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Course project on metrology 11 knot

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Course project on metrology. 11 node. Drawings, DBE, Specification

Project's Content

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Additional information

Main goals and objectives of cross-industry documentation systems

At present, deep cooperation, cross-sectoral linkages of enterprises, as well as the need to harmonize standards with international ones, have necessitated the creation of integrated systems of cross-sectoral standards. These systems combine several dozen progressive standards in each complex, covering all stages of the product life cycle: research and design, production preparation, production, operation and repair.

Unified Design Documentation System (ESKD)

The ESKD establishes for all organizations of the country a single procedure for the organization of design, common rules for the execution and design of drawings and drawing management, which simplifies design work, improves the quality and level of interchangeability of products and facilitates reading and understanding of drawings in different organizations. ESKD allows the use of computer technologies for the design and processing of technical documents. The ESKD standards maintain continuity with previous standards, as well as ensure consistency of drawing rules and diagrams with ISO and IEC recommendations.

The main areas of development of the ESKD are related to the use of 2D and 3D modeling computer technologies using Solid Works, TFlex, AutoCAD, etc. Design automation systems (CAD) based on Quick Calc machine part calculation systems and Win Machine replacing it are widely used. The use of information technologies in designing new products, working in an integrated CADCAM environment, working with 3-dimensional models of parts and assemblies allows you to use a large amount of information. The result of this work is the possibility of obtaining associative 2-dimensional drawings, compiling the technology of processing parts both on CNC machines and on simple equipment.

Unified Process Documentation System (AETD)

Technological documentation, like design documentation, largely determines the labor intensity, duration of production preparation and quality of products. The ESTD is a set of state standards that establish interconnected rules for the development, design and circulation of technological documentation. The main purpose of the AETD standards is to establish uniform rules for the preparation and circulation of technological documents in organizations and enterprises. The rules and regulations for the development, preparation and circulation of documentation established in the standards of the AETD apply to all types of technological documents.

The standards of this system should ensure continuity of the main provisions of the ESKD standards; they should provide for the possibility of its development, filling and processing by means of information technologies. The documentation should be based on the wide application of typical (group) processes (operations). The expansion of the scope of application of standard technological processes dramatically reduces the volume of work of the technologist and the volume of developed documentation. The introduction of AETD standards plays a significant role in the selection of a single technological language used by industrial organizations and enterprises, which allows increasing the level of technological development and laying high guarantees of the quality of products and increasing labor productivity in technological processes. Together with other countries, work is underway to develop a system of technological documents using computer technologies, which contributes to the expansion of technical international ties.

Life Safety Standards

The Occupational Safety Standards System (WSS) has an important social function to prevent accidents and accidents in order to protect people's health at work and in the home. Within the framework of this system, all existing regulatory and technical documents on occupational safety are interlinked and systematized, including numerous norms and regulations on occupational health and safety of both federal and sectoral importance. The SSBT is a multilevel system of interrelated standards aimed at occupational safety.

Requirements of SSBT standards shall be included in industry and enterprise standards and accordingly in all types of design, process and design documentation. Practical items are implemented in the form of safety instructions in enterprises. The main provisions of the SSBT are contained in other sets of standards, such as: ESKD, AETD, SRPP, GSI, etc.

The SSBT is the regulatory framework for mandatory certification. The SSBT requirements are as harmonized as possible with similar ISO and IEC documents. The preparation of safety standards is aimed at identifying parameters of standardization objects that have a negative impact on human beings and the environment. Security methods for each of these parameters are also established.

The main goal of safety standardization is to find protection against various types of hazards. For example, the IEC included in the sphere of safety issues: the danger of electrocution, fire hazard, explosion hazard, chemical hazard, biological hazard, the danger of equipment radiation from: sound, infrared, radio frequency, ultraviolet, ionizing, radiation sources, etc.

The System of Standards for the Conservation and Improvement of the Use of Natural Resources (SSSA) is a set of interrelated standards for the conservation, restoration and management of natural resources (SSSA). This system is aimed at ensuring the rational interaction of human activities with the natural environment. The system provides for the provision, preservation and restoration of natural resources, the rational use of natural resources. The SSOP aims to prevent the harmful effects (direct or indirect) of the activities of human society on the nature and health of the person himself. The system is developed in accordance with the current legislation taking into account environmental, sanitary, technical and economic requirements.

Safety in Emergency Situations (PSA) is represented by a set of standards, the main purpose of which is to improve the effectiveness of disaster management activities at the federal, regional and local levels; ensuring the security of the population and objects of the national economy in natural, man-made, biological-social and military emergencies; prevention or reduction of damage in emergency situations; efficient use and saving of material and labour resources; Prevention and elimination of emergencies.

Unified Programme Document System (EPPA)

The EPPA system establishes rules for the development, design and circulation of programs and program documentation. Uniform requirements for the development, maintenance, manufacture and operation of programs and program documentation ensure: unification of software products for mutual exchange of programs and application of previously developed programs in new developments; reduction of labour intensity and increase of efficiency of development, maintenance, manufacture and operation of software products; automation of production and storage of software documentation.

The development of the ESPA system is facilitated by the intensive development of information technologies. Such technologies increase the efficiency of business processes performed during the LC product.

The use of shared information models, which are a single source of information and standardized methods of access to data, is the basis for effective information cooperation among all LC participants. Improving the efficiency of an organizational structure that supports one or more stages of a product LC is achieved by modeling the product life cycle and running business processes and further analyzing the functioning of this model. The purpose of the analysis is to identify the existing interaction between the components and evaluate the optimality of this interaction.

Thanks to modern telecommunications, the geographical position and state affiliation of partners is no longer fundamentally. Such information interaction capabilities allow you to build cooperation in the form of virtual enterprises operating during the LC product. In the processes of design, production and operation, information integration operates, which leads to a reduction in the cost of paper paperwork, re-entry and processing of information; ensuring continuity of work results in integrated projects and the possibility of changing the composition of participants without losing the results achieved. Increased competitiveness of products designed and manufactured in an integrated environment using modern computer technologies and having information support at the operation stage. The specified quality of products in the integrated LC support system is ensured by electronic documentation of all processes and procedures.

Interstate Standardization System (IPCC)

Interstate standardization (GOST 1.092) is the standardization of objects of interstate interest. The objects of interstate standardization are: general technical norms and requirements.

The objectives of interstate standardization in accordance with the agreement are: protection of the interests of consumers and each state party to the agreement in matters of the quality of products, services and processes that ensure the safety of life, health and property of the population, protection of the environment. Compatibility and interchangeability of products and technical requirements shall be ensured. Typical products for general engineering applications, for example: bearings, gears, threaded parts, etc., must comply with one standard. Software and technical tools of information technologies, reference data on properties of materials and substances shall be identical.

In the field of metrology, joint work programs are implemented in several areas: transfer of sizes of units of physical quantities; development and revision of basic interstate normative documents on metrology; creation and application of standard samples of composition and properties of substances and materials; non-destructive testing methods.

Drawings content

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