Automate the production process of manufacturing a Glass part
- Added: 17.05.2023
- Size: 5 MB
- Downloads: 1
Course work on the discipline Automation of production processes.
In this work, the TP for the manufacture of the "Glass" part is automated
The work contains: set-up code for the CNC machine, improved TP, operating skills
Project's Content
Spetsifikatsia (1).spw
содержание (В приложении вставить распечатанный тех. процесс (файл «ТП.tdoc»)) .docx
Чертеж rehcfx.cdw
Эскиз 1 операции.cdw
Эскиз 1 операции.png
Эскиз 2.cdw
эскиз 3.cdw
Additional information
Spetsifikatsia (1).spw
Чертеж rehcfx.cdw
Эскиз 1 операции.cdw
Эскиз 2.cdw
эскиз 3.cdw
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