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Design of Mechanical Compartment

  • Added: 19.10.2017
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Introduction 3 1 Process Part 4 1.1 Calculation of Annual Production Program4 1.1.1 Calculation of Annual Production Program for Maintenance and Repair of Road Construction Machines 4 1.1.2 Calculation of Annual Production Program for Maintenance and Repair of Rolling Stock of Automobile Transport6 1.1.3 Adjustment of Maintenance Capacity of Maintenance and Repair Works10 18 Calculation of Quantity of Production Workings14 1.3 Modernization of Maintenance Equipment Organizational part 26 2.1 Calculation of illumination 26 2.1.1 Calculation of natural illumination 26 2.1.2 Calculation of artificial illumination 27 2.2 Calculation of ventilation 28 2.3 Safety technology29 2.4 Fire safety measures 31 2.5 Energy conservation measures 31 List of literature 35

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1 Process Part

1.1 Calculation of the annual production program

1.1.1 Calculation of the annual production program for maintenance and repair of road construction machines

1.1.2 Calculation of the annual production program for maintenance and repair of road transport rolling stock

1.1.3 Adjustment of maintenance and repair capacity

1.2 Calculation of the number of production workers

1.3 Calculation of the number of repair maintenance posts

1.4 Calculation and selection of equipment

1.5 Calculation of production areas

1.6 Section Layout

1.7 Process for performance of EW operations

1.8 Equipment upgrades

1.8.1 Calculation of manual winch

1.9 Monthly Schedule for Technical Equipment and Machine Repair

2. Organizational Part

2.1 Lighting calculation

2.1.1 Calculation of natural light

2.1.2 Calculation of artificial lighting

2.2 Ventilation calculation

2.3 Safety precautions

2.4 Fire prevention measures

2.5 Energy Conservation Activities

List of literature

Attachments A

Annexes B


Applications B



The increase in the volume of transportation, the need to carry out work in a certain time frame pose increased requirements for the technical readiness of the fleet.

The ever-increasing need for repairs of cars and their units, changes in their structures and design of technological equipment, as well as the constant improvement of machine repair technology, require continuous improvement of the repair base, the construction of new ones and the reconstruction of existing repair enterprises. The design system of repair enterprises is designed to eliminate the possibility of using inefficient construction technologies, economically inefficient enterprises and ensure strict justification of organizational, technical and technological parameters of repair enterprises.

Improving the quality of repair work can be achieved by increasing the volume of work, using modern equipment, modern technology, highly qualified workers, as well as by modernizing obsolete repair and technological equipment, improving labor organization, better layout of sites and organization of jobs, strict adherence to progressive repair technologies.

Office Layout

The layout of the department is a plan for the placement of technological equipment, as well as posts (if the department provides for the arrival of cars), lifting and transportation equipment.

Equipment arrangement shall comply with the technological process, safety requirements, scientific organization of labor. Distances between equipment elements, equipment and building elements shall be not less than standard.

The equipment shall be arranged so that the movements of the worker during the work according to the process are minimal.

The layout drawing of the unit-mechanical compartment is made with the indication of walls, columns, window and door openings. Wall thickness 380 mm (brick).

The reference designations show power consumers, local ventilation, fire extinguishers, etc. On the side of the equipment where the worker is located, work places are indicated. In the layout drawing, the compartments indicate all accepted schematic symbols.

When placing process equipment, it is necessary to take into account the width of driveways for the delivery of materials to workplaces. The width of the passage at the carrying capacity of vehicles up to 1.0 tons and the size of the cargo (packaging) up to 800 mm should be 1200 mm. – 2700 mm.

The drawing is executed with arrangement of the compartment equipment. The layout shall show the dimensions of the rooms, installation dimensions, symbols of workplaces, power supply points, water, compressed air, etc. The layout drawing shall contain the equipment specification, decryption of the symbols, necessary specifications.

The greatest efficiency in solving production organization issues can be achieved thanks to a centralized production management system based on centralization of maintenance production management and repair of rolling stock at ATO.

2.5 Energy Conservation Activities

There are many different ways of saving energy in industry. The main areas of energy conservation work that should be noted include:

measures to save electric energy;

energy conservation measures for heat and water supply;

gas conservation measures;

optimization of sewage system operation.

Electric Energy Conservation Activities

Energy saving activities include:

load optimization in transformers: reduction of electric power consumption up to 10%;

replacement of obsolete electrical installations (electric motors) with modern models with high energy efficiency;

replacing the lighting system with a more economical one, introducing new energy-efficient luminaires: it allows reducing energy costs for lighting rooms by up to 70%, switching to fluorescent lamps allows reducing electricity consumption by 5 times, and LED luminaires by 8 times;

disconnection of general lighting or reduction of its use, maximum use of local lighting (desktop lamp, etc.): allows to achieve a reduction of electricity costs for lighting of premises by 2050%;

dividing the room into zones of greater and lesser brightness when using general lighting: it saves up to 50% of lighting costs;

implementation of automatic street lighting control (circuit breakers);

painting walls and ceilings in light tones: saving from 1 to 10% of electricity for lighting rooms;

keeping windows and lamps clean: maintaining window cleanliness allows saving up to 40%, and maintaining lamp cleanliness - up to 20% of electricity spent on lighting rooms.

Measures on energy saving in the field of heat and water supply:

The reduction of energy costs in the field of heat supply and water supply implies:

sealing of windows, doors, seams, utilities, ventilation outlets and basements: allows to reduce heat consumption by 15%;

introduction of heat metering units at the enterprise: reduction of heat consumption by 2530%;

introduction of floor heating using heating plastic pipes instead of traditional heating systems: reduction of heating costs by 1.52 times;

installation of mini-boilers at remote facilities of the enterprise: reduction of heating costs by 2-6 times;

installation of water meters: allows to reduce water consumption by 2 times or more;

introduction of sensor mixers, pressure cranes: reduction of water consumption by 3-6 times.

In order to save thermal energy at the enterprise, it is necessary to carefully adjust the heat networks, switch to independent heat supply schemes. It is also necessary to carry out timely preventive inspection and repair of heat supply system communications.

The reduction of gas consumption assumes:

introduction of recovery schemes and automation of the combustion process when using heating and blacksmithing furnaces;

selection of optimum capacity of gas boiler;

insulation of rooms heated by gas boiler.

Measures that reduce the energy consumption of the enterprise in this direction:

installation of heat pumps to remove heat for heating from sewers and industrial effluents;

introduction of recirculated water supply systems: allows to reduce water consumption up to 95%.

In order for energy efficiency and energy conservation activities to be effective in the enterprise, they must be comprehensive and carried out systematically!

By acting in a systematic and consistent manner, step by step you will achieve a reduction in energy consumption of 2-3 times or more, both for each individual enterprise and throughout the economy.


During the course work, according to the task, an aggregate mechanical department was designed. In the course work development process, we got acquainted with the purpose and structure of the designed enterprise, made a technological calculation of the enterprise, where we solved such problems as justification and adjustments of the initial data, calculation of the production program for maintenance and maintenance of vehicles, calculation of the number of workers, drivers, ITR, selection of the method of maintenance organization and calculation of maintenance, TR posts; calculated the areas of production premises. We got acquainted with the organization of the technological process of maintenance and maintenance of cars, the composition of the current service, the general organization of the technological process.

We got acquainted with the organization of the technological process in the aggregate and mechanical department, picked up and rasterized the equipment.

In the graphic part, we showed the planning solutions of the aggregate mechanical department, the monthly schedule for the maintenance and repair of machines, and the modernization of equipment.

In the process of course work, theoretical knowledge on the design of an aggregate mechanical compartment was applied and fixed in practice.

Drawings content

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