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Course project: "Heating of a residential building"

  • Added: 17.08.2012
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1 Initial data

2 Heat engineering calculation of external enclosures

3 Calculation of heat losses of heated rooms

4 Description of heating system

4.1 Heating system

4.2 Main components of the heating system

5 Calculation of elevator input

6 Hydraulic calculation of pipelines

7 Heating Fixture Surface Calculation

8 Description of ventilation system

9 Aerodynamic calculation of ventilation system


List of sources used


The thermal mode in the premises of the building, provided by the heating and ventilation system, is determined primarily by the thermal and thermophysical properties of the enclosing structures. In this regard, high requirements are placed on the choice of the design of external fences that protect the premises of a residential building from complex climatic impacts, such as: sharp supercooling or overheating, humidification, freezing and thawing, steam and air permeation.

The purpose of this course project is to study the device and principles of calculating the system of engineering support of a residential building, to familiarize with the principle of operation and the structure of the main technological equipment of sanitary and technical systems. Heat supply and ventilation systems shall comply with architectural, planning and structural solutions of a residential building.

Main elements of the heating system

Lines are pipelines connecting the main supply riser and distribution supply and return riser. Highways are laid along perimeter of building along external walls. Lines are laid with slope of 0.002. The slope is necessary to organize the air discharge (at the upper point of the system) and the removal of coolant (at the lower point of the system). Slope is provided towards elevator assembly.

The risers of the heating system are G- and T-shaped. The purpose of the risers is to minimize their quantity. A separate riser is designed for a staircase (L-shaped). Risers are laid open along external walls, mainly under window openings and slope is provided.

The radiator assembly includes a heating device, a supply and return supply, a closing section and control valves. This heating system employs a flow-controlled radiator assembly with an offset closing section. When connecting the staircase device, a flow radiator assembly is used.

Shutoff, control and drain valves are used in the heating system. Shutoff valves are used to disconnect individual parts of the system (branches, risers). In the case of pipeline diameter less than 50 mm - 15KCH18P (common flow valve), at diameter more than 50 mm - gate valves of 30CH6BR type are used as shutoff valves. Diameter of reinforcement is taken equal to diameter of conditional passage of pipeline. Shutoff valves are installed at the entrance to the building to the elevator assembly, at the branch from the elevator assembly to the heating system and on the risers of the heating system. Control valves are installed in radiator units, it is designed to control the flow rate of coolant passing through the heating device. Drain valves are provided to discharge air and heat carrier from the heating system. The drain valves are represented by an ordinary flow valve, which is installed on the supply inlet. The drain valves are placed in the lower point of the system before and after the shutoff valves in the direction of the coolant movement .

Description of ventilation system

Ventilation - the process of replacing the contaminated air of the premises with clean outdoor. C-ventilation system - a complex of engineering devices and equipment designed for the preparation, transportation and distribution of air in the room. Depending on the organization of air exchange, the selected ventilation system is general (serves the entire volume of the room), for functional purposes - exhaust (removes air from the room), for the method of air movement - natural. Ventilation with extraction from sanitary units and kitchens are arranged in the designed residential building through rectangular channels located in the thickness of the brick wall. External supply air for compensation of natural exhaust is supplied through looseness of windows and doors. In each apartment, the ventilation channels of the bathroom and bathroom are combined, as well as the ventilation channels of the bathroom (without a toilet) and the kitchen .

The organized ventilation system of the building includes aeration - the process of ventilation by opening framugs and doors - as well as a channel ventilation system, which consists of the following elements: exhaust ventilation grid, air duct (channel), prefabricated box, exhaust shaft and deflector (umbrella). Exhaust grates use two types - adjustable (louver and slot) and unregulated (stamped). Grilles are manufactured according to the series P 150 II at manufacturers. Since the building does not have the possibility of using canals or ventilation units, they arrange attached air ducts in residential rooms, as well as bathrooms and steel kitchens. The section of air ducts is normalized by SNiP "Heating, ventilation and conditioning" and calculated during aerodynamic calculation. Additional air ducts are arranged along internal partitions under floor ceiling. Exhaust shafts in ventilation system are provided with separate channels for each ventilated room. The prefabricated duct of the ventilation system ends with the exhaust shaft. The exhaust shafts are made of brick and arranged in the highest part of the attic, from the side of the stingray facing the courtyard facade. A necessary condition of the exhaust shaft arrangement is a thermal insulation arrangement along the perimeter of the shaft to avoid condensation. Height of shaft above roof is determined by distance from roof (near pipe) to bottom of outlet hole (2.5 m). Equipped with umbrella (deflector). Deflector - a device designed to increase traction from natural ventilation channels.

Drawing from residential rooms is not provided if the total air exchange of the bathroom and kitchen exceeds the air exchange of residential rooms of the apartment. Conversely, if the total air exchange of residential rooms exceeds the air exchange of the bathroom and kitchen, then from the residential rooms there is an extract in the amount of difference between these air exchanges .

The area of the exhaust channel is 0.02 m2. Exhaust channels of each apartment are grouped, combined in attic, besides, each ventilated room has its own separate ventilation channel.

For residential buildings, the following standards of air exchange are provided: natural inflow - through windows and framugs. The natural extract is:

- for living rooms;

- for kitchens;

- for bathrooms and bathrooms (separate).

To calculate total air exchange of rooms, total area of living rooms of each apartment multiplied by 3 is calculated, as well as total area of bathrooms and kitchens of each apartment multiplied by (for kitchens) and (for each bathroom).

When calculating exhaust from residential rooms, it is obtained that in three-room apartments it is necessary to provide exhaust from residential rooms, since the total air exchange of residential rooms exceeds the air exchange of the bathroom and kitchen. The difference in air exchanges is 3.85 and 8.44, respectively, in each three-room apartment.


Thus, during the course project, the following tasks were completed: study of the device and principles of calculating the heating system of a residential building, familiarization with the principle of operation and the device of the main technological equipment of this system, hydraulic calculation of pipelines was performed, as well as calculation of the surface of heating units. In addition, the elevator input of the heating system was calculated, the heat loss of the heated rooms was calculated, and the thermal technical calculation of the external fences of the building was also made. In addition, an exhaust ventilation system was designed, an aerodynamic calculation of the system was made. The heat supply and ventilation system meet the architectural, planning and structural solutions of the residential building.

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