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Course project in the discipline "Construction production technology"


Discipline: "Technology of construction production." Specialty: "Production of building products and structures." The task involves designing a building with the following parameters: 1. Construction of a one-story industrial building with a prefabricated reinforced concrete frame. 2. With the equipment its bridge crane. 3. The length of the building is 66 m. 4. The number of spans is 3. 5. The span is 12 m. 6. The height of the floor (building) is 9.6 m. 7. The pitch of the columns in all rows in the rafters is 6 m. The drawing shows: object construction master plan (1:500), schedule of installation and related works of a one-story building, explication of buildings and structures, conventions.

Project's Content

icon ТСП РАСЧЁТКА.docx
icon ТСП А2 РГР.dwg

Additional information


1. Construction of the building

1.1. Object passport and work nomenclature

1.2. List of scope of erection and related works

1.3. Labor intensity and costs of mechanical shift of installation works

1.4. Composition of installation links

1.5. Selection of installation cranes and versions of installation works

1.6. Schedule of erection and related works

1.7. Technical and economic indicators of construction of facilities

1.8. Occupational Safety, Fire Safety and Environmental Measures

List of literature

Schedule of erection and related works

The planning schedule for the construction of the building is designed to determine the sequence and timing of the installation work carried out during the construction of the facility. These deadlines are established as a result of rational linkage of the deadlines of certain types of work, accounting for the composition and quantity of core resources, primarily working teams and leading mechanisms, as well as specific conditions of the construction area, a separate site and a number of other significant factors.

According to the calendar schedule, the need for labor and material and technical resources is calculated in time.

The schedule for erection and related works is shown in the drawing.

Technical and economic indicators of construction of facilities

The comparative assessment of the object under construction is determined by the following

Technical and economic indicators:

The building area is 17325 m2;

The area of ​ ​ the building is 2376 m2;

Construction duration - 49.4 days;

The maximum number of employees is 6;

Total labor intensity - 2736.04 people

Drawings content

icon ТСП А2 РГР.dwg

ТСП А2 РГР.dwg

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