Cutting Tool Coursework
- Added: 09.06.2015
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Table of contents
1 Calculation and design of radial shaped prismatic cutter
1.1 Initial data
1.2 Analytical calculation of radial shaped prismatic cutter
1.3 Cutter Dimensions
2 Calculation and design of equal resistance rails
2.1 Initial data
2.2 Analytical Calculation of Hauling
3 Calculation and Design of the Shoulder
3.1 Initial data
3.2 Gearing Calculation
3.3 Calculation and Design of the Shoulder
Bibliographic list
For modern engineering, tools play a huge role.
No rationalization of the process is conceivable without the participation of tools. The use of a more advanced tool design dramatically improves the technological process with a simultaneous increase in labor productivity and quality of products.
The cutting tool not only affects the machine design, the manufacturing technology of the articles, but also to a certain extent has a certain effect on the structural shapes of the machine parts. For example, the emergence and widespread use of splined joints in mechanical engineering was made possible by the use of the pull method.
Tools should have high cutting properties and ensure the specified accuracy and quality of the processed part. The cutting properties of the tool depend on the tool material, the quality of the surfaces of the cutting part, the cutting scheme, the geometry of the tool, the composition and the method of supplying the LPG. Accuracy and quality of parts production depend on accuracy and quality of the tool itself, parameters of its installation, cutting modes and shaping motion.
Metal cutting tools have a wide variety of types and design varieties. Each type of tool has its own features, which are determined by the forming conditions of the part. These features are critical in some cases and should be taken into account during the design phase.
The purpose of the course design is to design a cutting tool.
The objectives of the course design include the calculation of the shaped cutter, the calculation of the draw of equal resistance and the tooth-cutting tool.
In this course work, the following tools were calculated: prismatic shaped cutter, round pulling and disk shank.
Currently, the share of metal cutting in mechanical engineering is about 35% and, therefore, has a decisive influence on the pace of development of mechanical engineering as a whole.
Bibliographic list
Karsuntsev A.I., Deryabin I.P. Shaped cutters: Tutorial. - Chelyabinsk: CSTU, 1995.
Granovsky G.I., Panchenko K.P. Shaped incisors. - M.: Engineering, 1975.
Karsuntsev A.I. Calculation of the stretches of equal resilience: Textbook. - Chelyabinsk: CSTU, 1995.
Lakirev S.G., Karsuntsev A.I. Dolbyaki: Textbook. - Chelyabinsk: Ed.: SUSU, 1998. – 34 pages.
Nefyodov N. A., Osipov K. A. A collection of tasks and examples on metal cutting and cutting tools: A textbook. - 5th ed., Redesign. and additional - M.: Engineering, 1990.
Inozemtsev G. G. Designing metal cutting tools: Tutorial - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1984.
Romanov V.F. Calculation of a tooth-cutting instrument. - M.: Engineering, 1969.
Ordinartsev I. A., Filippov G. V., Shevchenko A. N. Toolmaker's Handbook. - L.: Engineering, 1987.
Alekseev G. A. Tool design. - M.: Engineering, 1979.
Manual for Course Design of Metal Cutting Tools: Tutorial. - M.: Engineering, 1986.
Anuryev V.I. Handbook of Structural Builders: In 3t. T.1. - 8th ed., Redesign. and additional Under ed. I.N. Zhestkova. - M.: Engineering, 2001.
Anuryev V.I. Handbook of Structural Builders: In 3t. T.2. - 8th ed., Redesign. and additional Under ed. I.N. Zhestkova. - M.: Engineering, 2001.
Anuryev V.I. Handbook of Structural Builders: In 3t. T.3. - 8th ed., Redesign. and additional Under ed. I.N. Zhestkova. - M.: Engineering, 2001.
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