Coursework Earthworks and erection works

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In accordance with the heading task, it is necessary to plan the site on the area limited by straight lines intersecting in corners with specified coordinates.
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1. Excavation at the construction site
1.1. Defining Black, Red, and Work Elevations
1.2. Defining the Contour of Earthworks
1.3. Calculation of excavation volumes during site planning
1.4. Calculation of excavation volumes during excavation of pit and trench
1.5. Drawing up a cartogram of earthworks. Solving the transport problem
1.6. Selection of earthworks mechanization tools
1.7. Ground Safety Guidelines
1.8. Environmental protection measures
2.Production of building installation works
2.1. Object passport and work nomenclature
2.2. Assembly Bill of Quantities
2.3. Process diagrams of building erection and installation methods
2.4. Selection of Installation Work Option
2.6. Selection of installation cranes and load grippers
2.7. Work Schedule
2.8. Occupational safety, fire safety and environmental measures
1. Excavation at construction site
1.1. Specifies black elevations. Defines red elevations.
In accordance with the heading task, it is necessary to plan the site on the area limited by straight lines intersecting in corners with specified coordinates. On the terrain plan attached to the task, contours and a grid of coordinates are drawn. The size of the grid cell side according to the task is 75 m.
The black marks are defined in the grid nodes by interpolation from the shortest distance between adjacent contours and are plotted in the drawing to an accuracy of 0.01 m on the right, at the bottom of the node.
Red elevations, that is, the elevation of the layout plane, are defined, like black, at the nodes of the coordinate grid drawn on the terrain plan.
The position of the layout plane and the slope are not specified, it must be selected from the condition of zero mass balance, and the slope must be selected from the condition of minimum excavation. The position of the layout plane is indicated by the coordinates and elevation of one of its points. Knowing the elevation of one of the points, you can determine the red elevations of all points on the site using the formula:
where i- slope;
li - distance from the specified point to i - point;
Nkr.dan is the red elevation of this point.
Red marks are calculated with an accuracy of 0.01m, written in red over black marks.
1.2. Defining Work Elevations and Establishing Mass Haul Contour
Work elevations are defined at all grid nodes by subtracting black from the red elevation. In the cut area, the working elevation will be negative, and in the fill area it will be positive.
The received working marks with their signs are recorded on the section plan to the left of the corresponding red marks. Working mark numbers are written in any color other than the accepted colors for black and red marks. In our case, blue is applied.
The mass haul outline in the course design covers excavations, embankments during site planning, slopes of embankments and excavations at the boundaries of the site, pit for the building and trenches for communications.
At the boundary of the fill with cut, a zero work line passes, the position of which is determined by the known adjacent working elevations of the fill and cut (i.e., by elevations with different signs).
The location of the slope line is determined by the contour of the parcel in the grid nodes. It is equal to the product of the working elevation in this node by the slope slope indicator.
Ho = hp × m, where m for embankments and recesses is 1.25
1.3. Calculation of excavation volumes during site planning
The total amount of Vn of an embankment of Vo and dredging of Vg when planning the platform is determined by summation of the corresponding volumes by separate elementary figures within the platform, i.e. Let's give an example of calculation of volumes and additional volumes (on the drawing - the top left square behind number 16):
Excavation calculations are summarized in Table 1. All excavation volumes are calculated to the accuracy of 1 m3.
Considering residual loosening factor
the volume of excavation will be - 42721.61 × 1.02 = 43576 m3
1.4. Calculation of excavation volumes during excavation of pit and trench
In the general case, the amount of excavation during the excavation of the pit is determined by the formula:
In accordance with the task, it is necessary to calculate the amount of earthworks during excavation of the pit for an industrial building at Nc = 5 m.
The specified minimum depth is 5 m.
The pit will have a maximum depth of:
5 + 72×0.03 = 7.16 m.
Average depth of pits:
(5 + 7.16 )/2 = 6.08 (m)
At the specified slope slope value m = 1.1 the dimension of the pit sides on the surface:
Average pit volume:
1.5. Drawing up a cartogram of excavation volumes. Solving the transport problem.
By mass haul balance is meant balancing the volumes of excavated soil in the area of excavations with the volume of backfilled soil in the area of embankments.
As a rule, there is no complete equality of these volumes. Therefore, when compiling the mass haul balance, it is necessary to allocate a site on the construction site on which the cargo is imported from the outside or exported to the dump (if).
In the example, the suppliers will be excavations, and the consumer will be embankments, the products are transported soil.
We compose the initial matrix taking into account that the site layout as a whole is carried out by a stapler, as a result of which the soil displacement distance is taken as the criterion of optimality. In the upper right corners of the cells we indicate the distance of transportation with an accuracy of 1 m.
The initial matrix is shown in Table 2.
Solution of mass haul distribution problem is performed by double preference methods;
The optimal plan for the double preference mass haul distribution is shown in Table 2.
It is necessary to remove 56437 m3 to the dump.
1.6. Selection of earthworks mechanization tools
To correctly select the type of machine for the development and transportation of a balanced part of the soil, it is necessary to determine the weighted average distance (in m) of its transportation lcp by the formula:
n - number of individual areas on site;
qi - volume of displaced soil from excavation to embankment;
li is the average distance of movement (approximately equal to the distance between the centers of gravity of said sections).
The values of q are taken from the staggered list of mass haul balance, the value of l - from the diagram of soil transportation directions.
The weighted average distance is summarized in Table 3.
Determination of weighted average distances of soil transportation.
We get for the scraper complex:
lcp = 160 (m),
For bulldozer complex: lcp = 18 (m)
In the course design, due to the large volumes of work and the sufficiently medium movement of soil, the D493 rotary bulldozer was adopted as the equipment for the work.
Statement of machine resource requirements
1.7. Ground Safety Guidelines
In the course design, measures should be provided to ensure the stability of slopes of the developed pits and trenches.
In the places of the trench where workers are required, it is necessary to arrange local slopes or fasteners. Soil taken out of trenches or pit should be unloaded at a distance of not less than 0.5 m from the brow at dump height of not more than 2 m. Excavation works are allowed in the locations of existing underground communications only after taking measures to prevent damage to communications and with the written permission of the relevant organizations responsible for the operation of communications.
When excavating soil with excavators, workers are forbidden to pass under a bucket or boom and work from the side of the face. Unauthorized persons may be located at a distance of at least 5 m from the range of the excavator. The excavator can move only along an even surface, and in case of weak soils - along the flooring from sleepers or shields.
During operation of bulldozer it is forbidden to turn it with buried or with dump loaded in the ground to avoid breakage or overturning. Do not move the ground by bulldozer to rise not more than and under slope not more than, as well as extend the dump by the edge of the excavation slope.
1.8. Environmental measures.
When performing earthworks on the construction site, it is necessary to prevent the destruction of green spaces located outside the working area.
When performing work on the construction site, it is necessary to provide for garbage collection outside the facility to specially designated places.
Construction of the building
2.1. Object passport and work nomenclature.
General information about the building.
The designed one-story industrial building with a prefabricated reinforced concrete frame is equipped with a bridge crane.
The length of the building is 72 m.
The building is equipped with a crane
Number of floors 1.
Number of spans 1.
Span size is 18 m.
Floor height 12.6 m.
The pitch of the columns is 6 m.
Definition and nomenclature of works. During the complex mechanized process of erection of buildings and structures it is necessary to perform preparatory, main and auxiliary works. Construction and installation works are carried out at the construction site
Selection of building structures.
The scope of the main works is determined by the number of structures to be mounted.
Specification of prefabricated elements.
2.2. Assembly Bill of Quantities.
The scope of work is determined according to the specification of the prefabricated elements.
Schedule of labour intensity and scope of work for erection of the building.
2.3. Process diagrams of building erection and installation methods.
Process diagrams should determine the optimal solutions for the sequence and methods of construction of facilities. Process diagrams include:
- spatial division of buildings into grips, sections and tiers;
- sequence of erection of buildings and structures with indication of technological sequence of works on grips and sections;
- characterization of the main methods of erection;
Process diagrams for erection of structures of buildings and structures include a brief description of design solutions, technical solutions for work execution and the main technical and economic indicators of the technological process.
Technical solutions for works execution are the main part of process diagrams and in their composition should provide for: breaking of the building into grabs; main mounting mechanism and its binding to the object; methods of erection of structures; basic mechanisms and fixtures; requirements for installation accuracy.
2.4. Selection of installation work option.
During design it is necessary to choose at least two versions of installation works that are technologically different from each other.
Installation of prefabricated structures can be carried out separately (structures of the same type are installed in each penetration), complex (a crane in one zone establishes all structures of one or two cells of the building) and combined (part of the structures is mounted separately, and part is installed in complex) methods "from wheels" or with preliminary layout in the area of the installation crane. At the same time, the building cleaning is carried out from individual sending elements, entire structural elements or structural blocks.
The mounting direction can be longitudinal (the crane moves along the spans) and transverse.
If the standard construction period allows. the building is mounted by one crane, however, in this case, the crane, due to the disequilibrium of the structures, has a low utilization factor in terms of load capacity.
2.5 Selection of installation cranes.
Caterpillar cranes.
Selection is performed according to 4 parameters
- load capacity, where Re is the mass of the element,
- lifting height, where
h0- distance from crane parking level to assembly element support,
hz-reserved on height (0.5 m),
hE- element height in lifting position,
hl is the height of the construction device,
hp is the height of the polyspast in the tightened position.
- minimum clearance between boom and mounted element
- distance from center of gravity to element close to hook boom
- half the boom thickness at the level of the top of the mounted element
- distance from crane parking level to boom turn axis
- distance from crane rotation axis to boom rotation axis
take the crane on caterpillar track SCG25, Q = 13.1 t, H = 19.5 m, Lcr = 9m, Lc = 20 m
Selection of grips and accessories is based on the specification of prefabricated elements. Selected grippers and accessories are placed
2.6 Schedule of installation and related works.
The calendar plan for the construction of the building is designed to determine the sequence and timing of the installation work carried out during the construction of the facility. These deadlines are established as a result of rational linkage of the deadlines of certain types of work, accounting for the composition and quantity of core resources, primarily working teams and leading mechanisms, as well as specific conditions of the construction area, a separate site and a number of other significant factors.
According to the calendar plans, the need for labor and material and technical resources is calculated in time. These. calculations are carried out for the whole object and for individual construction periods. On the basis of the calendar plan, the progress of work is monitored and the work of the performers is coordinated. The work dates calculated in the schedule are used as starting dates in more detailed planning documents, such as weekly schedules and shift jobs.
Schedule development procedure:
--- list (nomenclature) of works is drawn up;
--- in accordance with the nomenclature, for each type of work, their volumes are determined;
--- main work methods and leading machines are selected;
--- normative machine and labor input are calculated;
-- the composition of brigades and links is determined;
--- process sequence of works execution is determined;
--- work replacement is established;
-- determine the duration of works and their combination, adjust the number of performers and shift;
--- calculated duration is compared with standard duration and adjustments are made;
Resource schedules are developed on the basis of the plan implemented.
If there are routings, they are linked to local conditions. Input data of maps are accepted as calculated for individual work complexes of the site schedule. So, having a process plan for the installation of a standard floor, to compile a schedule for the construction of the building, the installation deadlines and the need for resources are accepted in the maps.
The work schedule at the site consists of two parts: left - calculation and right - graphic: the graphic part can be linear or network.
Column I is filled in the process sequence of works with grouping by their types.
In order for the schedule to be concise, work, with the exception of performed by different performers (BC, sections, teams or links), must be combined. In the complex of works of one contractor, the part that opens the front for the work of the next brigade should be shown separately.
The scope of work (gr. 2, 3) is determined according to working drawings and estimates and is expressed in units accepted in uniform ratios and rates (ENiR).
Labor intensity of works (rp. 4) and machine time costs (gr. 5, 6)
are calculated according to the current AENi R taking into account the planned growth in labor productivity by introducing a correction factor for excess compliance. Local and departmental norms and rates (MNiR and MNiR) or enlarged norms are used along with MNiR.
The enlarged standards take into account the level of productivity achieved. In the absence of aggregated norms, you first compile a labor cost estimate, the results of which are transferred to the schedule.
By the time the schedule is drawn up, work methods must be defined and machines and mechanisms selected. When drawing up the schedule, conditions for intensive operation of the main machines should be provided.
The work schedule - the right part of the schedule - clearly shows the progress of work in time, sequence and linkage of work with each other.
Calendar deadlines for the performance of individual works are established on the condition of strict technological sequence, taking into account the provision of the work front in the minimum deadlines for subsequent works.
The main method of reducing the construction time of facilities is in-line parallel and combined construction and installation work. Works that are not connected to each other must be performed in parallel and independently of each other. If there is a technological connection between the works within the common front, the sections of their execution are shifted accordingly and the works are performed in combination. At the same time, it is necessary to especially strictly observe labor protection rules. Related works (welding, sealing and sealing of joints, opening of joints) are performed simultaneously with installation in sections
2.7. Occupational safety, fire safety and environmental protection measures.
The composition and content of safety solutions in the work execution projects shall comply with the requirements of SNiP Sh-4-80.
When developing a schedule, it is necessary to provide for a sequence of works so that any of the works performed are not a source of industrial danger for simultaneous or subsequent work.
The terms of work and the need for labor resources should be established taking into account the provision of a safe sequence of work and the time for the implementation of measures to ensure the conditions of safe work (temporary attachment of building structure elements in the design position, installation of slopes or anchorages of excavation walls in the ground, installation of temporary protective barriers during work at height, etc.).
Site lighting shall be designed in accordance with the "Electrical Lighting Design Guidelines for Construction Sites." Lighting shall be provided by the operator,
security and emergency.
The requirements of GOST 2340778 shall be taken into account when selecting the fencing of the construction site area and work areas.
Hazardous areas arising in the course of work shall be taken into account in the process charts or diagrams for the performance of certain types of work when determining the sequence and methods of performance of work.
If it is necessary to work in hazardous areas, the Job Instruction shall include measures to protect workers from the action of industrial hazard.
The location of construction machines shall be determined so that space is provided for viewing the working area and maneuvering, provided that the safety distance near the fixed excavation, stacks of cargo, equipment is observed.
The choice of mechanization means shall ensure compliance of the technical characteristics of the machine with the conditions of work performance.
Workstations shall be designed on stable and durable structures taking into account hazardous areas.
When organizing workplaces, the issues of equipping them with means of collective protection, rational technological equipment, means of small mechanization, mechanized tools, devices to ensure the safe performance of work should be resolved.
When organizing jobs at a height, collective protection means - enclosing and catching devices should be used.
Workplace fences should be arranged if the height of the workplace from the ground surface is I, 3 m or more, the distance from the edge of the height difference is less than 2 m.
Mechanical soil development is permitted at a distance of at least 2 m from the side wall and at least I m above the top of the pipe, cable, etc.
Soil left after mechanized development shall be completed manually without impact tools
The main requirements for fences when erecting the above-ground part of the building: reusability, ease of installation and dismantling; reliability of the fence attachment unit to elements of building structures.
When using scavenging tools, inventory structures that meet the regulatory and technical documentation should be used.
Atypical scavenging means shall be used if they are manufactured according to a project approved in accordance with the established procedure.
Slinging methods of the structures to be moved shall exclude sliding of the load to be moved.
Calculation of flexible slings is carried out in accordance with item 107 "Rules for devices and safe operation of lifting cranes."
In the process charts for excavation works it should be indicated: methods of ensuring soil stability in the arrangement of pits and trenches; safety measures when installing construction machines, placing materials or soil along the edges of trenches and pits; solutions ensuring invariability of position and preservation of existing communications.
conditions determining the possibility of providing stability of vertical walls of recesses without anchorages are specified in SNiP 6-4-80. If the specified values are exceeded, as well as if there are groundwater, it is necessary to provide for fixtures.
If the excavation depth is more than 3 m, the calculation of the excavation anchorages should be given in the explanatory note. When performing earthworks in conditions of crossing of existing communications, special devices shall be provided to ensure unchanged position and preservation of existing communications
The possibility of placing construction materials and machines along the edges of the recesses should be established by calculation, the strength of the recesses attachment is determined taking into account the value and dynamics of the created load.
The Job Instructions for erection shall contain specific instructions to prevent the risk of falling of structures, products or materials from operation from height, falling when they are moved by crane or when stability is lost during erection or storage.
When erecting brick and frame panel buildings, it is recommended to use protective devices from network materials of TsNIIOMTP design.
If a safety belt is used, the Job Instruction shall contain instructions on the method of its fixation. Safety ropes or safety devices shall be used for ease of operation with safety belt.
As a safety device for fastening the safety belt carbine during the construction of residential and civil buildings, it is recommended that the device developed by the Mosorgstroy trust, the Mosstroymitet, consisting of a drum with a guide rope wound inside, a drum handle for tensioning the rope, a stop for fixing the length of the rope and two carbines to attach the free end of the rope and the drum itself to the mounting loops of structural elements. Adapter ropes are connected to guide rope
The safety belt carbine can be attached either to the guide rope or to the transition ropes.
No more than three safety belts can be connected to the guide cable. The weight of the device is 15 kg.
When selecting load-gripping devices, it should be provided for the use of structures having a device for remote placement of loads and providing safe working conditions for disassembly of structures.
When selecting an installation tooling, the advantage should be taken of devices that allow you to combine the performance of several working operations at the same time (for example, reconciliation and temporary fixation of structures) or improve the safety of the operation. As mounting equipment used for temporary attachment of wall panels, it is recommended to use the Mosorgstroy brace, which ensures that the panel is fixed without the use of scooping tools.
For temporary fixation of balcony plates, the Orgtekhstroy trust of the Ministry of Construction of the BSSR is recommended, which allows for temporary fixation of the balcony plate and the floor slab, but not under the installed slab, as when using traditional posts.
When developing Job Instructions for masonry works, solutions should be provided to prevent the collapse of structures under construction, as well as the fall of workers from a height.
In order to prevent the collapse of masonry and working flooring, the following shall be specified (provided): the maximum height of free-standing stone walls; temporary attachment of erected walls above the maximum permissible height; permissible loads on the working floor and their layout.
Stone works performed at negative temperatures shall contain decisions to ensure labor safety during masonry performed by freezing method, as well as for thawing period.
The map indicates: the maximum permissible height of masonry of walls and pillars for the thawing period; temporary fasteners for unloading of load-bearing structures and spacers; Methods of strengthening walls, pillars and other structures, if necessary; time of holding of individual elements of structures (arches of arches) at negative temperatures on solutions with or without chemical additives until their dissolution and during unloading.
1. Technology of construction production: textbook S.S. Ataev, N.N. Dashkov, etc. M., Stroyizdat, 1984
2. Sergeeva O.G., Pantyukhov O.E. Earthworks (textbook). Gomel, 1994.
3. Mironov A.S. Theory and methods of winter concreting. M., Stroyizdat, 1994.
4. Uniform standards and rates for construction, installation and repair and construction works. Sat. 2. Earthworks. Out. 1. Mechanized and manual land works. M., Stroyizdat, 1987.
5. Price tag No. 2 is the engine of construction work and equipment.
6. Bui V.I. Excavation at the construction site., Gomel, 1972, parts I, II, III.
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