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Coursework - Residential 2-storey building


The residential building of the course project is a 2-story building with bearing internal and external brick walls, with a basement and attic used. General stability of the building is provided by external and internal mutually intersecting load-bearing brick walls and floors.

Project's Content

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Additional information




1 Space-planning solution of the building

2 Structural solutions of the building

3 Determination of foundation depth

4 Heat engineering calculation of enclosing structures

List of literature

Siberian Automobile and Road Academy


Civil Engineering Institute

Department: "Architectural and structural design"


to the course project by discipline

"Building Architecture"

on the topic:

"Low-rise individual residential building"

1 Space-planning solution of the building

The designed building has a complex configuration in plan. The size of the building in the coordination axes: 1-4 - 11700 mm, A-B - 9000 mm.

The height of the 1st floor of the building is 3.3 meters;

The height of the 2 floors of the building is 3.3 meters;

The height of the basement is 2.4 meters;

The maximum height of the building is 9.4 meters;

the main entrance to the building is located in axes 2-3;

The main functional areas are: bedrooms, living room, dining room, hall

Auxiliary rooms include: corridors, kitchen, bathroom, entrance hall.

In the basement there is a fireplace and a garage.

Each room in the building, the main for its functional purpose, has a window for lighting with natural light and for ventilation. The area of the windows corresponds to the illumination of the rooms in accordance with the requirements of SNiP for solar insulation.

Air removal should be provided from kitchens, toilets, while the installation of a fan on exhaust ducts or the installation of ventilation grids should be provided.

The building planning system complies with the requirement of SP 1.13130.2009 "Fire safety of buildings and structures."

The following fire safety measures are provided in the designed building:

- all structural elements of the building are designed from non-combustible materials;

- rafter roof is designed from wooden rafter structures treated with antiperenes;

- Window openings with dimensions are provided in the basement

window openings 10-04

- There is an additional entrance to the basement through the pit, with the size of the door opening 0821.

2 Structural solution of the building

The residential building is a two-story building with bearing external and internal brick walls, with a basement and attic used.

General stability and spatial rigidity of the building is provided by external and internal mutually intersecting load-bearing brick walls and slab discs.

The external walls of the basement below the ground surface are made of foundation concrete blocks FBS as per GOST 13579-78 on cement sand mortar M50. Appendix 7 presents the specification for foundation blocks and slabs. Annex 5 presents the foundation plan. Annex 6 shows the sections to the foundation plan.

External walls above the elevation of 0.000 are three-layer with attachment of the facing layer to the load-bearing wall with flexible bonds made of fiberglass reinforcement with a length of 340 mm and Ø 6mm: a load-bearing layer made of ordinary clay brick according to GOST 53095 on M100 cement mortar, δ = 250mm; insulation - mineral wool piercing plates on synthetic binder GOST 2188076, δ = 140 mm. Facing layer of ceramic hollow brick with thickness δ = 120 mm.

The external walls of the attic are three-layer with attachment of the facing layer to the load-bearing wall with flexible bonds made of fiberglass reinforcement 340 mm long and Ø 6mm: the load-bearing layer made of ordinary clay brick according to GOST 53095 on M100 cement mortar, δ = 250mm; insulation - mineral wool piercing plates on synthetic binder GOST 2188076, δ = 140 mm. Facing layer of ceramic hollow brick with thickness δ = 120 mm.

Internal walls made of ceramic full-white brick GOST 5302007 on M75 cement mortar, δ = 380mm.

Partitions made of ceramic full-white brick KORPo 1NF/100/2.0/35 GOST 5302007 on solution M50, δ = 120 mm.

Jumpers - prefabricated reinforced concrete, according to the series 1.038.1-1 issue 1. Annex 3 shows the first floor jumper plan. Annex 4 shows the list of jumpers. Annex 7 shows the jumper specification

Slabs are made of prefabricated reinforced concrete multi-pillar slabs according to the 1.1411 series. 60, 63 of various lengths and widths. Slab plan is given in Appendix 2. Specification for slab is given in Appendix 7.

The inner staircase is typed from wooden steps along wooden cosors.

Foundations for the building tape assemblies as per GOST 1357978.

Windows with triple glazing in plastic double-glazed windows according to GOST 3067499. Doors as per GOST 47578. The specification for filling window and door openings is presented in Annex 10.

The roof is rolled along wooden rafters with roofing steel covered on a grate. The layout of the rafters is shown in Annex 8. The specification of the rafters is given in Annex 9.

Insulation in the attic floor - rigid mineral wool plates URSA, 180 mm thick.

Table 2 shows the room finish list. Table 3 shows the explication of the sexes.

3 Determination of foundation depth

The following factors are taken into account when determining the depth of foundation laying:

- geological data of the construction area in Moscow;

- climatic data of the construction area;

- basement in the building;

- basement floor elevation 2700;

- building operation mode - heated building;

- internal air temperature in the building + 20 ° С.

Commissioning of utilities in the building - heating, water supply, sewerage is designed above the basement floor elevation.

The normative depth of ground freezing in Moscow is 1.32 m.

Therefore, the foundation laying depth must be at least 0.53 m, but taking into account the location of the basement floor at elevation - 2.700, we accept the foundation laying depth - 2.170 m.

4.1 Determination of rated values of heat transfer resistance of enclosing structures

The reduced heat transfer resistance of enclosing structures (walls, attic floor, windows and balcony doors) in accordance with the requirements of clause 5.3 of SNiP 23022003 Thermal protection of buildings, shall be taken as not less than the rated values. Normalized values are determined depending on the degrees of the construction area.

Degree-day of heating period is determined by formula 2

SNiP 23022003.

List of literature

1. SNiP 23022003 Thermal protection of buildings

2. SP 50.13330.2012 Thermal protection of buildings

3. SP 55.13330.2011 Residential single apartment building

4. SNiP 210197 Fire safety of buildings and structures

5. GOST 47578 * "Wooden doors. General Specifications "

6. GOST 3067499 "Window blocks of polyvinyl chloride profiles"

7. Maksimova M.V. Low-rise residential building with walls of small-sized elements: Methodological instruction - Omsk: SibADI Publishing House, 2008. – 70s


"Architecturally structural design of a two-story four-room cottage in Moscow"

The course design contains space-planning solutions, a structural solution for the building. The calculation of building enclosing structures is presented. The solution for laying out slabs and foundations is given in detail. Page 2124 shows the sections on the foundations (the section of the foundations along the axis "A" and "B" is given by the general solution along the axis "B"). Also on page 26 the layout of the rafters structures is shown. On pages 25, 27, 28, in tabular form, specifications for reinforced concrete elements, rafters and filling of openings are presented. Page 2931 provides a detailed solution for interior decoration and floor explication of individual rooms.

1.7.3 Determination of temperature period and condensation of moisture on the inner surface of the wall

According to item 5.8 Construction Norms and Regulations 23022003 the settlement temperature difference of ∆tn between temperature of internal air and temperature of an internal surface of a wall should not exceed the normalized ∆tn = 4.5, ºС.

Therefore, the design of the outer wall of the kindergarten for 40 places in the diploma project is correct.

1.7.4 Determination of reduced heat transfer resistance of the attic floor

The reduced heat transfer resistance of the attic floor is determined by the formula:

1.7.5 Determination of temperature drop and moisture condensation on the inner surface of the attic floor

The settlement temperature difference of ∆tn between temperature of internal air and temperature of an internal surface of garret overlapping should not exceed the normalized size ∆tn = 4 ºС.

The design temperature difference is determined by the formula:

Therefore, the design of the attic floor of the kindergarten for 40 places in the diploma project is selected correctly.

1.7.6 Determination of reduced heat transfer resistance of window and balcony doors

In the designed kindergarten, we accept windows and balcony doors with triple glazing in plastic glazing windows with Roko = 0.7, (m2∙ ° C/W), which is more than Rokreg = 0.6, (m2∙ ° C/W).

Therefore, the requirement of item 5.3 of SNiP 23022003 is met.

1.8 Building Energy Data Sheet

General Project Information

Design - Structural Section

2.1 Foundation calculation

2.1.1 Initial data

In the designed building, a pile foundation consisting of prefabricated driven reinforced concrete piles and a monolithic pedestal is adopted.

The geological conditions of the construction site are as follows:

1 layer - fine sand, with a capacity of 1.02.0 m:

soil particle density 4.05.0;

soil density g/cm γ = 1.88;

dry soil density αс = 1.53;

porosity coefficient - e = 0.73;

the internal friction angle of the soil is ¼ n = 30 °;

specific soil adhesion - Cn = 0.0, MPa;

2 fluid-plastic loam layer, power 0.2-0.5, m:

soil particle density 1.02.0;

soil density g/cm γ = 1.91;

dry soil density αс = 1.46;

porosity coefficient - e = 0.84;

the internal friction angle of the soil is ¼ n = 15.5 °;

specific soil adhesion - Cn = 0.0144, MPa;

yield index - IL = 0.4;

3 layer-loam soft-plastic, power 4.04.5, m:

soil particle density 2.53.0;

soil density g/cm γ = 1.87;

dry soil density αс = 1.43;

porosity coefficient - e = 0.87;

the internal friction angle of the soil is ¼ n = 18 °;

specific soil adhesion - Cn = 0.018, MPa;

yield index - IL = 0.4.

In the architectural and planning section of the diploma project, the depth of the pile pile is determined taking into account geological, climatic and structural conditions - 1.960 m.

2.1.2 Load collection

Load on foundation includes weight of interstage floor, attic floor, roof, brick wall, concrete blocks of foundation. Collection of loads on 1m2 of intermediate floor is given in Table 2.1, on 1m2 of attic floor in Table 2.2.

2.2 Calculation of Interstage Floor Panel

2.2.1 Initial data

It is necessary to calculate and design the multi-mount reinforced concrete panel of the intermediate floor of PK 72.12:

- nominal length of panel ln = 7.2 m;

- structural length of panel lk = 7.18 m;

- nominal panel width bn = 1.2 m;

- structural width of panel bq = 1.18 m;

- diameter of voids 159 mm;

- concrete of class B15;

- design strength of concrete to compression Rb = 8.5 MPa;

- design strength of concrete to compression Rbt = 0.75 MPa;

- working longitudinal reinforcement pre-stressed from thermally reinforced steel of class At - V;

- reinforcement tension method - electrothermal;

- design resistance of reinforcement Rs = 680 MPa;

- transverse reinforcement of class Bp1 Ø 4 mm;

- design resistance of transverse reinforcement to tension Rsw = 290 MPa;

- valves for class A - I loops;

- design resistance of reinforcement to tension Rs = 225 MPa.

All materials are accepted in accordance with the working drawings of the panel according to the series 1.141.1 - 1, issue 63. Design characteristics of concrete are accepted as per Table 13 SNiP 2.03.0184 *, reinforcement as per Table 19.

Multi-stop panels shall be calculated according to SNiP 2.03.0184 * Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. This panel is supported on two sides, so it works by bending in one direction, therefore, the working reinforcement is accepted only along the panel span.

The condition is met, therefore, the strength of the inclined crack is ensured, therefore, the diameter and pitch of the clamps are accepted satisfactorily.

Economic section

3.1 Explanatory Note

to the consolidated estimate of the cost of construction of the Kindergarten for 40 places in Surgut

The consolidated cost estimate is based on estimates for individual objects, types of work and costs, and cost estimates.

The estimated cost of construction works is calculated according to collections of territorial unit rates (TER - 2001).

The estimated documentation includes the following charges:

- overhead costs - standards for the types of construction and installation works, in% of the FOT, according to MDS 8133.2004 Methodological guidelines for determining the value of overhead costs in construction;

- estimated profit - standards for the types of construction and installation works, in% of FOT, according to MDS 8125.2001 Methodological instructions for determining the value of estimated profit in construction;

- the territorial coefficient for the salaries of builders - 70%, according to MDS 811.99 Methodological recommendations for determining the amount of funds for the remuneration of workers of construction, installation and repair and construction organizations;

- temporary buildings and structures - 1.8%, according to GoSN 8105012001 Compendium of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures from the cost of construction of chapters 1-7;

- winter price increase - 3% with a coefficient of 1.1, according to GoSN 8105022001 Compendium of estimated norms of additional costs during construction and installation works in winter from the cost of construction and construction of chapters 1-8;

- reserve of funds for unforeseen works and costs - 2%, according to MDS 8135.2004 Methodology for determining the cost of construction products in the territory of the Russian Federation from the cost of chapters 112;

- VAT value added tax - 18%, according to the law of the Russian Federation


- return amounts - 15% of the cost under Chapter 8 "Temporary buildings and structures."

The estimated cost is determined by the basis index method in prices as of December 2011. The indices were adopted on the basis of the Bulletin of information materials for builders of the Siberian Regional Center for Construction Pricing for the 4th quarter of 2011.

When compiling estimates, a software package was used for the automated compilation of estimates "Smeta.ru."

Organizational and Technological Section

4.1 General Part

The schedule is a document that coordinates the activities of more organizations, enterprises and individual companies involved in the construction. It defines the sequence and interdependence, duration and intensity of work. Without the coordinated activities of construction organizations, the construction process itself is impossible.

The most common pictorial (graphic) models of calendars are linear graphs, cyclograms, network graphs. Table shapes (matrices) are much less common.

Depending on the design stage, calendar plans are distinguished:

- construction of complexes of buildings and structures or complex enlarged network schedules (KUSG);

- construction of separate facilities (CP);

- individual construction processes as part of Job Instructions (JI);

- hourly schedules during installation of structures from vehicles and development of labor process maps (HPC).

All listed plans and schedules for one construction facility or complex are interconnected.

Construction duration shall not exceed the standard duration determined by SNiPom.

According to the construction schedule, the following documents are developed:

- organizational and technological diagrams of optimal sequence of erection of buildings and structures;

- lists of requirements for structures, materials and equipment with distribution by construction periods;

4.3 Determination of Construction Dates

4.3.1 Standard duration of construction

The normative period of construction is determined in accordance with SNiP 1.04.0385 Standards for the duration of construction and backlog in the construction of enterprises of buildings and structures.

Having drawn up and calculated the construction schedule, you can summarize the following:

The total labor intensity of construction and installation works amounted to 2768.57 people - days.

The planned construction period is 216 days, the standard construction period is 227 days.

The average number of workers is 12 people.

The reduction of construction time is 5%, which is permissible SNiPom 1.04.0385 * Standards for the duration of construction and backlog in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures.

4.4 Construction Plot Plan

4.4.1 General Design Provision

Construction Master Plan (SGP) - the master plan of the construction site, on which the buildings and structures under construction and existing ones for administrative, cultural, household and sanitary and hygienic purposes are located; transport networks, electric and water communication, sewerage and communications.

There are site-wide and object-wide construction plans.

The object SGP is developed by the contractor or the design and technological organization at the stage of working drawings as part of the work execution project (PDP) separately for each building under construction, which is part of the site-wide SGP. The object construction plan specifies the fundamental decisions taken in the site-wide SGP.

Object SGP can be developed for individual periods of construction of the object (site preparation, zero cycle work, construction of the above-ground part of the building, finishing cycle) or for individual types of work (earthworks, concrete, roofing, etc.). All SGPs have a single system of symbols.

As part of the feasibility study or technical project, an SGP scheme is developed that is used at the initial design stage to obtain permission for preparatory work, the construction of foundations and foundations in the inspection of the State Construction Supervision Agency (GASN).

The construction plan was developed taking into account all safety rules used in the construction of the building. The SGP shows the maximum span of the crane boom, the dangerous area of the crane operation. Administratively, domestic premises do not fall under the hazardous area of ​ ​ the crane, which ensures the safety of workers. Radius of crane boom turn is limited by signal flags. Check load is provided for serviceability check of the valve on SGP. Fire cranes are also provided.

The following source materials are used for the development of object GWP:

- site-wide SGP, working drawings, scheduling plans and

- Job instructions, which are part of PPR of this object;

- Data of resource requirements updated according to working drawings;

- documents included in the initial permitting documentation.

The procedure for designing the object GWP includes the following measures:

- binding of lifting cranes and other mechanisms to the facility with determination of service areas, hazardous areas, etc.;

- Determination of the necessary resources for construction;

- determination of the number of workers (taking into account the schedule of the movement of workers), places of accommodation in the required number of temporary buildings and structures for industrial, administrative and sanitary purposes;

- linking of construction engineering systems (water, gas and power supply, heating, sewerage, telephonisation, etc.).

4.4.2 Selection of vertical transportation means

The installation crane is selected according to three indicators:

- lifting capacity (by weight of the heaviest structure);

- by hook lifting height;

- upon crane boom departure.

4.4.3 Identification of hazardous areas during crane operation

For crane operation the following hazardous areas of the crane are distinguished:

- mounting - space where the load may fall during installation and

fixing elements. Only mounting mechanisms can be placed in the installation area, storage of materials is prohibited;

- cargo movement - place of possible cargo fall during movement.

Water flow rate for fire fighting:

The total second water consumption in liters is determined according to the enlarged norms based on one fire at the construction site area of ​ ​ 50 hectares in the amount of 10 l/s, with a larger area for every 25 hectares 5l/s is added.

The water demand is calculated for the period of maximum water consumption so that the water supply networks can provide consumers with water during the hours of maximum water intake and in case of fire.

4.4.7 Calculation of temporary power supply

Initial data for organization of temporary power supply are types, volumes and terms of construction works, types of construction machines and mechanisms, area of temporary buildings and structures, length of roads, area of construction site and shift of works.

Power at the construction site is spent on production needs (cranes, lifts), technical needs and lighting.

Load calculation is given by the installed power of electric receivers and demand factors with separation by types of consumption according to the formula:

KTP-400 transformer substation is accepted

4.4.8 Measures for environmental protection, safety, fire protection

Environmental regulations require remediation, land use and the prevention of harmful emissions to soil, water bodies and the atmosphere.

After the necessary planning works, the following actions are performed:

- the fertile layer of land is removed only on the lands under development;

the fertile layer is folded into burrows. After filling and compaction, grass is sown on it;

- removal and preservation of the fertile layer is the responsibility of the organizations carrying out the construction;

- After the complete completion of the technical stage, a biological stage is carried out, i.e. a set of measures for the restoration of land fertility (liming and plaster, introduction of organic, mineral, macro and micro fertilizers, etc.);

- According to environmental regulations, the remaining fertile land is subject to "landowning," i.e. transportation and application to low-productivity land for improvement.

An important issue is the fight against pollution of the construction site. Garbage from the floors must be lowered in garbage collectors, and in the sanitary area there should be places for the installation of garbage containers.

When entering from the construction territory, a platform for washing vehicles should be provided. According to the rules for protecting the natural environment, dirty water after washing before descending into the drains is cleaned.

Underground reinforced concrete or above-ground metal treatment facilities designed

Fuel and lubricants (fuel and lubricants) cause great harm to the environmental situation if they get to the ground. Therefore, fuelling, oil change, cleaning and other maintenance work

road transport and construction machines should be carried out in specially designated places with mandatory removal of fuel residues, oils, wiping materials and other polluting objects.

Under-trained construction machines and vehicles can have a negative impact not only on the ground, but also on the surrounding atmosphere due to incomplete combustion of fuel. This has a negative impact on the environment, the restorative forces of nature, its healing abilities.

4.5 Job Instruction for Pile Foundation Arrangement

4.5.1 Organization of works on pile field arrangement

Driving is the main method of submerging finished piles. For clogging, special installations are used - copra, on a self-propelled (based on tractors and cars) or tracked (based on an excavator) track.

Preparatory works include: site clearance and layout; breakdown of piles position, arrangement of linings and ways of copra movement, pile delivery and storage, equipment delivery; equipment of lighting of the site and workplaces; test driving, based on the results of which the driving schemes and the piling project are corrected.

Piling is carried out until the failure specified by the design is received.

Failure - pile diving depth from one impact. Failure is measured with accuracy up to 1 mm. The draught from one impact at the end of pile driving is difficult to measure, so refusal is defined as the average value in a series of impacts called collateral.

When piles are submerged with diesel hammers and single-action steam-air hammers, the pledge is accepted as equal to 10 blows, when piles are submerged with double-action hammers and vibration loaders, the pledge is accepted as equal to the number of blows per 1 minute of clogging.

The pile diving process consists of the following operations:

- pulling and lifting the pile with simultaneous installation of its head part in the head seat in the lower part of the hammer;

- installation of pile in guides in the place of driving;

- piling first with several light blows with subsequent increase of impact force to maximum;

- movement of the lump unit and cutting of the pile according to the specified elevation.

The top of reinforced concrete piles is cut down with a bump hammer, reinforcement

is cut by gas cutting.

There are the following main schemes for driving ordinary piles,

sectional and two spiral (from the edges to the middle under normal conditions, from the middle to the edges with dense soil).

4.5.2 Organization of work on the pedestal unit

The purpose of pedestals is to combine individual piles into a common pile foundation. Pedestals are monolithic and prefabricated monolithic of various heights and shapes. Monolithic pedestals have different shapes - square, rectangular, triangular and tape, depending on the design of buildings and structures, geological conditions, type and number of piles. In case of driven piles, whose heads are often at different elevations, labor-intensive operations are carried out before the construction of the pile pile head (cut down concrete, cut rebar, etc.) The pedestal in the formwork is concreted. The concrete mixture shall be laid in horizontal layers evenly over the whole area of the pile. Concrete mixture is transported by self-propelled concrete laying or buckets with opening bottom transported by crane. The concrete mixture is compacted with vibrators.

4.5.3 Quality control of works

When monitoring the position of piles in the plan, make sure that the permissible deviations are not exceeded: 0.2 D - for driven piles with single-row arrangement -

nii; 0.3D - at arrangement of piles in two and three rows in belts and bushes (D - diameter of round or maximum size of rectangular pile). Pile head elevations can have a deviation at a monolithic pile cap of 50 mm, at a prefabricated pile cap of 30 mm. During installation of the reinforced concrete pile, the following operations are monitored: installation and installation of the formwork (deviation from the vertical should not exceed 5 mm by 1 m of height), installation of reinforcement, (deviation from the design distance between the rods should not exceed 5 mm), concreting of the pile (Deviation from the horizontal

the surface of the concreted pile shall not exceed ± 20 mm).

4.6 Safety Engineering Design

Installation of pile-piercing equipment and piles shall be carried out without interruption until they are fully fixed in place. During piling, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the pile-piercing plant, in case of its malfunction, the work should be stopped immediately. Piles are pulled to the copra only through a branch block fixed at the base of the copra and in a straight line. Persons who know the rules for handling equipment and mechanisms are allowed to work on piling. In case of short-term stop, the hammer must be attached to the copra, and the lifting rope must be weakened. At long stops hammer is lowered to lower position and fixed. Movement of the pile-piercing unit from the parking lot to the parking lot is carried out only at the command of the foreman and under his supervision. To exit the pit along the slope with a slope of more than 20 °, ladders or ladders with one-sided railings must be equipped. A ramp can be used. Each employee is required to undergo safety training before performing work. It is forbidden to be under the hammer or pile, as well as repair, clean and inspect the mechanisms of blocks and channels during the operation of the pig plant.

The following measures must be observed when installing the pile cap:

Before starting to lay concrete in the formwork, it is necessary to always check the condition of the formwork and scavenging facilities. The faults shall be rectified immediately. At compaction of concrete mixture of electric vibrator

It is not allowed to move the vibrator behind the current-conducting hoses. In case of interruptions in operation and during transitions from one place to another, the electric vibrators must be switched off.

Tanks (silos, buckets) for concrete mix shall meet the standards. Movement of a loaded or empty hopper is permitted only when the closure is closed.

When laying concrete from a badge or bunker, the distance between the bottom

The edge of the bucket or hopper and the previously laid concrete or the surface on which the concrete is laid must be not more than 1 m, unless otherwise provided by the work design.

Occupational and environmental protection

5.1 Occupational Safety

5.1.1 General Information

Labor protection is a system of interconnected measures - organizational, technical, sanitary and hygienic and legislative, the purpose of which is to ensure safe working conditions when performing all construction and installation work.

Organizational and technical measures - training in safe labor methods, development of safe labor tools, safe mechanisms and on the basis of their safe construction processes.

Sanitary and hygienic - aimed at creating normal working and leisure conditions on the construction site.

Legislative measures - regulate the regime of working time and rest, the working conditions of women and adolescents, the rules for the reception, transfer and dismissal of workers, the relationship between workers and the administration.

5.1.2 Composition and content of the main design solutions for labor safety in organizational and technological documentation in construction

Prior to commencement of construction and installation works, each object shall be provided with design documentation for the organization of construction and performance of works. Construction and installation works are not carried out without the specified documentation.

The main requirements for labor protection in construction are laid down in the construction organization project (PIC), the work execution project (PPR) and other documents that take into account the peculiarities of construction and installation work of a particular object. They contain design solutions for labor safety, which determine technical means and methods of work that ensure compliance with regulatory requirements for labor safety.

It is not allowed to replace design solutions with extracts from labor safety standards and rules, which are recommended to be cited only as a justification for the development of appropriate solutions.

The initial data for the development of design solutions for labor safety are:

- requirements of regulatory documents and standards on occupational safety;

- Standard solutions to ensure compliance with safety requirements;

- Reference manuals and catalogues for the protection of workers;

- instructions for manufacturers of construction materials, products and structures to ensure labor safety during their application;

- instructions of manufacturers of machinery and equipment used in the course of works.

When developing design solutions for the organization of construction and production sites and areas of work, it is necessary to identify hazardous production factors associated with the technology and conditions of work, determine and indicate in the organizational and technological documentation their area of ​ ​ operation. At the same time, hazardous areas associated with the use of lifting machines are determined in the anti-icing system, and the rest in the PPM.

Sanitary and industrial premises and recreation areas for employees, as well as road and pedestrian roads, are located outside hazardous areas.

In the event that, during the construction of buildings and structures, civil or industrial buildings and structures, transport or pedestrian roads and other places of possible location of people may enter hazardous areas near the places of cargo movement by cranes and from buildings under construction, solutions are provided to prevent the occurrence of hazardous areas there, including:

- movement of goods by crane in areas located at a distance of less than 7 m from the border of dangerous areas is carried out using safety or safety devices that prevent the fall of the cargo;

- the crane operation area is limited so that the movable load does not go beyond the contours of the building.

To prevent workers from falling from the height, design solutions provide:

- reduction of overhead works;

- priority arrangement of permanent enclosing structures (walls, panels, balconies and openings enclosures);

- use of enclosing devices corresponding to the structural and space-planning solutions of the building under construction and meeting the requirements of occupational safety;

- determination of location and methods of safety belt attachment.

In addition, solutions determine:

- scavenging means designed to perform this type of work or a separate operation;

Ways and means of raising workers to jobs;

In order to prevent falling from the height of building structures, products, materials moved by the crane, as well as loss of their stability during installation or storage, the design solutions specify:

- means of container or packaging for the movement of piece or loose materials, as well as concrete or mortar, taking into account the nature and carrying capacity of the transported cargo and the convenience of its supply to the place of work;

- load-gripping devices (load slings, crossarms and mounting grips) corresponding to weight and dimensions of the transported cargo,

slinging and installation conditions;

- slinging methods ensuring the supply of structural elements during storage and installation in the position corresponding to or close to the design;

- procedure and methods of storage of building structures, products, materials and equipment

- methods of temporary and final fixation of structures; methods of waste disposal of building materials and garbage;

- place of installation and construction of protective floors or visors if it is necessary to find people in the area of possible fall of small materials or objects.

When performing works using machines, mechanisms:

- selection of types of machines, places of their installation and operation modes in accordance with the parameters stipulated by the technology and conditions of work;

- use of measures limiting the area of ​ ​ operation of machines to prevent the occurrence of a dangerous zone in the places where people are located, as well as the use of fences in the area of ​ ​ operation of machines;

- special conditions for installation of machines in the zone of prism of soil collapse.

If it is necessary to develop trenches and pits and find people in them for construction and installation works, the following shall be determined:

- safe steepness of the uncapped slopes of the excavation taking into account the load from construction machines and materials or the decision on the use of fasteners;

- in the production documentation (work execution project), in addition - additional measures to control and ensure the stability of slopes in connection with seasonal changes;

- type of fasteners and technology of their installation, as well as places of installation of stairs for descent and lifting of people.

To prevent damage to workers with electric current, the following are provided:

- To work with electrical appliances, the employee is obliged to familiarize himself with safety precautions, as well as to have personal protective equipment (rubber gloves dielectric, dielectric boots or pebbles) when performing work;

- grounding methods of metal parts of electrical equipment;

- additional protective measures during works in the premises

with increased danger and especially dangerous, as well as when performing work in similar conditions outdoors;

- measures for safe performance of works in security zones of power transmission lines.

To prevent workers from being exposed to harmful production factors (adverse microclimate, noise, vibration, dust and harmful substances in the air of the work area), it is necessary to:

- identify areas of work where harmful production factors may arise due to the technology and conditions of the work;

- determine the means of protection of the workers;

- Provide, if necessary, special measures for the storage of hazardous and harmful substances;

- provide the required protection measures when using devices containing radioactive isotopes and serving as sources of ionizing radiation, as well as when using lasers.

5.1.3 Composition and content of the main decisions on labor safety in the work execution projects

Design solutions for occupational safety should be specific and correspond to the real conditions of this production based on the requirements of SNiP 120301 (Composition and content of the main design solutions for occupational safety in organizational and technological documentation in construction).

The Work Execution Project (SPP) shall contain technical solutions and main organizational measures to ensure safe work performance and sanitary and hygienic maintenance of the workers. in PPM it is determined:

- location of temporary fencing of construction facilities;

- installation of tower cranes, arrangement of power lines, roads, passages, sanitary facilities;

- storage places of building structures and materials;

boundaries of hazardous areas;

- transitional pedestrian bridges and bridges for the movement of vehicles through trenches;

- temporary passages through rail tracks;

- power supply scheme of the object under construction;

- methods of lighting the construction site and workplaces with specific indication of the types of lamps, their installation places and lighting standards in accordance with the lighting standards of the construction sites;

- technological sequence of works execution with indication of number of workers, their specialization and qualification, individual means of protection;

- scaffolding and other means of scaffolding, lifting platforms with specification of the loads allowed on them, methods of their fixation;

- safe passages to workplaces and methods of lifting to the floors of buildings under construction;

- safe sequence of lifting operations;

- the size of the hazardous area for the movement of construction machines and vehicles within the prism of collapse of slopes and excavations;

- slope of excavation slopes with depth of more than 5 m; structure of vertical walls of pits and trenches with depth of more than 3 m;

- methods of soil compaction near building structures;

- particularly dangerous works, for which workers must be issued a written work permit;

- organization of workplaces of building structures installers;

- location and coverage areas of mounting mechanisms;

- methods and accessories for safe operation of installers;

- sequence of process operations during installation of building structures;

- places and methods of temporary attachment of mounted elements ensuring their stability;

- sequence of installation, fixation and disassembly of prefabricated structures;

- machines and mechanisms for the movement of building materials, structures

and load-gripping devices to them;

- slinging diagrams of loads moved by the crane;

- fire-fighting measures and fire-fighting equipment;

- types of sanitary facilities with indication of their composition, number and places of installation;

- measures when working with toxic substances;

- measures to reduce production noise, vibration, etc.

The PDP reflects the following basic requirements for occupational safety:

- provision of erection processability of structures and equipment;

- reduction of scope and labour intensity of works performed in conditions of industrial hazard;

- safe placement of machines and mechanisms;

- organization of workplaces using safety equipment.

In addition, the following shall be specified:

- the nomenclature of devices, devices, means of individual and collective protection of working is also defined the need for them;

- means of lighting the construction site, workplaces, passageways, driveways, as well as means of alarm and communication;

- requirements for sanitary maintenance of workers.

To ensure labor safety, the PPR provides for the following measures:

- to prevent falling from a height;

- prevention of falls of structures, articles or materials;

- safe use of construction machines and mechanisms;

- prevention of dangerous effects of electric current;

- prevention of exposure of workers to harmful production factors; organizational arrangements.

To prevent the danger of workers falling from the height, the PPM should provide for:

- Reduction of overhead operations, primarily through the introduction of conveyor or pre-assembly, large-block or crane-free

installation method;

- priority arrangement of permanent enclosing structures (walls, panels, balconies and openings enclosures);

- temporary enclosures meeting safety requirements;

- places and methods of safety ropes and safety belts attachment.

In order to prevent the risk of falling structures, products or materials from the height when they are moved by crane or when stability is lost during installation or storage in the project, indicate:

- containers and containers for movement of piece and loose materials, as well as concrete and mortar, taking into account the nature of the transported cargo and the convenience of its supply to the place of work;

- load-gripping devices (slings, crossarms, mounting grips, etc.) taking into account the weight and dimensions of the transported cargo, conditions of slinging and installation;

- slinging methods that ensure the supply of elements during storage and installation in a position corresponding to or close to the design one;

- fixtures (pyramids, cassettes) for stable storage


- equipment providing temporary fixation of elements before their disassembly;

- methods of final fixation of structures;

To prevent dangerous effects of electric current on the workers, the following are provided:

- development of instructions on the arrangement of temporary electrical installations, selection of routes and determination of voltage of temporary power and lighting power grids, the method of fencing of current-carrying networks and the location of introductory switchgears; grounding of metal parts of electrical equipment and execution of grounding circuits in accordance with the Rules for the device of electrical installations (PUE) and Safety Regulations (PTB);

- additional protective measures during works in the premises

with increased danger and especially dangerous, as well as during similar work outside the premises.

In order to prevent exposure of operating hazardous production factors (noise, vibration, harmful substances in the air of the working area), it is necessary to:

- identify areas of work where harmful production factors may arise due to the accepted work technology;

- determine the means of protection of workers against harmful production factors;

- to provide, if necessary, special measures to clean process effluents and emissions from harmful substances.

Organizational measures to ensure production safety shall include:

- definition of works performed according to work permits;

- joint activities of the general contractor and the customer to carry out work on the territory of existing enterprises or near existing structures, communications and installations;

- joint measures of the general contractor and subcontractors to ensure safety when combining works.

5.2 Environmental Protection

5.2.1 Urban planning measures for environmental protection

When developing master plans for populated areas at all stages of design - in the feasibility study, master plan, detailed planning project - the main condition is compliance with environmental protection requirements and its rational use. The general plan of the designed settlement should contain an analysis of the territories, the definition of planning decisions taking into account the natural environment, the model of impact on the suburban zone. Architectural and landscape zoning should be combined with compositional and structural.

At the stage of detailed planning, a general urban planning idea develops, specifying the consideration of natural and climatic conditions and requirements, the allocation of architectural and landscape dominants, modeling the environmental situation with the specific placement of functional zones in the planning structure. At this stage, factors are identified that contribute to the optimization of the solution of development projects.

The choice of the system and orientation of development is influenced by the terrain, architectural and landscape assessment of the territory, the placement of the main transport highways and their noise effects, gas content, the location of industrial zones and wind conditions, solar insulation, etc. Within the territory of the future microdistrict or public center, existing natural internal and external green spaces are revealed. They are preserved as recreation areas and taken into account in the general plan of pedestrian paths and transport highways as centers of gravity of the population.

To ensure the prevention of adverse effects of air pollution on the health of the population and sanitary living conditions, sanitary rules for the protection of atmospheric air have been introduced. They are intended for design construction and other enterprises, institutions and organizations engaged in the placement, design, construction of new ones, reconstruction (technical re-equipment) and operation of existing enterprises. They are regulatory instruments binding on compliance. As part of any construction project, materials on the impact of the designed facilities on the sanitary state of the environment, agreed with the General Scheme for the Development and Deployment of Productive Forces, Schemes for the Development and Placement of Industries, should be presented (sectoral schemes) and productive forces for economic areas (territorial schemes), feasibility studies (feasibility study) and calculations (TER) of feasibility of construction of facilities, settlement schemes of district plans, master plans and design urban planning documentation. Measures taken should ensure compliance with MPC of harmful substances in residential areas and 0.8 MPC in places of mass recreation of the population

Site selection for construction of facilities is carried out at the Feasibility Study (TER) stage. For new construction and expansion of existing facilities, the location is chosen taking into account the aeroclimatic characteristic, terrain, natural ventilation, as well as the patterns of industrial emissions into the atmosphere and fog formation conditions.

For facilities that are sources of air pollution, a sanitary protection zone (SZZ) must be organized, the width of which is determined by the sanitary hazards of the placed production. A special project of organization and improvement is being created for the NWZ.

5.2.2 Site Preparatory Period

The vertical layout of the construction site was carried out on a topographic survey on the basis of a breakdown plan and solved in connection with the adjacent territory and planning decisions. The design elevations of the territory are planned based on the conditions of maximum preservation of natural terrain, drainage of surface water and minimum amount of excavation.

Vertical layout is made by method of design contours

Surface slopes from buildings are solved towards driveways.

Removal of surface water is solved by open method along trays of passages to reduced places of natural relief outside the section and to existing ditch.

Valuable trees and shrubs that interfere with the construction work are dug and transplanted to a new place or to a security zone on the territory of the construction site.

Green spaces that are not subject to cutting or transplantation are covered with a fence, and the trunks of separate trees are protected from possible damage by lumber waste. Immediately after cleaning the territory from stumps and tree trunks, fragments of roots from the vegetable layer are selected by parallel penetrations of roosters. Seized roots and remains from trees

is removed from the cleared area for subsequent incineration or removal.

Boulders shall be removed from the construction site. Small boulders are loaded into vehicles if they fit into an excavator bucket, larger ones are bulldozed outside the work area.

Disconnecting or moving existing utility networks from the site is an important and mandatory element of site preparation. Prior to construction, all backbone networks shall be removed from the construction site and routed by Sv to ensure uninterrupted operation of backbone networks.

5.2.3 Measures to reduce negative impacts on the environment during the construction and operation of the facility

During the construction of the facility, the following land conservation measures are provided:

- before the start of construction, the vegetal layer of soil is removed and stored in pews;

- on the territory of the construction site, the project should provide for the installation of the site for the storage of building materials.

To reduce the negative impact of the facility on the environment

the construction organization must comply with a number of requirements:

- prevent the adjacent area and the construction site from falling under construction debris;

- machines and mechanisms involved in the construction process shall be technically serviceable in order to prevent ingress of fuel and lubricants into the soil;

- collection of domestic garbage in garbage containers installed on a special site for garbage, followed by removal.

5.2.4 Landscaping

Vegetation soil at the construction site is cut to depth

0.2 m and moves to a specially allocated place and is stored. When working with vegetal soil, it should be protected from mixing with the underlying non-vegetal soil from contamination, erosion and weathering.

Cut vegetation soil is used for landscaping of the site.

After completion of construction on the territory, construction debris should be removed, planning work should be carried out and improvement of the land plot should be carried out:

- vertical layout of the territory;

- arrangement of driveways and sidewalks;

- landscaping.

On areas free from development and covering, group planting of trees, shrubs, sowing of grasses and arrangement of flower beds is provided.


1. SNiP 2.09.04 - 87 * Administrative and household buildings

2. SNiP 2.01.07 - 85 * Loads and impacts

3. SNiP 2.02.01- 83 * Foundations of buildings and structures

4. SNiP 2.03.13- 88 * Floors

5. SNiP 23022003 Thermal protection of buildings

6. SNiP 230199 * Construction climatology

7. SNiP II - 2281 * Stone and armstone structures

8. SNiP II - 2676 Roofs

9. SNiP 12012004 Construction Organization

10. SNiP 3.03.01- 87 Bearing and enclosing structures

11. SNiP 12032001 Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements

12. SNiP 12042002 Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production

13. SNiP 2.07.01- 89 * Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements

14. SNiP III - 10.75 Improvement of territories

15. SNiP 52012003 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures: Basic provisions

16. SNiP 31022001 Residential single apartment buildings

17. SNiP 31012003 Apartment buildings

18. SNIP II2281 Stone and Armstone Structures

19. SNiP 31052003 Public buildings for administrative purposes

20. SNiP 2.08.0289 Public buildings and structures

21. SNiP 210197 Fire safety of buildings and structures

22. SNiP 310332001 Production buildings

23. SNiP 2.02.0385 Pile foundations

24. SNiP II2381 Steel structures

25. SNiP 31042001 Warehouse buildings

26. GOST 21.101 - 97 SPDS. Basic Requirements for Design and Detailed Design Documentation

27. GOST 21.501 - 93 SPDS. Rules for execution of architectural and construction working drawings

28. GOST 24698 - 81 Wooden external doors for residential and public buildings. Types, design and dimensions

29. GOST 24699 - 2002 Wooden window blocks with windows and double-glazed windows. Specification

30. GOST 24700 - 99 Wooden window blocks with double-glazed windows. Specification

31. Baykov V.N., Sigalov E.E. Reinforced concrete structures. General course -M: Stroyizdat, 1991.

32. Berlinov M.V., Yagupov B.A. Calculation of foundations and foundations: Textbook for Wed. Special. educational institutions. - M.: Stroyizdat, 2000-272 s.

33. Maklakova T.G., Nanasova S.M., Sharapenko V.G. Design of residential and public buildings: Educational manual for universities. – M.: Vyssh.shk., 1998. – 400 pages.

34. Statsenko A.S. Technology and organization of construction production: Textbook - M.: Vyssh.sk., 2002 - 367 s.

35. Sokolov G.K. Technology and organization of construction: Textbook - M.: Publishing Center "Academy," 2008 - 525 p.

36. Kardaev E.M.

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