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Course project for the calculation of reinforcement in reinforced concrete structures

  • Added: 07.03.2022
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Course project for the calculation of reinforcement in reinforced concrete structures

Project's Content

icon по меркулову карачевцев.dwg
icon КП карачевцев.docx

Additional information


1. Layout of Interstage Floor

2. Design of multistage slab 1.2 × 6.2 m

2.1 Calculation of slab by limit states of the first group

2.2 Calculation of slab by limit states of the second group

3. Design of prefabricated girder

3.1 Calculation of the strength of normal cross-sections of the crossbar

3.2 Calculation of cross-bar strength by inclined sections

3.3 Calculation of reinforcement in the girder shelf

4. Middle Column Calculation and Design

4.1 Collection of loads and determination of forces in the column

4.2 Column strength calculation

5. Foundation Calculation and Design

5.1 Determination of foundation dimensions

5.2 Material strength calculation

5.3 Calculation of Foundation Floor Reinforcement

List of literature

List of graphic material:

1 sheet - KZH1 Layout of slab elements, section 1-

2 sheet - KZhI2 Plate reinforcement diagram, sections

3 sheet - KZHA3 Reinforcement articles of slab

4 sheet - KZhI4 cross-bar reinforcement diagram, sections 1-1, 2-2, 3-

5 sheet - KZHA5 Reinforcement articles of girder

6 sheet - KZhI6 Column reinforcement diagram, section 1-

7 sheet - KZHA6 Reinforcement articles of the column

8 sheet - KZhI6 Foundation reinforcement diagram

9 sheet - KZHA6 Reinforcement products of the Foundation

Drawings content
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