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Coursework on the design of ring water supply networks

  • Added: 30.03.2022
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Coursework on the design of ring water supply networks

Project's Content

icon Plan_3_1.bak
icon Феничев_3412.docx
icon Ukrupnennye_normy.pdf
icon расчеты.xlsx
icon neravnomernost_potreblenia (Автосохраненный).xlsx
icon гидр.xlsx
icon Определение диаметров.xlsx
icon отметки.xlsx
icon Plan_3_1.dwg

Additional information




Selection of water consumption standards

Determination of estimated daily water consumption by settlement

Water supply and distribution system of the settlement

Water consumption mode by hours of day

Purpose of operation mode of pump station of the 2nd lift and determination of tank capacity of water tower

Backbone Water Network Routing

Preparation of the main water supply network for hydraulic calculation for all design operation modes of the network

Hydraulic linkage of the main water supply network by the V.G method, Lobachev - Kh. Cross for all design operation modes of the network

Hydraulic calculation of water pipelines connecting the pump station of the 2nd lift with the network and the network with the tower

Determination of free heads at network node points

Water tower height determination

Determination of pump head of the pump station of the second lift


List of literature used

7. water network routing

The project traces only the main water network in the following sequence:

- the main direction of water movement in the territory of the settlement is established from the pumping station of the second lift to the most remote points and industrial enterprises

- along the main direction of water movement, main lines drawn approximately parallel to each other are marked

- main lines are connected by jumpers

There are 8 rings in this course design.

The backbone network is divided into sections by calculation points. So that the section does not exceed 800 m. Calculation points are nodal and numbered. Water pipelines from the pumping station to the main network are applied along the shortest distance and connected at points having the highest elevations. The water tower is located at the highest elevation. The distance from the main network to the water tower is within 5060 m, connected to it by 2 water pipelines.

Preparation of the network for hydraulic calculation

In this course design, hydraulic calculation is carried out for 2 operating modes: per hour of maximum water consumption and extinguishing fires per hour of maximum water consumption.

Hydraulic Network Calculation

The design mode of the network operation per hour of maximum water consumption is the main one for determining:

- cost-effective diameters

- head losses in the network sections

- values of free head in nodal points

- a pressure of pumps NANOSECONDS - 2

The sequence of network calculations for any mode is as follows:

- to internal hydraulic linkage of the network

- to analysis of calculation results.

Drawings content

icon Ukrupnennye_normy.pdf

icon Plan_3_1.dwg


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