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Continuous distillation column with sieve plates for separation of acetone-ethyl alcohol mixture


The course project "Continuous distillation column with sieve plates for separating the mixture of acetone - ethyl alcohol" was carried out on the basis of practice data.

The project is based on the technological process of separation of a mixture consisting of acetone and ethyl alcohol in a distillation column using sieve plates.

Material and heat balances were made, the main dimensions of the column were determined: its height and diameter, the number of plates; The hydraulic resistance of the apparatus is calculated. A drawing of the column was made in two projections with the development of a node - a sieve plate TS-R.

Source data:

1. The capacity of the plant for the initial mixture Gf is 6000 kg / h.

2. The content of the low-boiling component: 

in the initial mixture  - = 40% (moln.), 

in distillate - = 96%, 

in the bottom balance –= 2%. 

3. Pressure in the column - P total = 760 mm Hg. 

4. The mixture is fed into the column at the boiling point.


1. Material and heat balance.

2. The diameter of the absorber is Dк,  m.

3. The height of the column is NK , m.

4. Hydraulic resistance – ∆r, kPa.

Project's Content

icon fizhimosnov1975.djvu
icon 1-Spetsifikatsia.cdw
icon 2-Колонна-СБ.cdw

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icon 2-Колонна-СБ.cdw


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