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Course project on the technology of manufacturing a glass part

  • Added: 24.02.2024
  • Size: 25 MB
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Composition and content of the work.

1. Introduction

2. Initial data for design

3. Technology section

3.1 Analysis of initial data for design

3.1.1 Service Part Assignment

3.1.2Design and technological characteristics of the part

3.1.3 Calculation of the release cycle, determination of the type of production

3.2 Manufacturability Analysis of Part Design

3.3 Selection of the initial workpiece and the method of its manufacture

3.3.1 Selection of the method of obtaining the workpiece

3.3.2 Assigning allowances and tolerances and determining the as-built dimensions of the workpiece

3.3.3 Determination of as-built dimensions of the workpiece

3.4 Selection of Technological Bases

3.4.1 Selection of Technological Bases for the First Operation

3.4.2 Selection of sets of main technological bases

3.5 Standard Process Selection and Basic Case Analysis

3.6 Development of the technological process for the manufacture of the part

3.6.1 Developing a surface treatment route

3.6.2 Forming the Part Processing Route

3.6.3 Selection of process equipment

4. Conclusion

5. Technological documentation (development of a route map)

Recommended Sources


1 Sheet Part Drawing

 2 Sheet Workpiece Drawing

Sheet 3 Processing Route Sketch Map

3D model of the part and workpiece

The graphic part is made in the Compass 20th version.

Project's Content

icon Пояснительная записка.docx
icon Стакан заготовка А1.cdw
icon Стакан деталь А1.cdw
icon карта эскизов А1.cdw
icon Модель стакан.m3d
icon модель.m3d

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Drawings content

icon Стакан заготовка А1.cdw

Стакан заготовка А1.cdw

icon Стакан деталь А1.cdw

Стакан деталь А1.cdw

icon карта эскизов А1.cdw

карта эскизов А1.cdw

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