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Course project "Ventilation of a public building"


Course project "Ventilation of a public building." The graph part includes: plan, section, basement plan, axonometric diagrams (plenum ventilation, exhaust mechanical, and natural).

Project's Content

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icon Поясниетельная записка (вентиляция общественного здания).docx

Additional information



1. Calculation of heat inputs, heat losses, moisture and gas emissions in the design room of the building

2. Determination of required air exchanges for different harmful emissions in the calculated periods of the year and selection of calculated air exchange in the calculated room

3. Selection of calculated air exchange by enlarged indicators for other rooms of the building

4. Determination of number and location of plenum and exhaust ventilation units

5. Selection of fundamental solutions for supply and removal of ventilation air for building premises. Resolving Duct Material and Building Placement

6. Determination of dimensions of ventilation grates

7. Aerodynamic calculation of ventilation systems

8. Calculation and selection of ventilation equipment

8.1Air filters

8.2 Calorifers

8.3 Selection of fan

8.4 Selection of umbrellas and deflectors

8.5.Development of noise level reduction measures, calculation of noise silencer

List of sources used

Determination of number and location of supply and exhaust ventilation units

The building has designed 4 ventilation systems: plenum mechanical, natural exhaust and two mechanical exhaust systems, one of which is designed separately for bathrooms.

Since the kindergarten building has a basement, the height of which is sufficient to accommodate the necessary equipment, there is a plenum chamber and a fan. From the basement there is a plenum mine on two floors. Air is supplied to the rooms using horizontal ducts. Fans of mechanical exhaust systems are installed in the basement, from where air is removed through the exhaust shafts.

Selection of basic solutions for ventilation air supply and removal for building premises. Resolving Duct Material and Building Placement

Ventilation ducts are laid under the ceiling of the basement and are made of steel or slag concrete and slag gypsum slabs.

Air intake louvers are installed in air intake shafts or in wall openings with such condition that the bottom of the grid is located at a height of at least 2 m from the ground level.

Only channels from related rooms can be combined into one exhaust plant. Channels from bathrooms are combined into an independent system.

Air is released through the shafts. The outer walls of the exhaust shafts shall be insulated to avoid condensation of water vapors from the removed air. To protect against rain, snow and garbage, an umbrella or deflector is installed above the mine (the latter helps to increase traction). Exhaust shafts are brought out above the flat roof by at least 0.5 m.

Rectangular air ducts are placed under the ceiling of spaces.

Drawings content

icon Граф часть (вентиляция).dwg

Граф часть (вентиляция).dwg

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