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Design of MSW landfill in Karachev, Bryansk region

  • Added: 03.07.2014
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Diploma project-Problem of storage and storage of domestic and industrial waste. MSW storage-construction technology

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The problem of warehousing and storage of domestic and industrial waste is now one of the most pressing and vital economic and environmental problems for Russia.

Currently, the activities of housing and communal services in the field of solid waste management (MSW) are accompanied by very large losses of resources, as well as an increase in environmental pollution. The existing system of accounting and control over the generation and disposal of waste does not allow, due to its decentralization, to obtain reliable information on the actual volumes of waste generation both in Russia as a whole and in individual regions, as well as to exclude unauthorized disposal. This led to the formation of numerous natural, unauthorized landfills. In cities, the number of landfills that do not meet sanitary standards is 40%, and in rural areas - 30% [24]. The current situation with waste disposal negatively affects the state of the natural environment and the sanitary and epidemiological situation both in the whole country and near large cities, especially.

Landfills are currently the most common facilities for neutralizing MSW removed from settlements.

Landfills are complexes of environmental structures designed for storage, insulation and neutralization of MSW, providing protection against pollution of the atmosphere, soil, surface and groundwater, preventing the spread of rodents, insects and pathogens. MSW landfills guarantee sanitary and epidemiological safety of the population. At landfills static stability of MSW is provided taking into account dynamics of compaction, mineralization, gas release, maximum load per unit area, possibility of further rational use of the site after closure of landfills.

Landfills can be organized for any size of settlements. The selection of the site for the construction of the landfill is coordinated with the territorial center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision (TsGSEN) in accordance with the Regulation on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation.

In the territory of Bryansk and the region, 30 large landfills of solid waste are in operation. 16 MSW landfills are potentially dangerous, 11 MSW landfills belong to the middle hazard class and only 3 MSW landfills in the district centers of Vygonichi, Dyatkovo and Komarichi are considered relatively safe. MSW landfills in Klintsy, Zhukovka, Seltso, Surazh have exhausted their resources for further operation, but it continues, despite the environmental danger to the environment. Such facilities are subject to closure and reclamation with urgent localization of their negative impact on the natural environment.

One of the main problems of the Karachevsky district of the Bryansk region is the removal of household garbage from the private sector and unauthorized landfills. In 2006, 5731.51 waste was formed in the district, including: hazard class I - 0.140 tons; II - 4.150 t; III - 19.94 tons; IV - 345.17 tons; V - 5362.11 tons. Household waste is disposed of at the village landfill (3.5 km from the city of Karachev, an area of ​ ​ 3.65 hectares), which is served by the Karachevskoye municipal unitary enterprise housing and communal services. On average, about 6 thousand m3 of waste is exported per year. The existing landfill does not meet sanitary, environmental and fire standards. The environmental situation has deteriorated over the past 5 years. [14]

Therefore, the construction of a complex of environmental structures (MSW landfill) is extremely important to improve the environmental situation in the Karachevsky district.

1 Natural and climatic conditions of the design area

1.1 Design Area Location

The design object - the MSW landfill - is located in the Karachevsky district of the Bryansk region. Karachevsky district is located in the northeast of the Bryansk region. Administrative center -d. Karachev.

The district borders from the north - with the Khvastovichi district of the Kaluga region, in the east - with the Khotynetsk district of the Oryol region, in the south-west - with Bryansk, in the south - with the Navlinsky districts of the Bryansk region. The district center is the city of Karachev, the territory of the district consists of 13 rural administrations.

The single-track railway "RigaVoronezh" runs through the district on heat traction (capacity of 36 trains/day) and the asphalt highway Orel-Vitebsk. Gas and oil product pipelines cross the territory of the district. The main gas pipeline, with a diameter of 529 mm and a length of 43 km. The length of the Druzhba oil pipeline (2 lines) is 84 km, the length of the oil product pipeline is 82 km.

The population of the district is 37.0 thousand people, including 21.1 thousand people live in the city. (53%). The average population density is 29 people/km2.

Non-navigational rivers flow through the territory of the district: Snowflake, Revna, Pesochnya, Mylinka.

1.3 Hydrogeological conditions

Geological section of investigated section in interval opened by wells is represented by deposits of Quaternary and Upper Cretaceous age.

The base of the designed landfill in the upper part is composed of a soil layer with a thickness of 0.30.5 m, developed everywhere on cover loess loam, sandy soils and sands of upper-quaternary age (pr, d III) with a total capacity of 1.0 to 5.0 m, directly under the landfill - 4.0 m.

Under the cover formations within the eastern part of the site and directly under the landfill there are water-glacial deposits of the retreat time of the Moscow glacier with a thickness of up to 2 m, represented by sands with layers of sandy loam and loam with a filtration coefficient of 0.18 m/day.

The flow of groundwater within the landfill is directed to the northeast towards the paved valley of the Cotton Stream tributary of the Snezhet River with a flow slope of about 0.00060.002. Groundwater of the horizon within the investigated area has a hydrocarbonate calcium-magnesium composition with mineralization of 0.30.4 g/l.

In the area of ​ ​ research, no exits of the aquifer to the surface were found.

1.4 Justification of construction site selection

Landfills are placed outside settlements with observance of the size of the sanitary protection zone established, in accordance with SanPiN, not less than 500 m before residential development .

Prospective sites for location of polygons are determined on the basis of analysis of maps of special typological zoning of analyzed areas on the scale M 1:200000, which include stock geological and hydrogeological conditions.

When selecting promising areas for the location of the polygon, they are guided by the following principles:

a) areas on which natural conditions exclude the placement of landfills;

b) areas where natural conditions do not contribute to significant negative impact of landfills on components of the natural environment.

Favorable land plots from the point of view of the placement of landfills are considered :

- Open, well-blown, non-flooded and non-flooded, allowing environmental protection and engineering solutions to prevent environmental pollution;

- located on the leeward side relative to the location of settlements and recreational zones, in accordance with the rose of winds;

- located below the places of water intakes of drinking water supply, fish farms, spawning places, mass burial and winter pits of fish;

- remote from airports by 15 km or more, from agricultural land and transit main roads by 200 m, from forests and forest plantations not intended for recreation, by 50 m;

- at which 500 m of sanitary protection zone is observed from residential development to the boundaries of the landfill ;

- with predominant deviations towards settlements, industrial enterprises, agricultural land and forests not more than 1.5%;

- with the occurrence of groundwater at the highest rise of their level not less than 1 m from the lower level of stored waste;

- with predominance in geological section of quaternary deposits, shielding rocks characterized by filtration coefficient of 107 m/s and less;

- with a developed regional water-resistant horizon characterized by the absence of "hydrogeological windows" and significant fractured zones;

- with no hazardous geological processes.

The size of the site location is established based on the condition of the duration of the site operation for 1520 years.

In terms of shape, land plots close to the square are most favorable in terms of shape, allowing you to arrange landfills with the highest waste storage height.

The required area for removal of the land plot is determined based on the design capacity of the landfill and the design height of the waste storage.

The MSW landfill in Karachev will be located on low-productive lands.

The site borders: from the north - the village of Trykovka, from the east - the forest, from the south - the village of Boykovo, from the west - the village of Berezhok. The relief is calm with a slope to the north. On the site there are plantings in the form of shrubs and trees of non-valuable species.

According to sanitary, fire, architectural, planning and environmental requirements, the site meets the standards.

2 Determination of polygon capacity

2.1 Characteristics of solid domestic waste

In cities and settlements, there is an intensive accumulation of MSW, which, if improperly and untimely removed and neutralized, can pollute the environment.

According to the morphological characteristic of MSW, they are divided into the following components: paper (cardboard), food waste, wood, metal (black and colored), textiles, bone, glass, leather, rubber, stones, polymer materials, other (unclassifiable) parts, screening (street gossip - less than 15 mm) [13].

Seasonal changes in the composition of MSW are characterized by an increase in the content of food waste from 20-25% in spring to 40-55% in autumn, which is associated with a large consumption of vegetables and fruits in the diet (especially in the cities of the southern zone). In winter and autumn, the content of small dropouts (street estimates) is reduced from 20 to 7% in the cities of the southern zone and from 11 to 5% in the middle zone.

MSW accumulation rates are the amount of waste generated per unit of account: person - for housing stock; One hotel space; 1 m2 of retail space for shops and warehouses; per unit time - day, year. Accumulation rates are determined in units of mass (kg) or volume (l, m3) [36].

The following factors affect the accumulation rates and composition of MSW:

- the degree of improvement of the housing stock (availability of garbage, gas, water supply, sewerage, heating system);

- storey, type of fuel with local heating;

- development of public catering, culture of trade, degree of welfare of the population, etc.;

- climatic conditions (different duration of heating period - from 150 days in the southern zone to 300 days in the northern zone);

- nutrition specifics, etc.

An important indicator of the physical properties of TBT is density. The density of MSW of landscaped housing stock in the spring-summer season (in containers) is 0.18-0.22 t/m3; in autumn-winter - 0.20-0.25 t/m3. For various cities, the average annual value is 0.19-0.23 t/m3.

MSW have mechanical (structural) connectivity due to fibrous fractions (textiles, wire, etc.) and bonds due to the presence of wet sticky components. Due to the presence of solid ballast fractions (ceramics, glass), TBT and compost have abrasiveness, that is, the property of rubbing the mutually intersecting surfaces that contact them. MSW have caking ability, i.e., with prolonged immobility, they lose their bulk and are sealed (with the possibility of filtrate release) without any external influence. In case of long-term contact with metal, MSW has corrosive effect on it, which is due to high humidity and presence of solutions of various salts in the filtrate [36].

Solid industrial waste of hazard class IV can be exported to municipal waste storage sites in agreement with the authorities and institutions of sanitary and epidemiological and municipal services and used as insulating inert material in the middle and upper parts of the landfill [24].

2.2 Norms of MSW accumulation

For the period of drafting, the population from which solid household waste will be supplied to the landfill will be 6,000 people.

In accordance with the "Recommendations for determining the norms for the accumulation of TBT for Russian cities," the actual volume of TBT will be 3428.67 tons per year or 17831 m3 per year.

3 Architectural and construction solutions

The project provides for the following main landfill structures: access road - 1800 m; MSW storage area on the area of 3.0 hectares (1st stage); economic zone; external power supply.

3.1 Utility Area and Engineering Facilities

The economic zone is designed to accommodate: an administrative-domestic wagon, a checkpoint, an open storage area for prefabricated railway plates for temporary roads, a transformation substation, an open parking lot, and a latrine. The territory of the economic zone is attached by asphalt concrete and sowing grasses.

The economic zone is located at the beginning of the territory of the MSW landfill. The area of ​ ​ the homozone is 0.08ha.

From the entrance side of the farm, it is fenced with a reinforced concrete fence, at the entrance to the fence there is a gate with a gate. The fence is arranged between the ends of the canals. The length of the fence is 68.5 m. Along the rest of the perimeter, drainage channels 2 m deep are used as a fence.

The car-office is accepted as an inventory container type without a running gear on the basis of a basic car with dimensions of 3.5 m by 6.5 m. The car-office has a master's office and a storage room. Under the office there is a foundation made of concrete blocks, a porch made of ceramic brick.

At the exit from the landfill, the project provides for a control and disinfection zone with a reinforced concrete bath with a total length of 10 meters, a depth of 0.3 m and a width of 3 m for disinfecting the wheels of garbage trucks. The bath is filled with three percent lysol solution and sawdust.

The source of water for fire fighting is a fire water reservoir. The reservoir is designed at the intersection of upland drainage channels.

The depth in the reservoir is 1 meter below the bottom of the channels. The reservoir will be replenished with groundwater. The capacity of the reservoir is 120 m3 and is determined by local conditions. An operational road with gravel pavement has been designed for the reservoir. For water intake, a water intake pit is provided from railway pipes with a diameter of 2 m, the depth of the pit is 3.82 m (sheet 2 of the graphic part of the project). At the water intake pit and the filtrate collection pit, a turning platform fixed with crushed stone is designed. The dimensions of the turning platform are 14x15 m.

The project provides for power supply to the car office and searchlight external lighting of the landfill. The complete transformer substation is accepted according to the standard design 4073612.91.

Power supply of the building is provided at 380/220 V in one working input as for the consumer of category III on reliability of power supply, according to PUE. Entry into the building is made through a pipe rack. The device is represented by the current of the lighting group series MZ with the device of protective disconnection at the input.

The accounting of active energy is carried out by the SA4UI672m counter installed in KTP-25/10-04kv

The design provides for general working lighting at 380V voltage. The working lighting network is supplied from single-pole automatic disconnectors of the lighting board.

Lighting of the premises is accepted according to SNiP 230595 "Natural and artificial lighting." Filament lamps are used as light source. The group lighting network in all rooms is made with a cable of the AVVG brand open along the walls and ceiling with braces.

To protect against electric shock in case of indirect contact, the metal housings of the lamps and electrical equipment shall be occupied by connection to a zero protective wire.

Connect the zero wire of the supply mains reliably to the re-grounding conductor with R100m.

The toilet for one point was adopted according to the standard project 284926 from selikate brick with a monolithic reinforced concrete pit; coating - of precast reinforced concrete slabs; the roof is roll.

Vertical layout of the territory of the economic zone is made taking into account the discharge of stormwater by an open method.

Drawings content

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