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Course project - construction of the above-ground part of the industrial building - car repair depot

  • Added: 26.02.2015
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I. Routing.

1. Purpose and Scope of Task List

Process sheet for the construction of a car repair depot. Dimensions in axes 96x48m, building height 13.95m, bridge crane with lifting capacity of 10 t.

Source data accepted to the project.

Climatic subdivision according to SNiP-I B;

Construction point - Ukhta;

Temperature zone -5;

Structure delivery distance - 14 km;

Relocation distance of cranes, mechanisms and accessories - 150 km;

Type of soil - loam;

The type and material of the walls are large panels made of reinforced concrete with insulation;

Type and material of columns - Reinforced concrete or metal;

Type of load-bearing structures - trusses with parallel belts;

Type and material of coating parts - reinforced concrete slabs;

List of performed works:

Installation of columns;

Termination of column joints;

Installation of foundation beams;

Installation of filling for foundation beams;

Soil compaction;


Installation of crane beams;

Corrosion protection;

Electric welding;

Installation of trusses;

Corrosion protection;

Electric welding;

Termination of joints;

Installation of coating plates;

Corrosion protection;

Electric welding;

Sealing of joints between coating plates;

Installation of wall panels;

Electric welding;

Corrosion protection;

Sealing of joints;

Thermal insulation of joints;

Termination of joints;

Brickwork of external walls - 380mm;

Gate installation;

Deformation seam arrangement;

Installation of stairs ;

Arrangement of the base under the pavement;

Paving with asphalt concrete mixture;

Soil compaction for floors;

Arrangement of concrete floors on the ground;

Project's Content

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Additional information




Job for Course Project

I. Routing

1. Purpose and initial data for JI design

2. Construction Requirements List

3. Bill of Quantities

4. Material Requirements List

5. Calculation of labor and machine time

6. Calculation of brigade composition

7. Calculation and selection of crane

8. Techno-economic comparison of cranes

9. Technology and organization of works

10. Operational Quality Control Diagram

11. Process Standard Set

12. TEP JI

II. Construction Master Plan

1. Purpose and initial data for GWP calculations

2. Calculation of temporary buildings

3. Calculation of storage areas

4. Calculation of water demand

5. Calculation of electricity demand

6. Description of SGP


III. Occupational health and safety

IV. Winterization

V. Literature

VI. Appendix


This course design presents the process plan for the construction of the above-ground part of the car repair depot building. The car repair industry is without exaggeration called the basis of industrial production of any country. The importance of its stable development for the economy is determined by the topics. that over the past century, the sector has remained the sole provider of rail repair and maintenance services. Today it is impossible to imagine a sphere of human life in which railway transport would not be used in one way or another. The sustainability and efficiency of the development of other sectors and the economy as a whole ultimately depends on the degree of development of railway links.

The main function of the car repair enterprise is to periodically restore the design parameters of all types of cars in service, which, during operation, change their technical characteristics due to participation in the transportation process, as well as, as the designs of newly produced cars improve, require a certain modernization.

The prospects for the development of the car repair complex depend on the implementation of targeted complex programs aimed at improving the car repair industry.

The fundamental reform of the car repair industry will allow Russia to enter the world service market of this kind. This will serve as the basis for the stabilization of the economy and the recovery of Russia's industry as a whole .

II. Construction Master Plan

Purpose and initial data for GWP calculations

The construction master plan (construction plan) is a site plan of the object under construction or a complex of objects (production complex), on which, in addition to existing and designed permanent objects, temporary warehouses, devices, communications necessary for construction and installation work, as well as temporary administrative and household buildings are applied.

The design of the construction plan requires the following initial data: underground utilities networks; a work schedule for calculating the demand for materials, parts and structures for the construction period for which the construction plan is drawn up; list and number of construction machines and mechanisms adopted for construction and installation works; list, number and size of temporary buildings, structures and warehouses accepted for maintenance of works and workers, their area and size.

Description of SGP

The construction plan was developed for the facility - "Building of the car repair depot in Ukhta."

During the development of the construction plan, measures are provided for organizing the construction site and conducting work in accordance with SNiP 12.03.2001.

The entrance of construction transport and the passage of workers to the facility is provided from the existing highway .

Mobile container-type inventory buildings are used to accommodate workers.

Temporary provision of the construction site with water, electricity, sewerage is provided from existing networks.

The construction plan shows: the designed building of the Automobile Assembly Plant, with dimensions in the axes of 96x48m, temporary and existing roads, entrance and exit, warehouse, wash, household premises, fences, consecration, sewerage, power lines, water supply.

IV Winterization

Installation of reinforced concrete structures in winter is carried out by the same methods as in summer. The difference is that the project provides for a number of additional measures, a brand of solution and its composition. Structures for installation shall be supplied cleaned of snow, ice, dirt. Storage of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements is allowed only in dry rooms, during transportation of the structure they also protect against rain and snow. Special attention is paid to joined parts of structures, joints are dried before sealing. When elements are joined by uncleaned surfaces, the joint will be fragile. Temperature of solution used for erection of structures: depending on ambient air temperature, ° С.

It is desirable to use the solution before cooling, it is placed in bed before laying to obtain a good reduction of the solution in the seam. The thickness of the joints is performed strictly according to the design, if it is increased, then an uneven precipitation will occur during the thawing period and leads to destruction. Depending on the perceived loads, precast reinforced concrete structures use methods of sealing joints. If the joints do not perceive the calculated forces, they are ground with a 50 grade solution or concrete to which sodium sulfate is added (Na2S04). Before soaking the surfaces of the structures, it is necessary to clean the snow, ice, dirt and warm the icy areas. The concrete mixture and mortar are stacked in conventional layer-by-layer densification techniques. Joints receiving significant design loads are ground with mortar and concrete, the composition of which is indicated in the design. Joints are preheated, then concrete is held by thermos or electric heating.

Duration of concrete mix vibration shall be increased by not less than 25% compared to summer conditions.

Concrete mixture is delivered to the facility with insulated concrete mixer; to the place of laying is supplied by a crane in a badge.

Carrying out certain preventive measures during welding of joints depends on ambient air temperature, steel grades and type of joints.

Especially carefully made is the preparation of edges with the necessary bevel and blunting, as well as with a gap between the edges of at least 3-3.5 mm during manual arc and gas welding.

At a distance of 0.8-1 m to both sides of the joint, the surface should be cleaned of ice, snow and dried with the help of burners, nozzles, etc. The interior shall also be completely cleared of ice and snow. Electrodes need to be calcinated at a temperature of 200 - 220 °C during 1 - 1.5 h. Length of an electrowelding arch has to be minimum. It is necessary to carefully tack the joint.

To ensure minimum internal stresses in the weld area, welding of joints on both sides and back - stepped welding is used. Brewing craters and closing sections of seams is necessary very carefully.

At a temperature of - 20 ° C and below, it is necessary to preheat the welding sites of acetylene with oxygen burners, inductors from the AC network or soldering lamps to a temperature of 150-200 ° C by a width of 100-150 mm on both sides of the joint. During welding, heated places should not cool.

Then the joint must be covered with an asbestos oil belt for 15-20 minutes (belt thickness 2 cm, width 40 cm).

The welding site should be protected from wind and snow; canvas tents, prefabricated booths or other protective devices. The welder must work in warm, comfortable and light clothes.

Drawings content

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