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Coursework - passenger elevator design


Set of drawings - general view of the elevator, buffer, guides, cab frame. There is also a note and specifications

Project's Content

icon 1.Введение.doc
icon Кинем схема.bmp
icon Кинем схема.frw
icon РПЗ.doc
icon 1. Общий вид.cdw
icon 3. Каркас.cdw
icon 4. Буфер.cdw
icon 5. Усво взвеш 1.cdw
icon 5. Усво взвеш 2.cdw
icon 1. Общий вид.cdw
icon 2. Направляющие.cdw
icon 3. Каркас кабины.cdw
icon 4. Буфер.cdw
icon 5. Усво взвеш.cdw

Additional information



1. Building Vertical Transport Design

1.1. Basic Rules for Design of Vertical Transport of Buildings and Structures

1.2. Calculation of capacity and required number of elevators

2. Mechanical Elevator Calculation

2.1. Calculation of counterweight weight

2.2. Preliminary selection of traction rope

2.3. Selection of compensating elements

2.4. Determination of parameters of cable-carrying pulley and

final selection of traction ropes type

2.5. Winch Selection

2.6. Selection of cockpit and counterweight guide shoes

2.7. Selection of catcher and speed limiter

2.8. Calculation of buffers

2.9 Calculation of cockpit frame

3. Patent Review


List of information sources


Elevator is a stationary periodic lifting machine designed for lifting and lowering people and (or) loads in a cockpit moving along rigid rectilinear guides, which have an angle of inclination to the vertical of not more than 15.

Currently, there is a continuous growth of the elevator fleet with a steady tendency to find new design solutions that reflect market requirements and scientific and technical achievements in various industries. Organizational forms and technical means of elevator operation service are being improved. Serious attention is paid to improving the productivity and quality of installation work.

Fierce competition in domestic and global markets, the expanding range of requirements of elevator equipment customers, provide a good incentive to find more efficient technical solutions.

The following main trends in the development of elevator building can be noted:

• application of new structural and finishing materials, including composite ones;

• improvement of design of cabins and equipment of landing platforms taking into account vandal resistance factor;

• improvement of design of all elevator equipment systems in order to reduce noise and vibration in the building and in the elevator cab;

• expansion of the scope of application of external installation of elevators in the recess of external walls of residential and administrative buildings of the tower type;

• improving reliability of devices ensuring safe use of elevators;

• improvement of drive systems and expansion of the field of application of alternating current drive with thyristor and amplitude-frequency control;

• improvement of control systems based on the achievements of industrial electronics and microprocessor technology;

• Expansion of the use of plunger type hydraulic elevators with cable multipliers in small and medium-rise buildings;

• complex solution of problems of internal transport of buildings and structures based on combined use of elevators, multi-cab lifts, escalators and passenger conveyors;

• Wide use of unification and standardization methods to improve manufacturing quality, reduce mass production costs and operational costs;

• expansion of modernization of existing elevator equipment;

• Improving the efficiency of the elevator maintenance system based on the use of modern computer information processing and control methods in combination with the introduction of a microprocessor self-diagnostics system for elevator equipment;

• Improvement of elevator design methods based on the wide use of CAD;

• improvement of technology of elevator equipment manufacturing based on robotization of production processes;

• increase of efficiency and quality of elevator equipment installation based on improvement of technology and mechanization of labor-intensive processes;

Kaluga currently has 816 passenger elevators. A significant percentage of them have worked their intended service life and require replacement. There are two options for solving this problem: installing a new elevator or upgrading the existing one.

Modernization is the cheapest option, the cost of its implementation is about 70% of the cost of a new elevator. However, after modernization, the lifespan of the elevator before replacement is 10 years, which is less than the lifespan of 25 years.

The installation of a new elevator costs approximately 2 million rubles. Of these, 120 thousand rubles. - the cost of installation work, the remaining amount - the cost of the elevator itself. About 40% of this amount is the cost of delivering an elevator from Belarus. Thus, there is a need for the production of elevators with a lifting capacity of 320 and 400 kg for buildings of the 7080s built in Russia.

The purpose of this course work is to design an elevator with a carrying capacity of 400 kg for existing 912 storey buildings of old construction.

In order to achieve this objective, the following objectives must be achieved:

1. Review the elevator park of the city of Kaluga;

2. Determine existing parameters of the shaft, machine room and pit based on installation and technical documentation;

3. Calculate the main parameters of the elevator;

4. Study existing elevator designs and choose the best;

5. Calculate the main elevator units.

Basic Rules for Design of Vertical Transport of Buildings and Structures

Vertical transportation of buildings and structures is calculated in order to determine the parameters and the required number of elevators that guarantee the required level of quality of elevator service.

Vertical transport is calculated without taking into account emergencies related to fires, earthquakes and other natural disasters.

The quality of elevator service is estimated according to a five-point system depending on the size of the interval of the cabin approach to the floor site.

The design version of the vertical transport system is finally selected on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of alternative solutions according to technical and economic criteria.

The calculation is carried out with the following initial data: elevator lift height, number of serviced floors and occupancy, indicator of estimated passenger traffic intensity; requirements to the level of transport comfort; GOST and regulatory and technical documentation.

Forecasting of passenger traffic is carried out on the basis of available data on the characteristics of passenger traffic in existing buildings of the same purpose, taking into account the peculiarities of both the designed building itself and its location, the presence near metro stations, other means of mass ground transport, etc.

For residential buildings, peak passenger traffic is observed in the morning and evening hours, however, as a rule, the intensity of these passenger traffic is lower than in office buildings, and they are two-way in nature, i.e. passengers are directed simultaneously both downwards and upwards.

Selection of cockpit and counterweight guide shoes

The cabin and counterweight shall be equipped with upper and lower shoes fixed on the frame.

There are two types of guide shoes: sliding and roller. Sliding shoes are used for elevator speeds up to 2 m/s. When such shoes are used, sliding friction creates resistance to the movement of the cabin. To reduce friction, guide lubrication is necessary, and shoes with special inserts made of plastic materials are also used. For the purpose of constant and uniform lubrication, shoes with an automatic lubricating device are used.


As a result of the work done within the framework of the course project, the main parameters of the passenger elevator unit with a lifting capacity of 400 kg and a speed of 1 m/s were determined. The purpose of the structure is to install in residential 12-story buildings of old buildings in order to replace the outdated elevator fleet. The main elevator units were also calculated and selected.

In the course of this work, a review of domestic and foreign literature, both scientific and advertising in order to choose optimal solutions for the development of this elevator was carried out.

A distinctive feature of the course design is the multivariable calculation of the parameters of the cable-driving pulley, taking into account all possible parameters of the elevator, as well as including the determination of the maximum pressure in the stream and its comparison with the maximum permissible.

Drawings content

icon Кинем схема.frw

Кинем схема.frw

icon 1. Общий вид.cdw

1. Общий вид.cdw

icon 3. Каркас.cdw

3. Каркас.cdw

icon 4. Буфер.cdw

4. Буфер.cdw

icon 5. Усво взвеш 1.cdw

5. Усво взвеш 1.cdw

icon 5. Усво взвеш 2.cdw

5. Усво взвеш 2.cdw

icon 1. Общий вид.cdw

1. Общий вид.cdw

icon 2. Направляющие.cdw

2. Направляющие.cdw

icon 3. Каркас кабины.cdw

3. Каркас кабины.cdw

icon 4. Буфер.cdw

4. Буфер.cdw

icon 5. Усво взвеш.cdw

5. Усво взвеш.cdw