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Design of a block vibration platform with harmonic vertically directed oscillations

  • Added: 06.04.2022
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KP on the topic: "Design of a block vibration platform with harmonic vertically directed oscillations". Discipline: "Mechanical Equipment". Includes 1 drawing A1, 1 drawing A3, Cover sheet (separately), Explanatory note.

Project's Content

icon Chertezh_vibrobloka_A3.dwg
icon Chertezh_vibroploschadki_A1.dwg
icon КП Виброплощадки. Мех. оборудование.docx
icon Титульник.docx

Additional information



2. Source Data for Calculation

3. Calculation of block vibration platform with harmonic vertical oscillations

4. Safety and Health

5. Conclusion

6. Bibliographic list


Vibration forming equipment is intended for compaction of concrete mixture in molds during manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete products. Under the influence of vibration, the concrete mixture acquires mobility, ensuring a good filling of the mold. Density of concrete mixture increases due to both more compact laying of aggregate particles and separation of air bubbles from mixture. With excessive long-term vibration, its stratification begins. Therefore, in addition to the vibration parameters, the duration of vibration must also be set.

Vibration site classification

Vibration sites are stationary vibration machines designed to compress concrete mixture in molds during the manufacture of prefabricated reinforced concrete products at factories.

Vibration platform is a vibration frame resting on springs, rubber or pneumatic shock absorbers fixed on foundation frame. From below the vibrator has a vibration exciter actuated by an electric motor extended to the side, and from above - a device for fixing molds, made in the form of wedge clamps, pneumatic grips or electromagnets.

Vibrating parts of vibrating platform oscillate along trajectory with circular, torsional, vertical and horizontally directed oscillations.

By carrying capacity, vibration platforms are divided into light carrying capacity - up to 2 tons, average - 2... 50 tons and large - over 50 tons. They also differ in amplitude and frequency of oscillations, they are one- and multi-frequency. [7]

The impact on the concrete mixture is unstressed when the mold with the concrete mixture does not experience impact loads, and impact vibrations when the vibration is accompanied by regular collisions of the vibration machine elements or its elements with the mold and these collisions affect the concrete mixture. Vibration platforms can have drives of various types, resonant and non-resonant operation modes, as well as various structures of support and shape retaining devices.


In this course project, we got acquainted with the principle of operation of the block vibration platform with harmonic vertically directed oscillations, with their details, selected and calculated the vibration platform, described its principle of operation, and also designed 2 drawings.

During the calculations, the following were determined:

1) Distance between vibration generators 1.5 m.

2) Number of vibration generators z = 3

3) Number of turns Zp = 7 turns as main spring

4) Number of turns Zp = 8 turns as auxiliary spring.

5) Chose bearing No. 3611 with sizes: d = 55 mm, D = 120 mm, v1 = 43 mm.

Drawings content

icon Chertezh_vibrobloka_A3.dwg


icon Chertezh_vibroploschadki_A1.dwg


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