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Cutting Tools Course Project

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Course project: 51 pages, 15 Fig., 4 annexes, 13 sources.

Object of study: hexagonal draw, combined flat pattern, disk chever for processing gears and throttle for cutting metric threads.

Purpose: Design the specified tools for machining parts with the specified dimensions and parameters.

In the course design, calculations of all parameters and sizes of the specified tools are given, materials for the manufacture of tools and machines on which processing will be carried out are selected.

Detailed drawings of the investigated tools have been developed.

Project's Content

icon Пояснительная записка.docx
icon Дисковый шевер 1.cdw
icon МЕТЧИК 4 .cdw
icon ПРОТЯЖКА 2 .cdw
icon РАЗВЕРТКА 3 .cdw

Additional information



1. Disk Shaver Calculation

1.1. Design input for the DSS Shaver

1.2. Shever Analysis

1.3. Calculation of a dopolnitelnykhparametrovobrabatyvayemy wheel

1.4. Determination of Shever Tooth Parameters in Normal Section

1.5. Definition of Shever and Wheel Axis Crossing

1.6. Determination of Shever Tooth Parameters in the End Wall

1.7. Shever Vybernesegodiameter

1.8. Determining the Number of Shever Teeth

1.9. Determination of diameter-dividing and main circles of the shever

1.10. Determination of circumference of shever troughs into normal section

1.11. Seat hole diameter d by machine spindle diameter

1.12. Shever vybroshirins depending on the shear method

1.13. Definition of Chip Groove Shapes and Dimensions

1.14. Opredeleniyerazmerovstruzhechnykhotversty

1.15. Grading a Shaver

2. Proektirovaniyekombinirovannoyrozvertki

2.1. Source Data

2.2. Analysis and Engineering of the Design and Design of the Screwdriver

2.3. Proektirovaniyekombinirovannoyrozvertki

2.3.1. Opredeleniyegeometricheskikhparametrovrezhushchy part

2.3.2. Definition of Cross Section Measurements

3. Thrower Calculation

3.1. Reference Data for Mark Design

3.2. Selormaterialaraboche part of the mark

3.3. Selection of the number of toothed thrower

3.4. Shapes and Chip Grooves

3.5. Determination of line-out part

3.6. Determination of working, calibrating and inverse conicity

3.7. Definition of shank dimensions

3.8. Calculation of Common Line Meter

3.9. Vyborgeometricheskikhparametrovmetchika and velichinyzatylovaniye

3.10. Opredeleniyestepenitochnostimetchika

3.11. Opredeleniyerazmerovprofilyarezba

3.12. Naznacheniyetekhnicheskikhtrenovany

3.13. Threader Tolerance Field

4. Calculation of the haul

4.1. Source Data

4.2. Pulling selection material

4.3. Determination of drawing parameters

4.4. Distance between sides of teeth and pitch of teeth

4.5. Particle grooves and corners

4.6. Calculation of pulling on the first stage

4.7. Cross-sections of pulling

4.8. Stresses in the drawing material along the first chip channel

4.9. Coefficient filling of chip grooves

4.10. Feed on steps and lift on tooth

4.11. Diameters of teeth on steps

4.12. Number of cutting teeth in steps

4.13. Determination of the cutting and calibrating parts

4.14. Calculation of smooth parts of the drawing

4.15. General Haulage Line

4.16. Select Machine

4.17. Opredeleniyeskorostirezaniya

4.18. Calculation of drawing for strength


List of references

APPENDIX "A" Disk Shaver

APPENDIX "B" Hexagonal drawing

APPENDIX "B" Combined Deployment


Project Description

Course project: 51 pages, 15 Fig., 4 annexes, 13 sources.

Object of study: hexagonal draw, combined flat pattern, disk chever for processing gears and throttle for cutting metric threads.

Purpose: Design the specified tools for machining parts with the specified dimensions and parameters.

In the course design, calculations of all parameters and sizes of the specified tools are given, materials for the manufacture of tools and machines on which processing will be carried out are selected.

Detailed drawings of the investigated tools have been developed.



The purpose of this course project is to calculate and design metal cutting tools: hexagonal draw, combined sweep, disk chever for processing gears and a throttle for cutting metric threads.

Stretching is one of the most high-performance part machining processes. The high performance of the sweep process is due to the fact that several tool teeth with a large total length of cutting edges are simultaneously in operation. Stretching allows you to obtain surfaces of high accuracy (6th - 8th accuracy) and low roughness (Ra = 0.630.25 μm).

Combined unfolds are a special tool for combined processing of several holes.

Chevers are used for finishing and finishing of non-heated gear cylindrical wheels. The accuracy of the wheel is increased by one degree during the shift. In this case, the tooth profile, pitch, beating of the toothed rim are straightened and the surface roughness is reduced to. The resistance of the shaver to overwintering is 1015 thousand wheels. Number of crossover points 4-6.

Disk Shaver Calculation

Design input for the DSS Shaver

The following data shall be known for design calculation:

machined wheel module: m = 1.5;

profile angle: α=20˚;

number of teeth: Z1 = 32,

and wheels: Z2 = 64;

wheel angle teeth on the delitelnoyokruzhnosti:β=10˚;

degree of machining of wheels: 8;

materialobrabatyvayemykhkoles: 40XH.


In the course of the performed work, the specified cutting tools were calculated and designed, their working drawings were developed, given in the appendix with indication of limit deviations in the dimensions of parts and roughness on the surface of the tool.

Drawings content

icon Дисковый шевер 1.cdw

Дисковый  шевер 1.cdw

icon МЕТЧИК 4 .cdw

МЕТЧИК 4 .cdw

icon ПРОТЯЖКА 2 .cdw


icon РАЗВЕРТКА 3 .cdw