

To calculate the organization of the production process when designing a repair plant or improving its work, you must have the following data: Production program:

- nomenclature - repair of starting engine PD10

- annual output -4000

3.2 Placement of units in the building.

After determining the number of spans and overall dimensions of the hull, all units are placed, that is, directly to the layout of the hull. Subdivisions are arranged in accordance with scheme of technological process of facility repair and transportation inside production loads. The flow direction shall be the same as the selected flow diagram.

Value of weight of transported goods as a percentage of total weight, repaired object.

Then the cargo flow diagram is constructed in the form of corresponding lines expressing the direction of cargo movement and their mass, showing the thickness of these in a certain scale.

The units of the production building are placed so that the bulk of the units, bulky parts and other cargoes are transported along the shortest route.

In any flow diagram, it is advisable to place the test station near the engine assembly compartment, and the tool compartment near the mechanical and locksmith compartment. The control and sorting department, the spare parts and materials warehouse and the picking department should also be located in one place.

Other interconnected units are similarly composed.

3.3 Selection and calculation of lifting vehicles.

Intra-plant transport is designed to lift and move all cargo of the production process of the repair enterprise within individual divisions and between individual facilities on the territory of the enterprise.

The types and quantity of lifting and transportation equipment required to effectively support the production process of the repair enterprise depend on the range of repair facilities, their weight and size, the type of production and the form of organization of labor, the type and size of production premises, as well as the productivity of the equipment and the cargo transportation routes.

The engine is transported from place to place by hand trolleys, since the engine has a small mass. Parts for restoration are also delivered by hand trolleys. There is no need for cranes and tales.

3.4 Construction solutions.

The most common building materials used in the construction of industrial buildings and structures: concrete, reinforced concrete, stone materials, mortars, plastics, fiberglass, wood and wood plastics.

Depending on a large number of factors and the variety of requirements for modern industrial buildings, they are classified according to the functional purpose, respectively, fire safety, the number of spans and floors, the method of illumination with natural light, the shape of the building in the plan, the compliance with climatic conditions and other indicators .

The span of an industrial building is the space between the supports

structural structures covered by beams, trusses and others

constructions. The span is characterized by the main dimensions: width, height and length.

Span height is the distance from the floor to the lower point of the construction deposit or to the lower protruding part of the upper floor. Overlap height multiplicities 0.6 m.

Column grid - a system of longitudinal and transverse axes.

Column Spacing - The distance between the building's transverse layout axes.

The underground part of the building transmitting the load to the base is called the foundation, and the surface of the foundation directly giving the load to the base by the base of the foundation.

In the construction of industrial buildings, the most widespread frame system with a full or incomplete frame. The full frame of the building is made of reinforced concrete or steel, fully takes all the loads. In buildings with incomplete or internal frame, external walls are designed with load-bearing columns, runs and girders. Sometimes they design arceless buildings with load-bearing longitudinal and transverse walls.

The reference of structural elements of a building or structure is the exact establishment of their location relative to the layout axes. The reference is made using two or three coordinate dimensions according to the established rules, depending on the type of building (skeleton or frameless).

There are the following types of foundations: ribbon, columnar, pile and solid.

3.5 Layout of the main production units.

The layout of the workshop, compartment or section is called the layout of the location of production, lifting and transportation and other equipment, workplaces, power networks, driveways, passageways, etc. The equipment is arranged in the order of execution of technological operations: disassembly, washing, defects and sorting, subsequent layout.

3.5.1 Layout of disassembly and washing compartment.

In the disassembly and washing compartment, external cleaning of objects, disassembly into assembly units and parts, defecation of parts, and at large enterprises and centralized preparation of detergent solutions are performed.

3.5.2 Layout of welding and surfacing compartment.

The welding and metal surfacing department is classified as thermal, so they should be placed in rooms that meet sanitary and other standards and requirements for such departments. Workplaces in welding compartment are arranged in accordance with process of object repair. Electric arc welding stations are usually placed at a dark (blind) wall and enclosed with metal shields, forming cabins. The dimensions of the welding cabins are set depending on the dimensions of the parts to be welded, since the dimensions of the parts are less than 0.5 × 0, 5 m size we take 3 × 3 m. Distance from walls of cabins and building elements to welding table is equal to 0.9 m. Flame welding stations are placed in the same way, but not fenced.

4.3 Fire protection requirements.

When designing buildings, fire protection requirements are provided in accordance with applicable standards.

It is known that all buildings and structures are divided into five degrees by the fire resistance limit of building structures. The limit of fire resistance is determined by the time in hours during which building structures lose bearing capacity (collapse) or through cracks and holes appear in them, through which combustion products or flames can penetrate.

In accordance with the requirements of MV and P, evacuation exits must be provided in all rooms, the total width of which is 0.6 m per 100 people, and the doors must open outside. The distance from the most remote place to the front door is 50... 100 m.

Fire cranes are placed inside the room at a distance of 40 m from each other, and fire departments at the rate of one shield per 300... 350 m2 of production area.

Evacuation exits in the event of an emergency stop shall be provided in all production, auxiliary and storage rooms.

The number of evacuation exits from the building or room should be mainly at least two.

Access to all buildings and structures of the repair enterprise shall be arranged for fire trucks. With a building width of 18 m, the entrance is provided along its entire length on one side, and with a width of more than 18 m - on both sides of the building. If the width of the building is more than 100 m or its building area is more than 10 hectares, the entrance of fire trucks is designed on all sides of the building.

Fire protection requirements shall be taken into account when developing the general plan of the enterprise.


Having completed the course work, practical skills were acquired in the field of design of technical service enterprises. According to the data received, I designed a specialized enterprise for the repair of launch engines PD10M.

The first sheet shows the schedule of the repair cycle of the starting engine with the list of work coordination, duration of their execution, number of workers. To assess the correctness of the organization of the process, a broken line was built, which is the cumulative amount of man-hours necessary to completely repair the engine. When distributing work, it is necessary to strive for the broken line to approach the straight line, that is, for the work to be distributed evenly throughout the repair cycle.

The second sheet shows the plan of the production building depicting the cargo flow and branches of this enterprise. For the enterprise, I chose a U-shaped cargo flow, because with it the smallest transport traffic.

The calculation and explanatory note presents the design part of the project and the technical and economic indicators of the designed enterprise. The cost of repair is influenced by many different factors, among which is also the location of the enterprise in relation to transport messages.

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