Course project in the discipline "Design of logging and wood processing plants"

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Development of the master plan of the woodworking enterprise in the discipline "Design of logging and wood processing plants" (on an individual assignment)
Maintenance............................................................................ 4
1 Development of a master plan for a woodworking enterprise.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1.1 General requirements for detailed design documentation.......................................................................................................... 5
1.2 General Requirements for Planned Industrial Site Solution and Zoning................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7,
1.3 Requirements for location of industrial, domestic, administrative buildings, structures and warehouses on site.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.4 Fire and sanitary breaks................................. 9
1.5 In-plant transport. Organization of cargo flows............. 10
1.5 Landscaping..................................................... 11
1.7 Technical and economic indicators........................................... 14
2 Calculation of the composition and areas of domestic premises......................... 16
2.1 Calculation of dressing rooms areas.............................................. 19
2.2 Calculation of shower areas............................................................. 20
2.3Accalculation of washrooms areas.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
2.4 Calculation of areas of foot baths and latrines................................... 22
2.5 Calculation of smoking and recreation areas............. 23
2.6 Calculation of composition and areas of administrative premises......... 23
3 Development of building plan, workplace organization and equipment layout plan.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Conclusion..................................................................... 25
Project's Content
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Additional information
1 Development of master plan of woodworking enterprise
1.1 General requirements for detailed documentation of master plans
1.2 General Requirements for Planned Industrial Site Solution and Zoning
1.3 Requirements for location of industrial, domestic, administrative and economic buildings, structures and warehouses on site
1.4 Fire and sanitary breaks
1.5 In-plant transport. Organization of cargo flows
1.5 Landscaping
1.7 Technical and economic indicators
2 Calculation of the composition and areas of domestic premises
2.1 Calculation of dressing room areas
2.2 Calculation of shower areas
2.3Accalculation of wash areas
2.4 Calculation of areas of foot baths and latrines
2.5 Calculation of smoking and rest areas
2.6 Calculation of composition and areas of administrative premises
3 Development of building plan, workplace organization and equipment layout plan
The discipline of designing logging and wood processing plants is aimed at studying the methodological issues of designing woodworking enterprises, regulatory and management materials of resource-saving technologies, space-planning and structural solutions of production buildings.
Development of the master plan of the woodworking enterprise
1.1 General requirements for detailed documentation of master plans
Working documentation of master plans shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21.508.
The main set of plot plan work drawings typically include the following:
a breakdown plan;
a land improvement plan;
Road plan;
Rail Track Plan.
Working drawing plans have a long side of the conditional boundary of the territory along the long side of the sheet, while the northern part of the territory should be located at the top.
Most commonly, work drawing plans are run on a scale
1:500 or 1:1000.
On the marking plan (plan of location of buildings and constructions) put and specify:
construction geodetic grid;
a "red" line separating the territory of the highway, street, passage and square from the territory intended for development;
fences with gates and gates or a conditional boundary of the territory;
buildings and structures, including communication (racks, tunnels);
production sites and warehouses;
roads and paved areas;
railway tracks;
improvement elements (sidewalks, sports and recreation areas);
elements and structures of the layout relief (slopes, retaining walls, ramps);
drainage facilities;
pointer to the north with an arrow with the letter "C" at the tip (in the upper left corner of the sheet).
The construction geodetic grid is applied to the entire plot plan in the form of squares with sides of 10 cm for all scales. The origin is taken in the lower left corner of the sheet. The axes of the construction geodetic grid are indicated by Arabic numbers corresponding to the number of hundreds of meters from the origin, and capital letters of the Russian alphabet:
0A (origin); 1A; 2 And: FOR - horizontal axes;
0B (origin); 1B; 2B; ZB are vertical axes.
In the 1:500 scale drawings, the axes of the construction geodetic grid are:
0A (origin); 0A +50; 1A; 1A +50; 2A; 2A + 50 - horizontal
0B (origin); 0B +50; 1B; 1B +50; 2B; 2B + 50 - vertical axes.
Buildings (structures) on the plan are applied on the scale of the drawing with indication of openings of the gates and doors, extreme axes and, if necessary, coordinates of the axes of the gates or binding of the gates to the coordination axes of the building. Inside the outline of the building, indicate its number, located in the lower right corner. On the outline of the building, coordinates of the intersection points of its coordination axes in its two opposite corners are indicated, and in case of complex configuration of the building or its location not parallel to the axes of the construction geodetic grid - in all corners. For centric structures - the coordinates of the center and one characteristic point, as well as the diameter. For linear structures - axis coordinate or coordinates of individual sections. Around the outline of the building show the pavement and entrance ramps, external stairs and platforms at the entrances.
Drawing of master plan elements is performed by schematic graphical symbols as per GOST 21.204.
The plans include the explication of buildings and structures. In the column "Coordinates of grid square" specify coordinates of the lower left corner of the square of the construction geodetic grid, within the limits of which its number is inscribed on the image of the building.
1.2 General Requirements for Planned Industrial Site Solution and Zoning
Industrial enterprises are placed on the territory provided for by the scheme or master plan of the settlement, the project of planning of the industrial district.
When placing enterprises that affect the state of atmospheric air, the "Law of the Russian Federation on the protection of atmospheric air" must be observed.
An enterprise with sources of atmospheric air pollution should be located on the deviation to residential buildings, taking into account the winds of the predominant direction.
The planning of the enterprise sites should provide the most favorable conditions for the production process and labor at enterprises, rational and economic use of land plots, the greatest efficiency of capital investments.
In terms of functional use, the site of the enterprise is divided into the following zones:
- warehouse.
The pre-factory zone of the enterprise is located from the side of the main entrances and approaches of workers at the enterprise. There should be open areas for parking cars, footpaths, protective wood strips.
The production zone includes the territory on which production buildings and structures of main industries and management institutions are located.
Power supply, water supply, sewerage, transport, repair facilities, fire station are located in the auxiliary zone.
1.3 Requirements for location of industrial, domestic, administrative and economic buildings, structures and warehouses on site
Large buildings and main driveways on the site of the enterprise are arranged so that their longitudinal axes are at an angle of no more than 45 ° to the prevailing wind direction.
Buildings and structures, open installations with production processes that release gas, smoke, dust, explosive and fire hazardous objects into the atmosphere are not located in relation to other production buildings and structures from the windward side for winds, predominant direction.
Stores of flammable products, combustible materials and poisonous substances should not be located in relation to production buildings and structures from the windward side.
The passage points of the enterprise should be located at a distance of not more than 1.5 km from each other. The distance from the passage points to the entrances to the sanitary facilities of the main workshops should not exceed 800 m. At large distances from the passage points to the most remote sanitary facilities on the site of the enterprise, intra-factory passenger transport is provided.
In front of access points and entrances to sanitary facilities, canteens and control buildings, there are sites at a rate of no more than 0.15 m per person of the largest shift.
1.4 Fire and sanitary breaks
Depending on the degree of fire resistance and the category of production, the distances between buildings and structures are taken not less than those specified in GOST 21.50893 .
The distance from ground warehouses to buildings and structures, as well as the distance between the specified warehouses shall be not less than the specified GOST 21.50893.
You cannot place the same materials in two or more warehouses.
Buildings forming semi-enclosed courtyards can be used in cases where the planning decision cannot be made according to the conditions of the technology.
Semi-closed yards should be located with a long side parallel to the converting direction of the winds or with a deviation of no more than 45 degrees, while the open side of the yard should face the windward side of the winds of the prevailing direction. The width of the half-closed courtyard at buildings illuminated through window openings should be at least half a million heights to the top of the cornice of opposing buildings forming the courtyard, but at least 15 m.
In the absence of harmful production emissions into the courtyard, the width of the courtyard can be reduced to 12 m. Semi-enclosed
a courtyard built up on three sides by adjacent buildings and having in terms of depth to width more than one.
The use of buildings forming courtyards closed on all sides is allowed only in the presence of technological or planning justifications and subject to the following conditions:
- the width of the courtyard shall not be less than the maximum height to the top of the cornice of the buildings forming the courtyard, but not less than 18 m;
- through ventilation of the yard shall be ensured by means of openings in buildings, not less than 4 m wide and not less than 4.5 m high.
In enclosed and semi-enclosed yards, additions to buildings, as well as the placement of separate buildings and structures, as a rule, are not allowed.
The distance between buildings and structures illuminated through window openings shall not be less than the highest height to the top of the cornice of opposing buildings and structures .
1.5 In-plant transport. Organization of cargo flows
The choice of the type of intra-plant transport for enterprises is made on the basis of the results of technical and economic comparisons of various options, taking into account the organization of a single transport process with the transfer of processed materials from their storage places to the places of consumption by the same vehicles, bypassing transshipment from inter-plant to intra-plant transport.
The transport scheme of the industrial hub should include:
combination of transport facilities and devices for different modes of transport;
the use of structures and devices designed for other purposes for earthwork and artificial structures of railways and roads;
possibility of further development of the external transport scheme.
Enterprises with site sizes greater than 5 hectares should have at least two entrances. If the size of the site side of the enterprise is more than 1000 m, at least two entrances are provided on this side.
The width of the gate of road entrances to the site of the enterprise is taken by the largest width of the used cars plus 1.5 m, but not less than 4.5 m, and the width of the gate for railway entrances - at least 4.9 m.
Fire-fighting vehicles shall be accessible to buildings and structures along their entire length:
- on one side - with the width of the building or structure up to 18 m;
- on both sides - with a width of more than 18 m.
The distance from the side stone or edge of the reinforced side of the roads to the building and structure is not less than those specified in GOST 21.204.
The distance from the axis of the in-plant railway tracks to the building and structures shall be at least as specified in GOST 21.204.
1.6 Landscaping
Enterprises and industrial units located in areas exposed to winds with an average speed of more than 10 m/s in the three coldest months are protected by strips of wood plantations from winds of the predominant direction. The width of the strips must be at least 40 m.
For landscaping of the sites, the enterprises use local types of wood-shrub plants, taking into account their sanitary, protective and decorative properties and resistance to harmful substances released by the enterprise.
On the sites of enterprises that release harmful substances into the atmosphere, it is not allowed to place shrub plantations in the form of dense groups and stripes that cause accumulation of hazards.
The area of plots intended for landscaping within the fence of the enterprise is determined on the basis of at least 3 m2 per worker in the largest shift.
For enterprises with 300 or more employees per 1 hectare of the site of the enterprise, the area of plots intended for landscaping can be reduced based on the provision of the established indicator of building density. The size limit for landscaping shall not exceed 15% of the plant area.
The distance from the building to trees and shrubs shall be at least as specified in GOST 21.204.
These standards apply to trees with a crown diameter of not more than 5 m and should be increased accordingly for trees with a crown of larger size.
The distance between the boundary of tree plantations and cooling ponds and spray pools, counting from the coastal edge, is taken at least 40 m.
The main element of landscaping of industrial sites is lawn.
On the territory of the enterprise provide landscaped areas for recreation and gymnastics exercises. The sites are placed on the windward side in relation to buildings with industries that emit harmful emissions into the atmosphere.
Sidewalks are provided along main and production roads in all cases, regardless of the intensity of pedestrian traffic, and along passages and entrances - with a traffic intensity of at least 100 people per shift. The width of the sidewalk is taken as a multiple of the traffic lane 0.75 m wide. The number of traffic lanes along the sidewalk is set depending on the number of workers employed in the largest shift in the building to which the sidewalk leads, at the rate of 750 people. one lane shift. The minimum width of the sidewalk should be at least 1.5 m. With a traffic intensity of less than 100 people. sidewalks 1 m wide are allowed in both directions.
Sidewalks on the site of the enterprise or the territory of the industrial hub are located no closer than 3.75 m from the nearest normal gauge railway track. Reduction of this distance is allowed with the installation of railings enclosing the sidewalk. The distance from the sidewalks to the fascia of the highway is allowed to be at least 2 m. The location of the sidewalks close to the roadway is allowed only in the conditions of reconstruction of the enterprise.
Sidewalks along buildings are arranged:
with the organized removal of water from the roofs of buildings - close to the building line with an increase in this case in the width of the sidewalk by 0.5 m compared to the one prescribed by the standards;
with unorganized water removal from roofs - at least 1.5 m from the building line.
During the reconstruction of enterprises located on shaded sections, it is allowed, with appropriate justification, to increase the width of roads due to landscaping lanes that separate them from sidewalks, and in the absence of sidewalks with the transfer of the latter.
It is not allowed at the sites of enterprises to cross pedestrian traffic with railway tracks in places of mass passage of workers.
When justifying the need for the device of these intersections, passages in one level are equipped with traffic lights and sound alarms, and also provide visibility of at least 250 m.
In course work, skills were acquired in the development of working drawings of master plans of designed woodworking enterprises. The territory of the developed enterprise plan is 20,000 m2, while the area of buildings and structures is 10576 m2, and the building density is 53%.
As a result of the calculations of the areas of administrative premises, the total area is 295.5 m2, and taking into account the corridors, it is 325.15m2.

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